The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1966

ow our Council of Ten By Lynn E. Rogers \\ h1 h id of the circt1111 tanc , ., c , ot1 ,.1n? re ) u doing ) ot1r be t ht, ndcr the cir t1n1 tanee ... .. or are you Ii, 11g al,o, e th n1? Ian)' \.\ ho profe faith in Chri t , identlv have not ., learn d. 1n the chool of grace. a prl1p r attitude tO\\ ard ]ife' perp}e r _ 1ng pr blen1 . The apo tle Paul give u in ight int piritual per pective amid t diffi- t1lt)1. He li,·ed a a "la""· abiding citi– zen·· in ubjection to the Roman law . H i \\ or t "crime·· '"a preaching the \\ ord of God. but repeatedly he found h1n1 elf in the cro -fire of adver ity. 11 l,rintl11t1ns I I : -.. 8 lllttl111~ 111 i ' I I, s,,111c ,,r tl1csl' t~slings. lll\Sh.1 'r 111~ 1 'd 1i,111 1,1 his r 'fl ·at– l'll in11 rist,tlllll't\ls. \\' 11 ·n ,, riling I tl ·rs l1,,n1 1 ris, 11. Ii c ti111c h' r,f ,rs I hin1sc lf ,tloi ''tl1· 1}risc,11cr tlf Jesti s l hr ist'' ( )ll1t1 ,111,,n I.<) . ,,, that i s I t', t I , 1 ct ,) 1 • I' n t, 1 , \ as a JJ r is() 11 c r. 11(,t ,,1 (., (ll1ll'. ncll t1f tl1c R o111a 11 c11111cr()l. llttl of Jc,ttloi hri\l. his 111a 11 (.'l f ,cc 111i r1g l1<1t1 nc.l I~\~ c ncrgy i11 tlt"ipcr,,ng t l1c < ,t1,pc t 1, nt1\ co 11- f111ctl (tl llllJJri S() l1J11Cf1(. rli"i f11 ghc\ ( tl\()lf cll ll'ltl\ \CClll chcckc(I an(i thW,lftC(i l1t1t l1c ~ c" it ,1, the c1cccptahlc will tlf (,<.1<.i. n al1,t1 ,tc t .."' h1s tl1ng in the llari...·· ,1lt1tutic t\ n l whal \\C ~' ant t)J r1ccLI. Rather. reflection trpon OlJr I <.1rd'" JJre ence ~ ith t1 . ,1 nd Hi s care for ti . enabling ti to c;ee "Hi s hand ' ' purpo eft1lly bringing into our l1ve what we need. We need to be 1nolded into Hi image (Ron1an 8 : 2t-29). A an BWE mi ionary to the Philippine , Jean Eber o]e, said as he neared death from cancer: ' 'God didn't allow thi He ordered it." he could not for ee how her homegoing \Vould effeet her mall children or her t1u band, Rt1 . he had learned to place an absolute tru t in Him, "Who doeth all thing well." Reports I've heard regarding the spiritual power of Ru mini try ince bear out her conviction. he h ad found with Paul the 'grace sufficient" for any circum- tance . Lynn E. Rogers Lynn E. Roger · fan1il) hon1e wa located in \ e tlake. Ohio. He wa a\ ed and among the charter member baptized into the Grayto11 Road ( now Berea ) Bapti t Church. Hi father wa taken to hi heavenly home when Lynn \\ a \ery young. leaving five children during depre ion year . Act of rebellion kept mother and grand– parent on their knees. .i\ dec1 ion of consecration came in teen vear. as he attended the OARBC - ) outh camp at Beulah Beach ( a rented faciiit 1 1 ) . After training at Mood}' Bi– ble In titute and Cedarville College L) 1 nn vla called to pa~tor the Vi]lage Bapti t hurch of 1 1 orthfie1d. This church oon n1erged with the ·orth– f ield enter Bapti t hurch hecon1ing rthfield Bapti l ( ' hurch \Vith aJ)– pro in1atel ) eighl) 1 -fi\ e in attendance. God ha · bJes ed through the nearJy thirteen years providing the people with a one quarter of a million dollar cht1rch plant. Last year the church of two hundred and forty-eight member aver aged three hundred and thirty– three in unday School and gave in exce of fifty thou and dollars to all fu nd . ten tho11 and five hundred dollar to mi ion . Pa tor and Mr . Roger have two children: u an. ten, and Danny, age ix. They attend Bapti t Chri tian ...chool in leveland. ( Ed. note: Brother Lynn i no strang– er to our O.A.R.B.C. He has will– ingly given of him elf in the promot– ing of our fe llow hip and in particular in it 'A,Ork among our yot1th. At pre - ent. he i the Youth D irector and with l he c)ther n1en on hi~ con1mittee, i re- pon inle for the ( an1p Patn10~ work.) The O hi o l nd ep end n t Bap t i t .. . Publ ished Monthly by .. THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xonia, Oh io . POSTMASTER : Please se nd Form 3579 to Mr. St uart l . Chaffe Box No. 7 Cedarvi ll e, Ohio 45314 Editor Ecl,torial O ff ice· Box 7 Cedarville, Ohio Dead I 1ne for News: 10th o f each monrh Sta t e Missiona ry Address : Rev . Ea rl 0 . Umba ug h 2150 Marhofer Ave nue Stow, Ohio 44224 STAFF Box No. 7 . A. Dona ld 1offa t edarville, Ohio 45314 Circulation Manager . .. l\Ir. tuart L. l1af le Box I o. 7, Cedarville, Ohio 45 314 W 0111e1i's Editor M rs. Inez i\1ilner 2665 Canterbury Rd. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 Christian Edt-tcation Editor .... ...... ............ Mrs. Earl D. Umbaugh Council and Officers C1iairman Verne L. Dunham 1326 Euclid \·e., Lorain, 0. 44052 Secretary . Darrell Bice 511 I Ierric:l( A, e. E., ,,,ellington, Ohio 44090 Treas1.trer .. . H. R. Davison 23 I\re ter Lane, rcanum, 0. 45304 1\1issionary C!ir. . B. C. Jennings 4295 Ellsvvorth Rd., to,v, 0. 44224 Y 01.tth Director Lvnn Rogers 7854 J. Boyde11 Rd. , _ orthfield, Ohio 44067 Ed1.tcation Chr. first Bapti t Woodrow 1cCaleb C11urcl1, El,rria, Ohio 44035 Council of Ten Chairman .. Secretary J ohn Balyo "\T ernon Billington orman H oag B. C. Jennings \\ 1 oodro"v 1cCaleb Lynn Rogers Donald Sewe]I Earl \Villett5 • Verne Dunham, Darrell Bice