The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1966
B Brue F. Tu nbull I 1, I' 1,1 ,, l't'~ tl1t' l)l' ..111 ()( tl1c "'llt'U\." l' l 11~11lt' '-'ring. a \l'J\ l1l·h.."r,1l i1 l\1r\ J'I \' l' , 'I ,lllll l J1,lf1f"ll'l1C<.i {() 11,t' rot' t '1!l'tl1t'r 111 ,l 11all l,( ('lc,c– l.\11c "t.ltt' 11,, c, ,11 . "I t1c I r .. 111 ll)<.)1'.– c"I s tra1t..lll at the ht t<.)r\ 111c..1fc"'<.)f .... l'\'1,1tt\.i t"' 111c a11tl ,,11ti. HHcrc •" the tllt'"l 1,1ti1c.1l 111:.111 <.)( the c11tirc f,1ct1l– l )-a l11.1ct1 1ng <..~ hrt'\ti,111." He n1cant t\ 11c '1..ilc chc pr fe . or \\ h prided J1ir11,tlt ft)r ht radic~11 \ ' IC\\ • of c t1r c. l1t1t he ha<.i hcgt1 n in, tend ,1 chai n-re- .... ,ict1")11 ,.1f thotight ft)r n1e. I t h t igh t of .... Patil a11d Peter and cot1nt le. t1nna n1ed c .. 1r1, ( "' hri t1,1n . The} trttl )' w re the ratii al, of their da\. T he idea. t hey .; ,pre, d ,, ere holc.i. ne\\ , a nd nearl) 1 1ncrcdil1lc. l n. \\er, ing convictio n a nd the po,, er of th ir tra n, f rn1ed Jive nc, erthele cat1. ed the n1es age t o ta~e r ot and gro\,\! into a n1ighty .... f l)fCC. .\re thing different t oday? H ow n1an)- of u con ider our elve t o be radical ? ! ore frequently we think of our elve a con ervative ( and com– fortable?). maintainer of the st a tus quo. And the world think of u a con er, ative too o nly it u e the har her word-reactionarie . Thi i \\ 1 h) 1 I '"'a jolted when t he D ean c all– ed me a rad ical. I am accustomed t o heing poken of, becau e of m y Chri - tian faith. as a curiou a nachroni m. a reactionary who til l believe things that long ago went out of vogue . I began to \\'i h fervently tha t m y fe]- 10\.\·-Christian and I m igh t become tru1) 1 radical again. as P aul h ad been . \Ve live in a revolutionar y age. a nd \\ e need to convince the wor ld t h at the go pel of Chri t ic; the mo t revo– lutionary idea that ha<; ever visited the n1i nd of men. Each of t1 • a Christian . h as a n important role in Chri ts army. Each needs to ac;k the vital qt1e tion "What i m 1 trateg 1· in the battle for men 's n1ind and ouls?" Cliche-ridden, t ime– ~·orn platitudes won't do. either wil l legalistic, elf-righteou mugne s. In total \i\ ar. total dedication is requi red , and battle strategy must absorb all o f our mental power . A trategic area today I believe, is in the field of education. For too n1a nv \ 1 e ars Vre have tended to by- .., ., pa s higher education. leaving it to Linbeliever". It i most encouraging to me oer ona11y to <;ee the reversing of th.s rend. The remarkable growth A PRIL, 1966 PAGE 10 Bruce F. Turnbull of ed arv ille ollege for exan1pl e i o ne of m a ny indicator s that we Chri tians are moving into a neglect– ed area. The you th of our land are clamoring for educa tion. Their rea- o n ar e p artly uti litarian, bu t they ar e al o anxiou ly eeking candid an– swer to the Why?', questions d isturb– ing a oc.,iety adrift. Can we meet them a t their point of need and con– cern? The Christian gospel is just as v ital a ever, but we are faced with the continuing challenge of f inding ways t o demo n trate its relevancy to modern mind which have dism issed it cl aim as antiqu a ted chi ldi h , or even perver e. Di maying a the pre ent ituation may eem it must no t f orce us into hand-wringing spiritual torpor. We mu t roll up our sleeves and ge t to work ! We must upport school such a Ced ar ville in their every eff ort to p rovide quality educatio n for our yot1th who will enter into the aren a to e ngage men ' m inds for Christ. We n1u t