The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1966

,,ow ou!r· Council of Ten By Vernon K. Billington ..He\\' n1e cedar tree out f Leban– {) n . •• ( I King _-: 6) . Thi ,va olo- ·110 n· · r que t of hi friend Hiram. ,, hen he hegan to build the temple. The edar ha ome \ 1 ery intere t- ing qt1a l1t1e . There i no timber like it. firn1 in grain. capable of the fine t p Ii h and. trange to a')·. much more u e~·u1 \\ hen in the dead tate. _-o in ect \\ ill touch cedar. It can hardly be de troyed by time. It gi, e off a perpetual fragrance and an, o ne v. ho h a a cedar che t or .. clo et kno,, that no moth will eat the garment cented with its frag– rance. ~ 1 l l 11 \ \ \ I' i l t rs s,, ' a k l r ( I 1 " i n 1- I l l l ) I l , I ·,1 11 1 s·· ,tnll llllllll · 11t < 11 the I,\ l 111, tl tl1i s \\ll 'll lrn11 s lt1 s s it s t1 111,11 a 11tl1ir1 • tllt ,tliti es tll tl1i11gs tt rc,t•nll it . \\ hat " ' ' illt1strati< 11 <ll tl1~ ,,,11·it - fill ·ti l J1ri stiar1 ,vl1<J " <lif– lt1scs th' k11c,,v) ·llgl' f l1ris t in C\' CI' ,,rn c ' anti fincl s 111, r11l>st illt1stri<)t1s • \l'I \ IC\:! Ill Olllll'Ctll)ll ,vit}1 tl1c 11()\ISC l' I ( 1 l1li . l3tll tl1c s(riki11g lt1111g is the \l\C ft1l11c,, ()I cc(lar \\ hc11 ticttcl. \\ hen tt\ l1a1 <,, ,tn{I grai11 t111<lcr poli h1ng 111,1k.c" tl \L) l1cat1tift1I ancl \Cr\ iccclb1c. \\'c Cl)t11111onlv thir1k of the hri tian n hc1ng hcyond the phcrc of service af tcr death. bttt pcrhap there i a corre pondenc here al o that i not t be vcrlooked. f any of the great ervant of Goc1 \\<ere 1itt)e appreciated during their labor on earth , but now that they are laid under the od. their voice and inflt1ence roll on over the centuries. The modern pre has given wings to their word which reached but a few in their time. Ye . perhaps many a Christian doe have his wider tt efulne s after the departure of hi spirit from hi body, when people can truly evaluate hi life and ministry. Let the thought encourage u to put our best into the task of today for it is only as we can ay: ' 'For me to live is Christ' that we can build omething that will stand a the cedars of Lebanon giv– ing off the fragrance of Christ long after we have departed this world. Rev. Vernon K. Billington Bro ther Billington wa born in the ta te of Kentucky v., here. at the age o t thirteen. he received J esu Chri t a hi O\\'n per anal Saviour. The Lord poke to his heart regarding Chri tian ervice following his high school graduatio n. He a ttended ·f urray tate Col- lege. 11urray. Kentucky and also gradu ated f rom the Mood 1· Bible In– 'ititute. He tudied further at the ·ni\·er ity of Akro n in Akro n. Ohio. H e h as pa tared three churches in Regular Baptist, Rocky Col um- our Ohio A ociation of Baptist Churche : orton Barberton Grace Baptist R iver and Memorial Baptist. bus. He is now in his sixth year at 11emorial Baptist. He is the Vice President of the We t Moriah As ociation and is in charge of setting up the program for our State meeting at Norton Baptist, Barberton, Ohio this coming Fall. The BilJingtons are the proud parents of three lovely gir] s. COVER PICTURE The C IVIC ACDITORIUM. Grand R apids Michigan. It is here that the General A ssociation of Regular Baptist Churche will gather for th eir 35th Annual Conference June 20-24, 1966. The picture of Dr. R T. Ketcham. retir ing a tiona] Consultant, al o appears. A number of OHIO n1en will be speak ing a t the co nference - Dr. l1ffo rd John on, edarvi1le and Re\ 1 • \\' illi am F. Russell, Blanche ter. Two o thers wi11 be directing v..·ork hop - Rev. Wilbur R ooke. C]e\'e1,tnd and Mr. Da\ 1 id f at on . Cedar\ 1 il le. The Ohio Independent Baptist . . . Published Monthly by ..• THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POS'TAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to Mr. Stuart L. Chaffe Box No. 7 Cedarville, Ohio 45314 Editorial Office: Box 7 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline f or News: l 0th of each mon1h State Missionary Address: Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio 44224 STAFF Editor A. Donald Ioffat Box ro. 7 Cedarville, Ohio 45314 Circiilation Manager . . . Mr. Stuart L. Chaffe Box o. 7, Cedarville, Ohio 45314 W 01nen's Editor . 1rs. Inez 1ilner 2665 Canterbury Rd. Cleveland Heigh ts, Ohio 44118 Christian Education Editor . . ... . ...... .. .. .. .. ... Mrs . Earl D. Umbai,gh Council and Officers Chairman Verne L. Dunham 1326 Euclid A,·e., Lorain, 0. 44052 S ecretary . . Darrell Bice 511 Herrick Ave. E., Wellington, Ohio 44090 Treasurer .... . H. R. Davison 23 I,,ester Lane, Arcanum, 0. 45304 Missionary Chr. B. C. Jennings 4295 Ells\~.1orth Rd., StO'\i\' , 0. 44224 Y o-iith Director 7854 r . Boyden Lynn Rogers Rd., orthfield, Ohio 44067 Editcation Chr. First Baptist Woodrow McCaleb Church, Elvria, Ohio 44035 Council of Ten Chairman .... . .. .. .. ... . .. ~l eme Dunham, Secretary . .. . .... . ._ Darrell Bice John Balyo Vernon Billington Robert Barrett B. C. Jennings Woodrow McCttlcb L) nn R ogers D na]d ewe]! Earl Willetts • . -