The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1966

. . VOL. 38, NO. 8 Your State Missionary Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh Report on Churches 1.. /1e Bethe! Baptist C h1irc·J1, Toledo , has just pa ed it fir t anniversary. This church. ponsored by the churches in the orth Bethel As oci- ation. had its fir t Sunday services on March 21 . 1965. They are fu11y organized have purchased five acre of ]and on Glendale Avenue and have been meeting in the first unit of their building since February. There ~ere 96 people in attendance Cln Anni versary unday. Seven have - -- The Ohio Independent Baptist been aved dt1ring the last four week and four have expre ed their de ire for bapti m and member hip. Pa tor Don ewell, Emn1anL1el Bap– ti t Church. brought the me age when their church building was dedi– cated to the Lord on May 8th. Evan– ge l i t Paul Dixon led the church in Evangeli tic ervices May 9-15. Tlze Calvar)' Baptist Cl1urcl1, Hub– bard, i carrying on an active pro– gran1 and the Lord i blessing the work. A ladies mi ionary group ha been organized and one of the lad ie ha recently been responsible for reachi11g a family. with several child– ren, for the church. Pa tor Davis i teaching a cour e in ba ic Bible Doc– trine to Junior boy and girl who have been reached through the un– day chool. Recently. a four week cour e on personal soul winning wa cond11cted preced ing the Evening Service. Hope Baptist Churc/1 , Colit111btts, i hawing significant attendance gains. For several month they have engaged in a " eighborhood Inva ion For Chri t' calling program. A the rest1lt of thi program many new A WORD from the EDITOR ... The Lord has been keeping u~ busy fo r which \.\' C praise Him! ince the _first of thi s year we have held meet– ings in Ohio. 1ichi gan. Indiana and Ker1tucky. We till h ave a fc,v open u11da)' during the un1n1cr 1nonths. ..-rhe e are Ju11e 12, 19, Jul y 3 At1gt1 st 14 2 1, 28 ancl Sept en1ber 4. Our J~a11 d ates a re prett y well fill ed ltp e ceJJting for the n10111 th of Dece111Je r. \\Te l1a,,e alread)' ettl ed '>-' ith so111e cl1urcl1e concerning n1eeting 11e l pring. 1 J J 1... RD 1 J O ! Int r tingly e1 ougl1 th . f .Ii. i ~ generally i,ut togetl1er wl1i l \; Vl\;; l1a,,e b en a vl a)' i rn 111 ee 1 i n g . 1 he J a 1 t I ar ' i ue " 'a e 1 u ll ,, 11 i I e t i 11 J) a tor in g 11 r i1 edar, 1 ille, t11e ..i el,ruar~' i t i \\ l11i1e in J.Alrai1 , th 1 a cl1 i11 ar- I n, 1 lil e (lf i I i 11 I d . t 1 1 a in Id\\ f rd , i11 J ndiana ~ 11d \\ e ar 111 t i n g t g :i tl1 r t 11 i J un i u1 1'1111 i1 g 1 , ( 1tucl '· ' gr at- THE OHIO I D PEND NT BAPTI l )' appreciate the e pa tor who have permitted Ll\ to take time to \\,Ork 011 the n1aga21ne while holding 1neeting in their cht1rche . Once again we urge our \t1b~cril1er" to "pt1sh" the O.I.B. in their cht1rchc<;. tirely you have a fri end "'ho i not t,lking the maga11ne. ,ct hin1 ( or her ) to st1bscribe. If they \.\'()n' t ... be gencrot1s anci st1l)scr1hc for the 111 ! It wot1 Id l1e \Voncicrft1 l it e ,\Ch per 011 \\1 11 <) reacts thi wot1ld l)" ,villi11g to e11d i11 two clollars ,vitl1 a 11 att achell ll l) l ~ that V/Ottld --ay S() ll l Cthi11g ltk • t l1i . . . " .. ak tl1i s 1101 c\' r1nd s\,'; 11 l ., the .T.11. tc) ne of 01,r 111i s. io r1 ari " f r til e 11 ·t )'Car." \\ 1 rvc i,, 'll t1 c l1 a 1 tt er 111 otl1 r (fa . , , tt i t11 11 111 increa e ot1r 11t1111l) r of s11l ril)– I f ,,. , ,.,, ul 1 all JJll t f r1l1 ff r t ... t l1 jolJ cotd t I, (I 11 ! I t i a b i l t o ar l , 1 ) g i, l ti ~ 14.! lJlt f t i1 C( nl t , 111 ng tl1 ~ JUNE, 1966 familie have been attending the ervice and many pro pects have been found for the unday chool. In addition to thi two KYB Club l Know Your Bible Club) have been meeting at the church each Friday one in the morning and another in the afternoon. The church pick the children up at the chool and bring them to the church for the meeting . Thi is pos ible becau e the choo1 are on halfday e ions. For March, the following re ult were reported: 34 deci ions for salvation 1 for bap– ti m. 3 for member hip, 2 for rededi– cation, 128 Sunday School average, and 129 average for the Morning Wor hip ervice. Thi church ha been meeting in it own building for everal month and will be two year old next Augu t 7th. The Bible Mission Baptist Cl1urcl1. Di,ndee, i now fully organized. They held their Recognition ervice on March 27th and ince then have made arrangement to purcha e property at the junction of rot1te o. 250 and o. 93 for 15,000. Brother Gene R. olberg ha accepted th pa torate of thi cht1rch. A. Donald Moffat ~1 01111g l)l: )plc. ft11l 1 "P )ft on th1~ ,vill Hf)1~,,r in th Jttl is~t•~. 11 l orti ,, 1ll111g \\'" ,v ,t1l l like t l h a, a si 111i lar {) tlt e "t c t tip a 111(1ng th~ , , ) Ill t.: tl l )f l tt l 0 .1\ R 8 . . fell \\ slli(J tl1is l,111ir1g .. all . J>l t 11 nr l ci11g l llall ( () gi , t llc \\ ll10\:f l llltilttl . 1°' .(Jl s l fi l l ll il"l l . h r ,, ill ll t) t l1 r J)rt zc a , 11. K\; I"' 1,r·l ing f lr tl1is 11ag·1zi11 ... f ,r it :. lilor a11tl tl1 ir talati >11 1 ·111, lg r. JUNE, 1966 PAG 3