The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1966

eart to eart mong t MOTHER The Worthy Woman "Proverb 31 : 1-9 I n the e word of King Lemuel, we notice a mother's influence in the education of her son. A woman i never more nobly occupied than in warning her son again t the eduction of plea ure and in giving him a high en e of that \vhich i right. The sins of the fle h have been the peculiar snare of royal personage , preventing them from pleading the cau e of the de olate and mini tering judgment to the poor and needy. hat a contrast to the glory of the sovereignty of Jesus! When avana– rola preached with his burning elo– quence in Florence, the people cried "Jesus is our King only Jesus! ' ' That is what we all need. He is the King of whom His subjects need never be ashamed. Still speaking of the king Lemuel shows how best his influence can be employed verses 8 and 9. But the same obligation and privilege rests on us all. ' 'He r Works Praise Her' ' Proverbs 31: 10-31 The ideal woman, as portrayed here, i a wife. he i the stay and confidence of her hu band. ot only when she comes as a young bride into hi home, in the beauty of her youth, not only when her womanly beauty holds hi<; admiration, but long after and to the end of life she docs him good. he is alv/ay bt1 ·y. ~he is thrifty in ad- 111ini tering hi e:arnings. Jf he bring~ the n1one)' to her, he expends it eco,1on1ica11)' for their con11non ,,ve~tl. lt i i11 the ho111e-J)Jace that 1t1e 111a11 1reng1}1 i gathered for 1,ubJic ]if . he " ' 0111a11 in the ho111e co111- 1r1u rnicate tl11; in piratio11 and st rc11gt h hicli 111a e hi111 t 11ovln in th gat ." H r ecret, unol>trusi,,e 1 y~ I– t)', c LlJl e), and tl1rift i11 Jlire a gro\·V- i11g d ptl1 of apJ>J ciati n; tl1at tl1 111a11 ,,11 ch ~ her i11 tlic pring \\ il I a , of l r an1id il1 r1 v. f ag , t11 r n n JllZl)' be g and 1ru , l,ut ·111 u c li t tl1 111 all '." - J~. • 1 ~ r TH OHIO I D P ND NT BAP IST e omen Mrs. Inez Milner, Women's Editor We alLtte every chri . tian woman who i a faithful wife. holding her marriage vow preciot1s, who loves and earne tly, con tantl y pray<; for her children and hon1e. God ble each one of you and the hon1e which by God' gl1idance yot1 . hare with yot1r dear ones. The NORTH BETHEL WOMEN'S M lSSIO ARY FELLOW H I P spring meeting wa held March 7th at First Baptist Church, Findlay. Mrs. Ruth Large wa~ the miss ion– ary speaker and reported on their work in Peru: also, Mi s Nancy C'ros er mi s ionary appointee report– ed on her call to the mi ssion field. In a joint meeting with the n1en in the afternoon, Bud Lyles chal– lenged the 1 ad ie to serve a " I .,ivi ng God'. Next meeting will be held NO– VEMBER THIRD at Tiffin. RE– MEMBER CEDARVILLE LIBRARY PROJECT in your groups. Officer elected for the coming year are: Mrs. Allan Vine, Fo tori a, pre ident: Mr . Larry Engle, Toledo, vice pre ident · Mr . Richard Ru ffer, tryker, ecy. & Trea . BEREAN WOMEN' Ml IO - ARY LLOWSHIP met in the Bethlehen1 Bapti t hurch, March 15. Mrs. Zelma Linn, Madi on Avenue Bapti t Church wa 011r morning de– votional ~peaker fron1 I aiah 53: 1-6. btttl(ltng her me age arot1nd \he word H" ou nds." HHe w ,\\ wott ncieti for our tan gre ion~. . ." l: lcct ion of off icers t e~t1 lte<l a\ fc>llows: Mrs. , eorgc Milner pr 1- cle111 · Mrs. \Val tcr I l al ler, ,,ice p1 e\1 d ·11t; Mrs. enc PicrJJOnt, ccretar)': Mr ·. . lC\' ns, trcasttrcr. 111e offering an1ot1nt~d t(> ~ )3.9() \.\ 1th 75 latli~s l't;gistered. Fift {l )liars \viii gt lo Baptist lid- l issio11s '"' t1rr1isl1- i 11g f :." t111d. A ,, { 11d rJttl 11{ ,, r ,va r c i, cl fro1n ,, t r11~n in Ltr 111i io11ar • ll- i ti , t r t 11 111 i i{ 11 ar i I I tr - J' Ii t a 11 J is i ) n ( 1 , I, 11 I , 11- i ti11g of f l , l1a11 l ,, rk r11, t I ial , 13 i I>I I t1 l> I' r i z e 1 • Reports were given regarding Camp Patmos, Cedarville College, Hilltop House, 0.1.B. 1\1agazine and our \ tale Work. our pring Rall y at Cedarville. and Erie ide Conference. Dt1ring !\1is. ionary Moment . Mr. . Mi ldred Turner, Mrs. Buelah tark– weather Mrs. Aloha Vance Mrs. Ruth tanton, Mrs. Eulalie Zimmer– man, Mr . l.,ois Oliviro, Miss Loretta Strock, were a. ked to give their mo t exciting moment. Mrs . Oliviro was the soloi st. Miss trock gave a wonderfLtl mes age pre. enting France where she expect to again mini ster for another tern, ,,ery soon. The theme was "Till Th Whole World Knows., · Tt wa~ a hea11- tift1l day! - A THOUGHT- ' 'Let ti ing even when we do not feel like it, for thu we may give wing to leaden feet and turn weari– ness into strength .'' - J. H. Jowett. KOOK'S KORNER Appl e Snow Da h Nutmeg Pinch alt (omit alt for alt-free diet) 1 ~ tea p. vani lla e tract ='4 cup dietetic canned apple at1ce t egg "vhite 3 packet. \\i et ' Lo,,· Add nt1tn1cg, alt anu vanilla t ~1pple at1ce : refrigerate until chilled. J tl t hefore ser i ng, beat t:gg ,, bite t1ntd 1t peak, when be·1ter i, lifted. A<.ld . \.\eet ' I O\\ slO\\ l\. beating .... t1nt1l t1f1. f't)l i 111 ,lpf1lc"allCC 1a~e, 1 1 2 ctt~)' 01 2. .'.'4 ct111 c;.,cr, 111g . ~ () t C J ~ l ' ll J1 \(' I \ j n g t q l I, 11, 5 1 C,tl<1t lC\ DECATUR FOUNDRY CO . INC. Division of J . l . Johnson & Sons Inc. 1700 N. Calhoun Street Decatur, Illinois Manufactures Annealing Pot~ fo,. \A lleable Foundrie MAY 1966 PAGE 1