The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1966

eart to eart mong t e omen Mrs. Inez Milner, Women's Editor ALL FOR JESUS ·· l . \\ 11.11 1 '"' t\lt c "1 a dc1, i11 .lt 1"' • , a ta1111l1"1r ,.1,1ng. llt)\\C\Cr ._ tl1~ c I tll(Jrl ll' tht, ,,t,nderft1l 1110nth th.111 ,,L,tthcr. h1rds. tin hine, tc. It I t ht' t 1111c I t1r hr1Je . hrid grt on1 . ..... gl c,t,. rchc~1r,al". clotl1e . lood. pic- tt1rc,. rice. ,)Id hoe . h rn-hlo"' ing. - • l t1 t ~I '" rricd." \.Citing a all th1 1,. there i aL an ther pha. e of Ii, i11g. F 110\\ ing a certain nt1mber f )Car, ,,hen ,,e·,·e heen occupied with ht L11'. • ttid} 1ng. e am O' what ,1 n rd al. Then that day· - gradua– ti0n ! But that i uch a fi11al state– n1ent after all the Pon1p and Circum– ,tanc . C0~1 E E ·IE T that's it! Thi thought et a new pace gi, e a challenge. park higher a - piration . for the candidate and for their loved-one . Even a we stand at the altar pledging to each other ..I do' '. \\ hen the fir t little one comes into the home (maybe more than one) . in all our homelife, our em– p1o~/ment and promotions. every thing ha a begi11r1i11.. f? . For us to adequately meet the routine and the startling t1nexpected experience : we must ha\ e a con ciousne of the presence of God. knO\\' ing that we are Hi blood-bought one. that He is running our life. that we are in His family . \\le mu t have a time with the Lord in the morning - begin the new day \Vith Him. This is such a bles ed pri, ilege. an audience with the King of King . the Lord of Lord ! ' ... And He i the head of the body the church: \\ ho i the Beginning the Fir tborn. out from among the dead· that in all thing HE MIGHT HA VE THE PREE fl E CE. For it pleas– ed the Father that in Him should all fullne s d\ve11 (or "be at home per– manentl~,··.) (Col. 1:15-19.) HEBRON MEETING The Spring Rally of the Hebron \:\'omen· 1is 1onary Union was held April 12. 1 966 at 1 orthfield Bapti st Church. The theme cho en for this da)' \\'a 1 or. 3 6-7 ··God Giveth The Increase.' ' JUNE, 1966 PAGE 10 ·1 l1c latlic \vcrc wclco111ecl by Mr<;. l v1111 Roger. p,1, t r· wife f the 110 t cht1rch. he n1eeti ng then he- ga 11 by inging the theme choru , .. , d givet h he lncrea. e,' a chort1 \\iritten h} Mrs. orma ~ chaechterle of rwalk. he i Vice Pre ident of the gro11p. Mrs. Ettnice ampel l ]ed the ong ervice, fr. . all y Whitt then hrot1ght our devotions. f te r a . hort bu, i ne s ession Mrs . Yvonne Hoag and Mr . Gloria West rendered an organ and piano duet. The speaker for the n1orning were Rev. A. Donald Moffat, Editor of the 0.1.B. and Mrs. Wm. Vander– ground, BMM n1i ionary from Cen– tral Africa Republic. A luncheon and time of fellowship was enjoyed. The afternoon se sion opened again with singing our theme chorus. An– nouncements and Roll Call fallowed . A special number was presented. Dr. Jon H. Rouch, Medical Director of Baptist Mid-Missions spoke. The next Hebron Association Meet– ing will be May 13, 1966 at Trinity Baptist Church. Rev. & Mrs. John Wilkens missionarie to India wi ll be our speakers. DATES TO KEEP IN MIND Tuesday, Sept. 20th - Berean Wo– men's Missionary Fellowship Wedne day, Sept. 21st - We t Mor– iah Women's Missionary Fellow– ship Tuesday Sept. 27th - South Bethe] Women Missionary Fellowship Tuesday Oct. 18th - State Women's Missionary Fellowship Thur day. Nov. 3rd - North Bethel Women's Missionary Fellowship Commentary on Ruth By Walter L. Wilson, M.D. TWO INTEREST! G POINTS - The story continues: "And behold ' Boaz came from Bethlehem and said unto the reapers, The Lord be with you. And they answered him. The Lord bles thee" (2: 4). By the way, the word ' 'behold" in the Bible i God s "stop, look and listen" sign. Every time the word occurs there i something right after it that is im- JJort ,1nl. Notice that tn Matthew. chttpter~ 8 and 9. there arc nine "be– hold ,' ' and after each one there i an incident of great importance. o– t ice too, that the word first occurs in the phrase, "And behold, there came a leper..." That i<; how we start with od - a<; a leper. Each of the eight " beholds" after thi~ one n1arks a step llp in the Christian if c. Another interesting point in the verse jL1 t quoted is the manner of greet ing exch anged between Boaz ancf his workers. "The Lord be with you.' ' ays Boaz. And they answer, ' 'The J... ord bless thee. Is not that a way for a master to greet hi employees. and for the employees to answer their boss? Nowdays there is little or no greeting between employers and em– ployees. Cursing, blasphemy, hatred, envy grudges - all sorts of feelings and actions stand in the way. KOOK'S KORNER Apple Dumplings-Serves 12 CRUST: 2 cups flour 2 teasp. Baking Powder 1 teasp. Salt :Y4 cup Margarine 1 h cup milk Mix as pie dough-roll in squares, place peeled apple in center and fold dough over same. Pl ace in greased baking pan; pour sauce over dump– lings. Bake 375°, 35-40 n1inutes. AUCE: 1 cup white t1gar 1 cup brown sugar 1 4 teasp. cinnamon ~ teasp. nutmeg ~ cup butter Cook in saucepan - bring to a boil - simmer for 5 minutes. Recipe from the kitchen of Leatrice Wall. Subscribe to: Ohio Independent Baptist Only $2.00 per year Box ·7 Cedarville, Ohio - THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST