The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1966
Heart to eart mong t e omen Mrs . Inez Milner, Women's Editor ' '- BE CHANGED'' AND 'THE CHANGER' htc ,t:,.l l 4.\ tcr tc..) , l t1. clear read– er,. ~lnd t "' th 1 . c LiC'"\r t 1 \ tt. \\'hat \\ t.:,nJcrft1l , L)rd" l1f c..l5St1rance Jc t i p 1 ~ e t , l .1 rt ha .. J e u aid tinto her. I ,lnl the r . t1rrect1on and the llfe he that belie, eth in n1e. though h ,, ere dead. , et "' hall he live : nd ,, he.."' · e, er Ii\ th and helieveth in n1e ,hal] ne, er d1 . Belie\e, t thot1 thi ? ' l J hn 11 : 25-26) Paul rernind ti in olo ". aan. 3:1-3 ·· ince ye then he rt en \\ ith hri t. eek tho e thi ng ,, hich are aho, e. where hri t itteth on the right hand of God. Set you r affection on thing above, not on thing n the earth. For ye are dead , and ) our life i r1id with Chri t i n God." He further remind u in Philip– pian 3: 20-21. "For our ci tizen hip i in Heaven: from whence al o we look for the aviour, the Lord Jesu Chri t: Who hall ch ange our body of humiliation. that it may be fa h ioned like unto H i gloriou body. according to the working. whereby H e is able e,·en to ubdue all thing unto Him- elf.' "For I am THE LORD, I change not . . . · (Mal . 3: 10) ' 'Jesu s Chri t the same yesterday. and today, and for ever.' ' (Heb. 13:8) The Lord will never ch ange, but doe He have His way to change u s -to be like Him? H e is the only 'CHA_ -GER' of heart and lives, so "e "'·ill be like Him. our b lessed Sav– iour and Lord and coming K ing. Pra1 e God for that gloriou Easter n1orn1ng "He is risen. even as H e aid." SPECIAL ACTIVITIES April 19-Spring Rally, Ohio Women' 11ss1onar~l Union. Grace Baptist Church. Cedarville June 20-24 G.A.R.B.C. 35th Annual Conference. Grand Rapids, Mich. Ju I)' 13-1 7-Baptist Mid-Missions Tri– Annual Meeting and Spiritual Life Conference, Blanchester. 0. July 20-Aug. 7-Erieside Summer Bi– ble Conference, Bethlehem Bap– tist Church. Cle, 1 eland area. APRIL, 1966 PAGE 8 LITTLE IS MUCH - WHEN GOD IS IN IT • \\CC ptng, du sting, pa inting and han1mering! o. it, n t pring c lea n– ing. Hot kettle, of oup, dozen of bun and loaves of bread, weiners, c; loppy-joe and pan.. of g inger bread . o, it' not hay-making tin1e. It ' the ladie of the Berea Bapti t hurch \\ ho e njoy work ing together ,,vith the ir husband .. to get their new aL1di to riun1 in order fo r worship. ome of the ladies helped w ith the painting, putt ying and cleaning in the evenings a nd on aturd ay while o ther prepared n1eal for the work– er . Our auditorium is now r eady fo r the floor covering and pews. It was enjoyabl e work and mo t satisfying a we Jabored with our h ands for Hi glor y. Ecc. 9: 10 says "Whatsoever thy h and f indeth to do , do it with thy m ight." We h ave h ad our regular missio nary meetings and ro lled yards of bandages for our Leper Colony in India, also embro idered 72 lovely tea towel , m ade 36 pot hold– ers for our missionaries, and 16 cush– io n fo r Hilltop H ouse. We h ad a pantry shower for the Richard Dur– h ams, home on furlough. It has been a busy time ! But isn ' t it a good feel– ti ng to know we can ser ve Him? ANOTHER FULL DAY The Bethany Women's Missionary F ellow hip met T uesd ay, January 25th at 1 : 30 fo r thei r quarterly meeting in the Evansville Baptist Church, with 71 women present to enjoy the rich bles ings the Lord had in store for each one that d ay. Our presiden t Mrs. Webb Klingel pre ided, Mrs. F rank Odor of the Vienna Baptist Church led the singing with Mr . Kenneth Barth as piani t. pecial music was brought by a quar– tet from Struthers Bap tist T abernacle, Mr . Wesley Smith of Champion Bap– ti t Church led in p rayer . Mrs . Ray– mond F rederi cks of Berean Bapti t Church, You ngstown h ad the de– votions. Our presen t project is purchasing a portable or gan for Rev. & Mr . Charlc~ Ander o n, n1 ic;c; io na ri c\ tinder ll apt1 c; t M td -Mj c; io 115 in ranee. The speaker fo r the afternoon was MI s oraly n G leac;on, mi c;s ionary o n furlough from Venezue la under B. M .M . he to ld of the accident she and Peggy Degnan suffered while on the fi e ld , Jul y 3 , 1 965, also o f the gre~t need on the fie ld, and is ver y a nx1ou to return to the work to which the Lord h as called h er. Ever y won1an was deepl y impressed with her testimo ny of the Lord's wonderful care and hea ling of her body and we certa inl y recommend her to any church group a a speaker with a burden for lo t ouls, and one who ~ive God the gl or y for any accomp- 11 hment. A beautiful quilt made by the ladies of the Evansville Church. wa pre ented to her after the meeting. Mi s Ruth Nephew of Central Af– rican Republic and Miss Audry Jack– son of Singapore gave brief words of greeting. Our next n1eeting will be held in the Height Baptist Church, East Liverpool at 1. 30 , April 12th, with noon luncheon served by ladies of the church. The Missionary speaker will be Miss Ruth Nephew serving under Baptist Mid-Missions. The newly elected officers are: Mrs. Webb C . Klingel president, Mrs. Kenneth Barth vice president Miss Ann Hobbins secretary-treasurer, Mrs. A . J. Marsteller advisor. KOOK'S KORNER Chocolate Whipped Cream Cake Combine 1 h cup sugar ~ cup cocoa, 1h tsp. salt and ~ tsp. vanilla. Blend in 1 V2 cup whipping cream. Chill for 1 hour. Beat until thick. Makes 3 cups. Slice Angel Food Cake in three layers and spread chocolate mixture on two layers. Before spread– ing on top and sides slice the cake very carefully so not to pack it down , then u e the ba]ance of the mixture to fro t top and sides. Place cake in refrigerator until ready to serve. When serving remove or pull out slightly the first lice to indicate the cake is already cut. It i very interesting and save time. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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