The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1966

Kr OW' our Council of Ten By Donald J . Sewell h r 1 a tor} in Gr ek literature ,, here \\ ord i ent that a certain re– belli u cit)· i to be de troyed. The rt1nner i di patched with a me age L)f doon1. Hour later after the runner ha left. \\ ord come that the city ha agr ed to ubmit. Hovvever the run- ... ner 1 till o n hi way with the me - age to ha\e the city de troyed. With pounding heart the authoritie ha ti- 1) cribble a econd me age. a me - ~ age of reprieve for the doomed city and peed a econd runner on hi \\a,·. The econd runner know that ., he mu t overtake the fi r t runner if the city i to be pared and pounds th,,,,, tl1c tlJ:t(f inn rar· t1l tl·a 1J1 I l'\ll'it1g tll " l()()ll 11 \VS 1l1n( ,viii SH \ 'c , I 1 " i t)' . 11 • arr i,, · s j ti t i r, t i 111 , 1( n, crt cli~,1, tl'I'. '"111.. first r11 'ss ·r1gcr 11,\tl arri, L'\1 an(I tilt: 111il itH1 , , J ,acfcrs • ,, L' t l' J)re1 ari ng tl lat111 h a n1assac1 c C)l the ' if '· \ ~ 11(, 111 agatn ( l1ri sti a11s. like ..J \' l11ct 1, 111 the C\.\ fc~tn111cnt , we ,ll,,-1 arc l)c ,1rer, ()f gooc.I new<; an,1 l1c,1rc r'i <) f C<) 111f < 1 t . There i5 not 111t1ch 1n the \ 01 <.I C)f ocl abo t1l thi "er, ant ()f hir t wh v.,·a <;O faithft11 lt) the I rd Jc<;t1'i. He was no in pir– cd t)rg,1niLcr, he \.\ ac; 110 great tht1n– dcring orator, bt1t he plt1gged away dav l1 da in a qttiet but effectivc \ a , faith f t1l to the ta k f bearing ne\.\' and comfort to tho e early churche . We, a people in the tate of Ohio in our Regular Bapti t Churche have been commi ioned to carry the news that can ave. We are under orders a ew Te tament Christian to take the Word of God to a lo t and dy– ing state. Th i matter of personal evangeli m i till the heart of Chri tianity . It is not a matter of thinking. It i not ju t the job of the pa tor, and deacon , but rather an individual ta k that each one of us is respon ible to God to perform. A probably the largest group of fundamental Bible believing churches in thi tate we need to daily be im– pres ed with the responsibility of winning men women, boys and girl to the Lord J esu Chri t . T he word of God til l ay , "Go ye." Rev. Donald J. Sewell Re\r. Donald J. ewell was born and rai ed tn the city of Cincinnati , and it Vva there al o that he found Chri t a aviour. The call of God to preach \\. a received while serving v.'ith the U. . Air F orce in orth Airica. Brother ewe11 attended Tennessee Temple College for two year s. H e cun1pleted his college training at Cedar, 1 ille. graduating from there in J 960. He Vi a u ed of the Lord to or– ganize and pa tor the First Bapti t Church of William burg. Ohio. Fol– lowing h · \\ 1 ork at Cedarville. he accepted a call to the Grace Baptist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana where he aw the bless ing of the Lord on hi efforts. He served there for a little over three years. God then directed hi step to the Emmanuel Baptist Church in To– ledo where he is presently erving a pa tor. The Sewells have three lovely children. It is good having Brother ewell on our Council of Ten. (Ed. ote: We were privileged to take part in a Mis ionary Con– fere nce during the month of March a t Emn1anuel Bapti t. It wa a joy to ee the good attendance at every ervice. There is a splendid spirit in the church and God is blessing in many ways.) The Ohio Independent Ba pt ist ... Publ ished Mo nthly by ... THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p aid a t Xeni1, Oh io . POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to Mr. Stua rt L. Ch affe Box No . 7 Ce d a rv ille, Ohio 45314 Editorial Office: Box 7 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: 10th of each month State Missionary Address: Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 21 SO Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio 44224 STAFF Editor . . A. Donald 1offa t Box L o. 7 Cedarville, Ohio 45314 Circulation Manager . .. ... . . . . .. .. Mr. Stuart L. Chaffe Box o. 7, Cedarville, Ohio 45 314 W o,nen's Editor . . 1rs. Inez lilner 2665 Canterbury Rd. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 Christian Education Editor .. .... ...... .... ... ....... M rs. Earl D. U mhaiigh Council and Officers Chairman Verne L. Dunham 1326 Euclid A,·e., Lorain, 0 . 44052 Secretary . ... .. Darrell Bice 511 H errick Ave. E., W ellington, Ohio 44090 Treasurer . ... .... ... .. . . H. R. Davison 23 Ivester Lane, Arcanum, 0. 45304 Missionary Chr. . . B. C. Jennings 4295 Ellsworth Rd. , tow, 0 . 44224 Youth Director 7854 . Bo) 7 den Lynn Rogers Rd., ortbfield, Education Chr. First Bapti t Ohio 44067 Woodrow McCaleb Church, El,rria, Ohio 44035 Council of Ten Chair1nan Secretary . . . ...... V eme Dunham, ... .. . .... .. Darrell Bice John Balyo Vernon Billington orrnan Hoag B. C. Jennings W oodrow 1cCaleb Lynn Rogers Donald Sewell Earl Willetts •