suppo rt those wh o strive t o ob– tain advanced degr ees so tha t they may become h ri tia n teachers able to stimulate youth into awareness. ome w ill have the privilege, as I did of te acbi ng at Chri tian schools . Other s m ay feel c alled, as I do p r esently t o the h ard lonely, frus– trati ng ta k of being a mis ionar y to the ecu] ar can1pus. The e, too, need our suppor t . In hort , I am n1aking a plea for some rad ical chola r radical enough to "turn the world up ide-down. " Berea Baptist meet s ir1 New ,Sanctuary ( he first 111cc l i11g <>f' th n1c 111l1cr a n(I fri c 11tls of llcrc,t l l aJ'l l is l l1 urch i1 ll1cir r1cwly crcc tctl sa nc tu a ry wa hc lcf the last , ttnd ay eve ning of Janu.. n, y \.\i h1c h wa t he 15 th a nni vcrsar <)f the f irst 111cc ting o f the cht1rch i n th1 \ loca ti cJ n. eve n we re haJ ll /l'd <.lt1r1ng the \c1v1cc. a ncl 12 rece ived i nt o cht1rch n1cn1bcr~hir>. A n1i5 io nar y confere nce was hclLf M a rch 27- 30 fca tt1r1ng the fo ll owi ng 111i io naries wo rking w ith A .B.w .1 ... : Rev. R ichard Durham, Phi lippines - Rev. Dona1c1 Hare. Bra7 il - an<.I Rev. D av id T oro, ( 'hil e. The Jolo rcl ble ed ! Contributions to Home and Camp Inc. Martin E. Holmes, Treas. Sunbury Baptist Church Box 233 Sunbury, Ohio 43074 JANUARY - 1966 GIFTS TO THE HILLTOP HOUSE First Baptist, McDonald .. .... .. .. ... ... $ 5.00 First Baptist, Bowling Green ..... . .... .. 10.00 Immanuel Baptist, Arcanum ... .. .... .... 10.00 Calvary Baptist, Painesville ... ...... .... 15.00 Trinity Baptist, Lorain ... .... ... ... ... .. .. .... 5 .00 Berea Baptist, Berea .. .. .... ... . .. .. .. .... 25 .00 North Royalton Baptist .. ........ .. .... ...... 10.00 Faith Baptist, Amherst .... ... ~ .. ·· ···· ····· ··· 5 .00 Penfield Jct. Baptist .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .... 10.00 First Baptist, Elyria .. ... .. ....... .. ..... ..... 56.00 Cedar Hill Baptist, Cleveland .......... 10.00 Emmanuel Baptist , Teledo ... ... .... .. .... .. 25 .00 Bible Baptist, North Madison ..... .. ... 9 .00 Huntsburg Baptist, Middlefield ........ 10.00 Bible Baptist, Bedford ... .. . .... .. .. ... . 50.00 Immanuel Baptist, Columbus . .. .... 15.00 Calvary Baptist, Broadview Hgts. .... 10.00 Hinckley Ridge Baptist, Hinckley ... ... 5.00 Cedar Hill Baptist, Cleveland . ... . 16.66 Total ... ....... .. .... .. .. .... .. ...... .... .. ... .. $ 301 .66 JANUARY - 1966 GIFTS TO CAMP PATMOS Blessed Hope Baptist, Springfield .. $ First Baptist, McDonald .... .. .. .... ... ... ... . Bethlehem Baptist, Cleveland ... .... .. . Evansville Baptist, Niles ... .... ... .. ... ... .. T · ' t B t · t Lo a · r,n, y ap ,s , r ,n .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .. First Baptist, Elyria . .... ..... .. ....... .. . Cedar Hill Baptist, Cleveland ....... . Immanuel Baptist, Columbus ....... .. .. First Baptis t, Gallipolis .. .. .. .... .. .... . Hinckley Ridge Baptist, Hinckley ... .. Total .. .. ·· ·· ···· ·· ···· ·· -·-· ·· ···· ·· ··· ··· ··· .. $ USE BIBLE TRACTS 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 46.67 10.00 10.00 15.00 5 .00 121.67 By Evangel ist Paul J. Levin. Write for samples needed to win souls. Tracts are ap– pealing in color, art and printing. Ask for "God and You," a tract for the deaf, :-:. "A tribute to Mother" and ' · ·:::: "Let's be Logical." • BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box 508-0 Waterloo, Iowa THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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