The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1966

By Carson Fremont Sampans in Harbor In th harbor around Hong Kong I 1, e n1ore than l 00.000 boat people. The) It \ e on hundred of Jarge and n1all hou eboat . The)' pend their enti re 11\e on their family boat , \\ 1th ometime a many a five or ix tan11l1e on one boat. Thi 1 the un i, life mo t of them have ever ., knov. n. I though much Go pel work ha.. been done among them, many thou and have till never heard the good ne\\ of alva tion. .... Our M i io n. the A ociati on of Bapti t · for orld Eva ngeli m. ha ne\er had an)' official work among the boat people, bu t our un hine Bapc1 t Clinic and Church i located right on the edge of the Jarge t of the e boat harbor~ and many of the boat people have come regularl y to the cli nic for treatment. They have al o received the witne of the Chan Nin Mui MAY 1966 PAGE 4 l1<.1"11cl fr<.)111 <.l llr (lc1c t<.lr- 1Ja s l<.ll' . l)r. [ a11icl ht1c1g C\Cl cll ll1()nth, ,tg(). \.\.htlc I WH" Ill l)r . hting·~ of(1cc . an ol<lc1 won1,lr1, <.. han 1n 1tii . a111c to be trcaletJ I ( r a tt1n1or {)I'\ her neck. Her hon,c \\ a\ l I )ti. choat ( l . 5()03()Y. which her fa111il\ ~hared \\1th tour other "' f,t111ilic• . \\' c gave her the vvitne , f tl1c pel and pra}'Cd for her . aler ')he in\ ited u to v 1 1t the boat where \ he li ved. JOd sce111e<l to be opening a do r of opportunity. I had been working with Dr. hung in pubJi hing our printed paper. The Glad Tiding and o wa Presenting Christ invited to accompany him on the fir t vi it to the boat. A mal l sampan boat met u at the pier and took u out pa t ]ong rows of boat to Hou e– boat o. 50030Y. To the govern– ment. the boat wa just a number of regi tration. but God wa con– cerned about it and had prepared a 111all group of about twelve for that fir t ervice. The ervice was brief, con i ting of a prayer and a testi– mony me sage interpreted by Dr. hung, but it wa an introduction of the Go pel. They wanted t1 , to con1e back. Brother J an1e 1organ, a veteran A.B.W.E. n1i ionary, who i al o fluent in the Cantone e dialect, ha been conducting meeting ince that time u ing Go pel charts. Several time . a language tudy ha per– n1itted. I have accon1panied them. A Jarge crowd of people gathered when the young people of the un ·hinc B<1 f)t1,t ( ht1rch put <.)tl their ( 'hri')l- Children Show Interest n1 ,l , progran1 on the deck of the \h I J). and a teady grottp of people ha\ L:on1e to each of the Monday night meeting . Although there ha been no great harve t of ouJ as yet, several have been attending the church on un– day . We are praying that eventual– ly thi entire group of five families will be aved and follow the Lord. Wil l you pray for these f amilie5 on Hou eboat o. 50030Y and for the growing family of A.B.W.E. mi - ionarie in Hong Kong? With the recent appointment of five new can– didates, our missionary family now numbers twenty. Many of u are still in language study but look for– ward to full participation in the work • 1n year to come. Men Also Listen Eclit(Jr·s l\'ote : Thi article, HOU E– BOAT 50030Y, con1e to u fron1 our brother Car on Fremont in Hong Kong. The Fremont are men1ber of the Emn1anuel Bapti t hurch in Dayton. We have written a ll of our n1i ionarie ""ho e n1en1ber hip are in ()t1r Ohi () cht1rche\ re4uc\ting lhc1t thc v 'ienu ti"> <-iin1ilar art,clc">. " THE OHI O INDEPENDENT BA PTIST