The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1966

A Word from the Editor ... re\,;ei, itll! h.'ltcr~ flt , 1 I rl' 1,tt1 ,,1 fr" 11, ,,,1,t\,1, i,, ,, 11\),c: f1t1r hl' ' ,, t 11,t, c lit'cn ( 11\ 1Ic:gctl tt) 111i111st<.•1 . \ ' c.. ·, c h,lli tl1c J 1, l1t ,cci11g \'lll ,,1\c\i . lllt'TC l1~1,c l1cc:n thcr') , ''" l1,,, c ic"i' .. atcti tl1c1r 11, c" ((l tl1c I "'' li. , \ rc.11 1ntcrc"t ha~ l1ccn n the J art f 111a11, 1n ,.1t1r 111ag, 11nc. I /1c )/1;,, f,1de1>< 11<lc111 BatJti,·1 1 Dt1rir1g the 111",nth ,1 Jartlt ~lr) \\t: ga1r1cd one httnlitcli r1c,, tih~ r1pl1 11 .•• and tl11, tr\1111 t tir ht1r he"! H ,, nice it ,, '- ttl I l c if st1 'h a rat1 c )t1ld be rc.1l1zcli throt1gh ttt all th ht1r he~ (lf \)ll( • "~' l)C1<1t1on. In <Jnc ht1r h. a dear lady ub– "r1hed f r h r~ Jf. h \\ever. in v.rit– i ne the he k. he n1ade it for ten .... ti llar 1n tead of the u ual two. With h r check \\ a an attached note which read. . . ..Th i i for n1y own ub- Blessing at Pine Hills Our b ther. Rev. We ley Bli . h a n t p nt too many month a pa tor of the Pine Hill Bapti t Church in Columbu but already thing are beginni ng to move. The Lord is bles - ing! A dozen people have come to Chri t for alvation. The larges t crowd in the hi tory of the church are being realized. The membership of the church i growing teadily. Recently. two teen-ager at a youth activity fo llowing a ba ketball game, \\,ere aved ! The Lord i good! \l'l'i Jlli,.ln . 111 c: tt•111ai11i 11g eigl1t cl(lllars IS t<' C()\ Cl l he C(lS l t)f I ()lJI' ()ne- 'Car \ttl)\C'I IJ1ttl,n, l<lr fcll tl' c)f c.1ur 1111 , ,1t)11,\1 tc,, a11v ft)ltr that )'OU 1111ght hl)<)'iC •• CCU)C\\ lo \,ly, \\'C Were J)lcn cd \, 1th tht'i . We st1ggcs tecl to t1t hcr. that thc'1 "go a 11d do likewic;e" . . . and . 111e ha,'c. We have quite a le\, 111i~ 1 narie, wh ha ve their ht1rch 111c 111ber. hip in Ohio chtrrch– c". Perl1<1p · YOU 11 1 011/(/ lik e to sttlJ– s<·ri/Je f<>r <>11e <>/ tl1e111! Just send us y ur (\\ dollar ,ind 111a rk it . . . " 1 i ionar .., I an1 confident the 1ni - si nary wot1ld be ha ppy to receive \\'Ord each m nth a to what i going o n in hi or her hon1e tale. I know, t o. that thi editor would really be happy! The O.I.B. will move forward only a each o ne of u i wi lling to help hare the burden. UB CRIBE TODAY! Work Shop The Ladie Mi ionary Group of the Evan ville Bapti t Church ile Ohio recently held an All Day Mi - sionary \York hop. " Ladies from nearby churche were invited to at– tend. Mr . Glady Klingel from Struther Bapti t Tabernacle brought a Bible tudy on 'The Role of the Christian Mother and Wife." After a lovely buffet luncheon. Mrs. Klingel presented a work hop bowing what could be done by the women in aid– ing the mi ion ar y in hi work. COVER PICTURE Mr. Edward Smith, Vice President ·of the Day ton Power and Light Company i pre enting a gift of $10,000 to Mr. Lee Turner Di– rector of Development and Dr. Jame T. Jeremiah, Pre ident of Cedar– ville College. Thi repre ent the large t ingle gift ever received by the College and pushes the Librar y Fund Drive to the $131 869.41 mark. Three foundations and two businesse al o responded to a na– tionwide appeal that wa made. THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Livingston, Tenn. 38570 Presenting J esus Christ to Youth by Radio and TV Now on WSPD-TV Ch. 13 - Toledo, Ohio - Sunday 8:30 a.m. PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS Write A Card Of Thanks To WSPD-TV T~e Children's Gospel Hour is now on 40 radio and 20 TV stations each week. Pray that more stations will take the program. The youth of America need to hear the Gospel now. Wr ite for further information. Henry C. Geiger, Executive Director MARCH, 1966 PAGE 4 A . Donald Moffat Bcc,lu~e o f our c lo~c proxi mit y f<) the printer , il ~een1 s hc~l that we take on the work o f irc u lat to n Man,1gcr ,1long wi th o ttr editing. By so cfoing, we ho tild be able to iron out n1a n)' problem<, . We want it t1nderstood howeve r, that Mrs. unninghan1 has done a fine piece o J work a nd is to be comn1ended for her f aithfulnes~. On the April i ue your expiration date and Zip C'ode number will ap– pear 0 11 your addre s tab. If these are in error please notify 11 • Thank you! Has the Roman Church Really Changed? The ew York Times, recently publi hed in full three major decrees ado,pted by the Vatican Council ju t prior to its closing. Irrespective of the minor concessions made, tJhe Pope came out on top. Here is ection 2 of the Preface to the Decree Concern– ing the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church. ' 'In thi chur,ch of Christ the Ro– man Pontiff, a the uccessor of Peter to whom Christ entrusted the feeding of His sheep and lambs, en– joy supreme full , immediate and univer al authority over the care of oul by divine institution. There– fore a~ pastor of all the faithful , he i ent to provide for the common good of the univer al church and ~ for the good of the individual ohurcb- e . Hence he bolds a primacy of or– dinary power over all the churches. ' 'The bishop them elves, however h aving been appointed by the Holy Spirit, are ucce or of the Apo ties a·" pa tor of oul . Together with tihe Supreme Pontiff and under his au– thority they are ent to continue throughout the age the work of Chri t, the eternal pastor. Christ gave the Apo tle and their ucces or the command and power to teaoh all na– tion to hallow men in the truth and to feed them. Bishop , therefore, have been made true and authentic teach– er of the faith, pontiff and p as toPS through the Ho1y Spirit who h a been ,rj ven lo l he 111 . ' ' .:::, THE OHJO INDEPENDENT 01\PTIST