The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1966

Ministering to the Deaf Brunswick Church Recognized Recently your editor poke at the Temple Bapti t Church in Port mouth. Seated off to one ide of the auditorium was a group of deaf folk. A we preached, our brother John Troutt tran lated our me age into the Ian– eua~e of the e dear people. We a ked that be ~rite the follo\.'\iog article. This i a tremendous . . t f m1n1 r y. By John Troutt Let n1e take this opportunity to in– troduce ome of you in our OARBC to one of the more recently recog– nized mission fields in the world to– da}. This field i not one that requires a lot of expense in travel to some foreign part of the earth. The field of which I speak is perhaps someone )'OU have seen often yet hadn't thought of as one of those per~ons for whon1 the Lord Jesu~ gave his preciouc; lJlood, the deaf person in your local • co1nmun1ty. ""fhere is rnuch being done today in the way of vocational rehabilitation for the deaf person to n1ake hin1 more cn1plo~ 1 able and to he better adjusted ocially. Thi in it elf is not sufficient l)ecau e all of thi ha been in the in– tere t of JJh)' ical rehal)ilitation rt11cl vve r1eed to l,e i11terestcd in th~ cor11- J)l1;te per or1, lJ<)t h r1hy ical a11tl SJ)irit– ual. "J l1i s rel1al)ililatio11 of the co111- plet1; 11er on i where t l1e i 11t r1)reter 01 1i io11ar}' t tl1e deaf is i111porla11t. "' ir t of all t,efor I g all}' fl1rtl1cr, It i11e e p,lai1 y.,}1at ac11 i11ter1,rc:ti.:r is. I t1e dicti 11a1) sa) a11 i11terpret r i ·· n \\ 11 act s as a11 i1tt fJ)f ter l>e– '" en s1l1.:a ~r f l1ffe1ent l~t11gt1age . 011e \>.. 1 t10 e 1, lain ." l1is i tru i11 111 Cd s I ul a1111011g tl1c j11t r1,ret r s < r t t I dea 1 ~ 1 11111 • 11 Ill J 111 I I I a I t . I t , he d at c1r 11 an I e 11 111 t o I ! ur ri J d la f tile Jl I SlOll,-tl) llJ a11d , ar1ed J e 111,t un I 1 , l1au - } .. r, Judge, tect l1c1 and even telephone operator. Let u remember, however the church work– er with the deaf i more than ju t an interpreter, he i a mi ionary. The primary function of the God– called mis ionary above all the e vari– ous activitie i to tell them the story of J e u in their own language and '·. . . The harvest truly i plenteou , but the labourer are few: Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harve t, that he will end fort h labourer into hi harve t." 1~he mi ionary to the deaf ha to ' 'become all thing ' to the dea( per– son but Jet u remember, if God call us ··we are labourer together \vith God.'' In re pon e to the call of the People Bapti t Church of Bruns– wick Ohio a Council of 32 Pastors and me enger convened on Feb. 28. for the purpo e of recognition. Rev. Milton Chri tian, We t ide Bapti t Church, Lorain, Ohio erved a n1oderator and Rev. Darrell Bice, Fir t Bapti t hurch, Wellington, Ohio as lerk. After Ii tening to te ti- 111ony regarding the working of the l ... orc.i in the organization of this bod) the ouncil further inve tigatecl by concerni ng them elve · with the con- titution and by-laws. The Council wa well plea ed "ith that which they heard and read and therefore declared them elve in favor of recognizing thi body of be– liever a a duly organized and con- tituted Regular Bapti t Church. Two Wonderful Books! Regular Bapti t everywhere v ill be happy to learn that Dr. Robert T. Ketchan1 now ha two new book avai lable for the public. The e con– tain 01ne of hi better knoVv n n1e - age which the Lord ha u ed to ble the heart of thou and . The e book are entitled. "The Death Hymn of hri t" and ·· h) \Va hri t a arpenter?' ' The} n1a) be pt1rcha ed through the Regul ar Bapti t Pre . l 00 Oa~t n B ttle– vard. De Plaine . Illinoi . 6001 . "\ ry fan1ily in ot1r 1 .R.B fel- low~ hip ot1ghl t<) ha\ e thC\t: bL)O~ • 1n their hon1e . Groundbreaking Service I 1 <. 01111dh1l•ul iug , t rt•1110111t '-' \\ ,•rt• Ill Id 1,ril fut l' CI ,r, ill · "olh.•,-:l ,~ Ht,, , 111 J do, ,nlfor, . I f c; tu gc • lilnt•r, hu fill ,n ot thl· Uo u d ot f ru I t •!oi, furn I o, t·, thl' grou ,ct for 1h • t•o11str11 ·1 on nhi,·h \\ 111 futnl 1., 111ilho11 dollar . Plt·turc·,1 1ho, l' tl thl " , t ,r~ l r f 1 • t . J1.•r ,niuh , Pr ., 1 • I I urn , , I ar (' I Of ot Ill, C'lo1,n1l'nt , lJ . lih1t•1, t 1 . (If o d ohn 011, ttl <>mlt· I rs. turf h ~f ·, ( oll g • J ihr 1 u 111 , r H churll 1 •lnhlsh, I •,u1 ot Cudl•nt ( I nd1ng ht·hlnd a • h 1ftt•) inti r •nncth t . I 1 , Uu n 1 ua t "\: •