The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1966
Kenia Area Pastors Meet The enia Felio\\ hip of Regular 3apti t Pa tor meet the fir t Mon– la)' of every month. Thi fell ow hip ~ a , ery active group con isting of l\ er t,venty pa tors of churche in ;ountie bordering Greene County, ., here enia i ituated. At a recent meeting a panel discus– ,ion wa held. Pastor ile Fi her of En1n1anuel Bapt1 t, Dayton, di cussed he ubject "Attitude And Authority f A Pa\tor. ,, Pa tor William Rus el] ,f Fir t Bapti t. BJ anchester. "Deve]op– ng Confidence And Leader hip' ' and Pa tor John Teeter of Emmanuel Bapti t. enia, "Pa toral Con idera– tion. ' ' A que tion and answer period followed. Every pastor pre ent was en– couraged. enlightened and in tructed in many practical avenues of his pas– toral mini try. Concerning pastoral authority Bro– ther Fisher mentioned that each pastor ha his own degree of authority a perhaps a gift from the Lord that dif– fers with each pastor. A pastor can gain authority by respect rather than "flaunting' ' his right to authority. A pastor should trust hi s staff and let them feel he trusts them. Timing is a very important aspect also in various accomplishment . People may not be read y for development or change at the same time the pastor is ready. and a wi e pastor is one who can u se his authority at just the right time. Above all. a pa tor can obtain hi s right to au thority by being mighty in the cripture and manife ting a piritt1al )ife. Pastor Fic;her summa– r11cd by stating, " Don't use your pe<)plc to build the \JvOrk. but use the \\ ork to build your people. " (Jn the n1atter of leadership, Bro– ther Ru . ell stated that thi is depend– ent upon training your people. Lay people n1ust learn ho"'' to a. sume leader hip and the pastor n1ust trai11 111c r11. 1 he example of leader hip i tt1c pa tor. He 111usl carry through any JJrogra111 11e is Jcadi11g if he e ' peels J1i v- 1 11 lea<lers i11 t1i cht1rcl1 to carrv tl1r tigh tl1eir re 11011 il1ilitics. J> astt)r J~usse]I al o sugge ted 111at pa t<)r ex– a11111i 11e tl1 i1 cor1CeJJl. Are vle er ali 'c? Ar "c ir1, 1 e11t1, 1 ? Are "1.:; fi11di11g 1l1c: • • V\eak Jloin t s in ,t11 cl1u1rcl1 1 11111111 tr ,!nd tl1e1il ,~ rt ing 11 tl1e1111 ? oft 11 \\C J ilflla1n al:i, tit Ill \.\cdl 11 s es 11t1t d 111 o t se .-1 a I tJt t 1 11 . I e t u n l t COi t1 il)Ule t tl1 J)f 1,1 Jl l, Cl)JllJ)lai,1- I n g but cc n 1 r i 1, 11 t t t 111 I t.Jt t i I I, " or 1 1 n g o n I t < 11 1 d I d ,, I J { I 11 ,, Jla t I le lls 111 llus1n s~ de, l111g"' c Ic d , 1 i I e Jc s n(, t d I " ct s J t 11 t Cl '- n I 1s I e<l)f}ll! ,,n I if I • 111'111 ti:111 ~ ,l 11 'I' I\ ,1111111 l' dll 1ct.: c:111d e,t~c \\l1c11 l,1c • Th is is the First Baptist Church of Findlay of which our brother Rev. Fred Crown, Jr . is pastor. The church only recently held a Dedicatory Service at which Dr. Jas . T. Jeremiah, President of Cedarville College spoke. The church has seen a substantial growth in the past two years under the ministry of Pastor Crown. The Sunday School has grown from an average of 72 to the present l 03. Souls have come to Christ for salvation and a number of families were recently added to the church membership. They have placed the O.A.R.B.C. on their budget and intend to increase this support as the Lord enables them. j ng difficult situations will cau e people to have confidence in their pa tor. Brother Teeters on the ubject of Consideration brought out the matter of salary for the pastor. It was men– tioned that a pa tor hould present the fact to at lea t the church board, if not to all hi people. He hould reveal the ,vork he does in calling. coun elling and tudy. A pa tor hould empha ize the importance of the min– i ry-that ou] aved, the ick com– forted. the troubled coun elled are n1orc in1portant than . ecular \A/Ork like running an office. factory e111ploy- 111ent. or bt1ilding hou e . Thu , the in1portance of the n1ini tr) de111anc.l · ~l re pectf ul \,1lary. A pa tor hav– ing diffict1lt)' meeting hi~ financial need cannot concentrate on hi · ~ ork a he hould. A for hi ociaJ life. Brother Teeter indicated a pa tor hould be careful in pending too n1uch time with particular people in hi church. A pa tor hould not be partial r ho\v f avoriti n1 in any \\ ay. In the co111- n1unity. a pa tor hould be re pected and recognized a a man of God. Hi dre hould not be "a one of the boy :· It "'a pointed ot1t that there i a great conne t1on b t\\ ccn character ,1nd clothing. Thi n1eeting of the c11ia Pa~tl)t '..\ cllt)~'ship \\ ,l . f1Crhap, l)11C (.)[ tht? 111ost helpfltl dnll 1nLcrcst1r1g helli re– cent!)' ~1nd ft1tt1re 111cet1ng~ l)l th1, natttfl' ar l1c1ng plc1nncli PTL INVESTMENT PLANS FOR CHRISTIANS PTL Investment Plan s provide lmm~diate, generous income return - up to 81/4 % depending upon age, on any amount from $100 up - guaranteed for life, plus substantial income t ax deductions. lnvestn1ent worries are banished. You receive with unfail ing regularity income unaffect ed by stock market f luctuations or by changes in the national econ- omy. You have true peace of mind. In addition you have the assurance that your estate will provide Scriptures for countless thou– sands throughout the world. Etern l.t}' will reveal the spiritual harvest of your stewardship. For inforn,atlon write Mr. Alfred A. Kunz , International Direc, tor Emeritus, or Mr. J. Edward Smith, International Director. PO S A~, N A lJ , IN . 49 Honeck st., Englewood, N.J. 07631 • Can da : 74 Cresc n t Rd , Toronto 5, Ont rlo
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