The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1966
Rev. Don Winters \ ~ ,t \ltt'J 1 n a c1 cc1rl ier i , 'tte that ,, c 11,1, c th re~ ft1 ll-t 1n1e C\ angeli ·t • .1il "'t \\ hL)Jl1 ,ire n1en1ber of churche i11 )tlr . \ . R. B.C. fello\\ hip. The e<.: Re, . "hel,ea tockwell. Cedarville. l{c\ . rd,, ard 1 rrell. rcanum and Re, . Don \\ inter . lumbu . Thi n10nth \\ c feature Evangeli t Don I\ inter . Br )th r \\ inter ha been active in th 0. .R.B. . and the G .A.R.B.C. ince i\[ arch 1949. At that time, he , , , t Ii as t c, r l l f t h c ( a I,, ar , Ila I t is t ( I 1111 i..; I 1 i 11 Ii \ , s" i 11 c. ) l 1 i l) . , .. I'() 1 l l t 11 c l ,,II .. ,r I'- 5(1 ti.) tll ~ 1=atl L)f 'Sii1 he ~11 1 agc<I in l'\ ,\ ngc 1 ist i ,, t11 k. l1 C)\\ l'\'C t". Ill' tl1cn rcttll ll l'<l ll) the r>a sl<)ralc sc, v- ing at till' l.. 11 ,t ll a J,tt \ ( ht1rch . 11 <.)r,c l1l',1<.t,. 'l t1r1til Jnn\aary <.)f '5 . ( tlCl' aga111 tl1c c,1 11 <.)f (i ti i11tc) tl1c ,, ()t k t)f c, ,111gcla'i 111 rcachc<.I J1is heart a 11c1 l1c rct11111c tl tc) l1i , cva11gcJ1~t1c <..'t1<i ,.·a, <)r,. he 1 .. o rtl ha l1IC\\ccl his 1111ni"il1 )- rich Iv. lie i" one who land<; tin t)111pr1"1ngl'r lor the l1 t1th. 1 I yot1 ~,re lt)<.1k.1ng for ;1 11 cvangeli~t whon1 •l)<.l i" tt'iang l t) reach the Jo l, then ,, c ,t1ggc<;t ott contact ot1r l1rothcr. l~rt) t her Don Wi11tcr's h 111c add re s i, 15() Binn Bf,,d., olun1bu . . Ohio 43204. Evangelist Winter's Schedule of Meetings March 30-April 10-Marietta Bible enter. Marietta, Ohio pril 12-0t ego Bible Mi ion Bapti t Church for o hocton County Re– vival A ociation Rally April 17-24 First Baptist Church Gal ion, Ohio The Touch Is Timely And Often.' ''He QESTORETl-1 my soul?' 4 PSI-\ • 25 : -3 ) l ... - - : . , ,,, "' . . .. - • *" Used by permission of Sunday School Times. APRIL, 1966 PAGE 14 (Concluded from page 3) 11, c ti r11on'i trati on an(f ,11,ri sings tha c l1a1 actcrizc thi s age? An(J in th 111i<.l sl <)f lier con vul si o ns she will di ~tt<l<lcnl y like n heart -attack victin1 ~~t1r nt1n1l1cr one killer . .. , he Bible ay \ hen they shall say, peace an( sa fety . I.hen st1clclcr1 cicstrttction Cc lln cth t1pon thc1n : as travail upon , wo111an w, th ch 1 Id : ancl the y shal not cc.;capc.'' I 1 hcsselon1ans 5: J. Bt1l we arc thinking abot1t resur 1ec ti o n - the ,1ftcrn1ath of c.lcalh Anc.i what a re urreclt<)n that will he ls r,tcl . will he re<;urrcctcc.J ,tncJ give, pro.n11nc~cc ac.; the world\; lcadini nation . Thu <i 5aith the IJord (Joel on1e from the four wind s. 0 breath and brectthe upon the e slain, tha1 they may live." Ezekiel 37:9. These c.lead bone will live. Creation will be re urrected. The curse wil I be re– moved by the death and resurrection proces es. The de ert will blo om a the rose. The church, the bride of Christ, will be resurrected. And with bodies like unto His own glorious body shall go forth in resurrection ]if e - with resurrected bodies - to reign with Christ over the re urrected nation Israel and a resurrected world system. "Even so, Lord Jesus, come qu ickly." Subscribe to: Ohio Independent Baptist Only $2.00 per year Box 7 Cedarville, Ohio Hebrew & Christian Society Baptist Mid-Missions Testimony to Israel In Cleveland, Ohio • * * * Presenting Christ to the Jew by every means which time and stewardship wil l afford . * * * Working for the church with the church and through the church . * * * Founded by Rev. Howard Kramer now in its 25th year. * * * Rev. Leeland Crotts, Director 4205 Chester Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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