The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1966

A ORD from the EDITOR ... \ \ c ,, 1 11 tl l'I ,tlst,; 1 l1t 1 " r I 1 \,r 1 l1l. llll~I t l t'ltlg Ill \\ ll ,l I"\ SS t llt: t ,\I \ ill lll lll,\g,lZllll', } Ill' llil l tl iCJ)l' ll(l– 'tlt I a1 t1 t . )t1it~· .1 rltt111l,l'l' ,1 llC\\ til, rtJ ti ,1, It.\\ ' l l'l.'tl ll' 'l.'i,•c<.i tl11, J , st 111 11t}1 . tll' J'·'"'"11. Rl'\. \\ 1 ilfrctl ll "tl1 "'f ,l "' ' ' i ttl "11 a <.1r1tc,t a 111 11g 1 , , \ 1.1 n g J"t..'l)J' ll' . ·111c ,, 1 n 11c1 ' '"-', l.'li • I"' ' cl, "<.'ftll<.i l31l1lc 1 he l' 1.11· "'f tl1c c,.111tc"t ,, ,1, a It rgc 11u111- ._ 'l' t I 11c\\ rl',lllcr" l'f tl1c 0 .1.B. lt I I llt'l l'\( f tlll\ h.lllti, \)0 t11t: i),ll'{ "'' c,,cl1 J',l,ti..,r ir1 ,.1t11 lcllt.)\\ hi~1. that ,, 'ttl,J n1.. 11'l l't•r c1rct1L1ttl)t1 in r ctsc t!lt.:,ll,,. ,'c,cral other cl1t1r he" h,t\e .... 'l' 'll ir1 lt,nQ l1"t' )f 11a111e . .. .._ l l t1h" r1bing l<.1 the 0.1.B. .... In th1 · 1 prtl i ·tie. \\e are intro– Jt1 --ing ,l 0 1 T T f r ur young pel pie Ft1ll in .. tructi n are Ii ted "-1n page nine. \\ 'e encourage pa tor to pr n1ote thi idea in their churche . Letter have been ent to every pa tor in the hurch along \\ ith po ter to Cedarville College Recentl) Cedarville ollege received a gift of 5 .000 from the Frank M . Tait Foundation. The check wa pre- ented to Pre ident Jeremiah by Mr. J . f. Stuart. Pre ident of Dayton Pov. er and Light. Thi gift of 5 000 ra1 e the total received fron1 bu i– ne and foundat ion to over $ I 8 000. Be ide thi . Dr. F. E. Milkie of Toledo ga\'e the college two Olds– mobile , \•aJ ued at more than $5 000. A PSALM I J'l:tt;C t'll tl1 'ir l1t1r h IJ1.1llctin 1)\ nrlls. )11' llf ) ' I{ '( ting J1C( 1>lc 111ight I)' tile ,vi111lt'l" ,.1r H f ll'l' \\CCk at either Jlat111t, lll i(,t {l l!ills. Ir. ""t 1.1nrt C l1aff , of ( 'eclarvtllc~ hi<1 h(1~ agrcccl {() take on the work l,f 1r t1lalil111 tanage r for the 0 .1.B. Brl1thcr J1affe t\ cl dc,tcon 1n the <..,ra e Bctpt1. t ht1rc l1 a11d ha <; the \\ t)rk t1f the 0 . 1.11. on his hc,1rl. IJc 1" qt1al1fied to handle thi work an(i \\C arc confident that he \,\,Jll do a11 c,cellcnt job. Hi') 111aiJ1ng addre">~ i\ l he ~a111c a. that of ot1 r editor . . . Bo · . 7. edarville. Ohio 45314. Be1ow on this an1e page, we intro– dt1ce ' '. P aln1 and A Poem." Thi ,,ill be a regular monthly feature. Brother ordlund i e pecially gifted in writing poetry and we feel that in the e poem on the P aim he has done exceptionally well . Plea e note that beginning with this i sue your expiration date and Zip Ladies! Attention!! Ladies attending the tate Rally at Cedarvi lle April 19th are urged to pick up ize and patterns for mat– t re cover . Camp Patmos needs 225 mattre cover and Camp Scioto Hills 120. It would be wonderful if every Church Mi ionary Group could as- i t in this project. When you con1e to the State Rally, be prepared to de- clare the number of mattre cover your group wi] l be able to make. A . Donald Moffat ( t>uc nt1n1bcr appears on yut1r atl– tlrc\\ tal1. (1 ctti11g these \Ct tip hH · hccn (c(liot1 wo1 k ,tnd n<.> dou hi ~<)111c a re 111 error. heck yours R[(, H'"J 0\V! Jr Jt i'i O{>t correct. WI l(C Us in1n1cdiatcly \l,tting the Ct)rrcct in– lorn1at1on. By giving ti s word i111n1ecii– ately, the error can l1e corrected in ti111e for the May mailing. Thank you! In the meetings your editor has held this past month, we have had the joy of eeing souls saved , Jives dedicated and an interest gained in the 0.I.B. We ask that you continue to pray for us as we endeavor to carry on thi work for the Lord. Radio Ministry Rev. Homer Graven and the 111e111- ber of the Calvary Bapti t Church in A hland Ohio now have a weekly radio broadca t over station WNCO, A hland, 1340 AM and 141.3 FM, 7: 00 to 7: 30 a.m. Thi mini try be– gan unday, February 6th and ha een the b]es ing of the Lord upon it. The church held a Mi sionary Con– ference the early part of March. Mi - . ionarie from Japan, Peru, the Phil– ippine and the homeland took part. Psalm and A Poem By Ralph T. Nordlund Ble sed the man who will not walk Or tand around with sinful men, The P alms were the hymn of 1 rael, but are ~till beloved for devotional reading in this dispensation of grace. Yet in most languages they are unsingable, for God' v\ 1 ord must be translated faithfully, and cannot be twisted to fit rhyme and rhythm. Paraphrases have been ~ 1 ritten, and are till sung in the trict Calvinistic cht1rche of cotland and Holland; but the more faithful they are, the poorer poetry they make ; and we are not going to attempt the in1po sible again. Rather, in thi APRIL, 1966 or it where foolish scoffers talk, La t he become like one of them! He seek the Law of God in tead For ancient friend a nd pure delight~ In it great truth his mind is Jed, \Vhile meditating day and night. He pro per like a fruitfuJ tree. Planted by stream of grace divine; His ea on long eternity, For fruit and fadele s leaves to hine. Or. like good grain hi oul is .known. And. w innov.. ed well. for heaven kept ; While ·inner like the chaff are h]Cl\Wt1 1\ r1d pcri ·h. \\ orth le ~ an<l tln\\J ept ! PAGE 4 erie we have allowed each P alm to in pi1·e a poem that embodie ome of the phrase and truth that e peciall y apply to u in thi dispen ation, and no attempt is n1ade to paraphra e all of the P al111 or abide altogether by the order of the P aln1. We hope you will enjoy them, a nd feel free to u e then1 in ermon or devo tional talk or in teaching. The Fir t P aln1 i o hort that mo t of its truth have been incorporated in the above poem: and o we need o nl y ~ay an1en to the truth that the way to be happy t\ lo ,t void ~inf ttl con1pa nio11') ar1d I t) 111dk.e the Bible ot11 • ct>n11 a111011. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST