The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1966
' 'With The Lord'' Ju t before going to pre , word wa received concerning the ' 'Homegoing,, of Mis ionary Carl Matthew . Along with his wife, Mary Adel aide he served almo t 35 year in Brazil. In the July i ue of the O.I.B. we will write at greater length concern– ing thi Warrior of the Cros ! Vienna Wins Sunday School Contest The Sunday School of the Vienna Bapti t Church placed second in the '•D' ' division in the national ' 'March to Sunday School in March" cru ade. They were commended by the Exe– cutive Director of the ational Sun– day School Association for their ex– cellent work. The Vienna church is but six month old and i pastored by Rev. Frank Odor. It competed again. t hundreds of other churches. Their unday School increa ed from 42 to 136 during the time of the contest. THE PREACHER & PRAYER I do not ask That crowds so throng the temple That standing room be at a price · I only pray that as I voice the message They may ee Christ. T do not ask For Church pomp or pageant, Or music such as wealth alone can buy· I onl y pray that a<; I voice the message, He rnay be nigh 1 do not ask "] hat men rnay sound n1y praise . Or headlines spread my name abroad J 011ly pray that as I voice the 111e sage, Heart 111ay find ,od. HELP! hri tian l...a) 1 111cn gr u1, 11 ~cd full ti111e fi Id offict.::r in t}1is ar a. o pecial traini11g ne ded. Wt:11 111 1111 d cl1edt1I t~r R : AL., A A J A 1 .. it ti g d J)ft , • Ag r t! ~ 1 · t prin1e J act r , J«J a, dtca1,p d ~ lcon1 . cd c, r. nl ll rn aga111 l1ri ti n \\ ill 1 ace J) l d. r 1 1 1 t il I ~ fl( H J 0 8 H OHIO IND PENDEN APTIS Clintonville Pastor Speaks Out The following come from the pf'o of brotl}er, Rev. Glenn H. Davis, Clintonv'llf! Bapti t ~ hurch, Columbu . It originally ap– peared m the Columbus Dispatch. We feel it bear repeating in the 0.1.B. More of our pa tor should make u e of their local new paper. letting folk k:a1ow ju t where they tand 10 th1 age of unbelief. The Chri t-denier and th~ e who declare that 'God is dead' are Quick to tell their view . We ought to be wi e and use ths n1edium to pread the TRUTH! To the Editor: There are too many people jnter– preting the Bible for others who ob– viou ly 'under tand neither what they ay nor whereof they affirm' ( I Tim. 1:7). This precious Book, inspired of God, make it perfectly clear that "the natural (Adamic) man receiveth not the thing of the pirit of God, for they are foolishness (absurd ) un– to him; neither can he know them ' becau e they are piritually (Divinely or of the Hol y Spirit ) di cerned" ( I Cor. 2: 14). Therefore he that i piritual ( a man of Holy pirit di cernment) di cerneth all thing ' ( l Cor. 2: 15) and not another. Pastor Canterbury Ordained The Fairfield Bapti t Church of Thur ton, Ohio recently called to– gether a council of 16 to exan1ine for ordination their pastor Brother D. D. anterbury. Thi pecial erv– ice was held in the Bible Mi ion Bapti t Church of Reynold burg, 0. After a mo t thorough examina– tion of the candidate, the council voted u nami nously to recommend to the Fairfield Bapti t hurch that they proceed with an ordination ervice. 1 he council was well plea e(i with Brother anterbury's plendid pre en– ta ti on of hi e; doctrinal views. Furthermore, this preciou Book of Book teache that in order to be under tood by man this Book mu t be ~t11died. I quote: "Study to how thy elf ap– proved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim. 2: 15). It is of intere t to note that in the study of this Book if we are to come to an understanding of it, we mu t maintain a right motive throughout. In rightly dividing' thi Book of God, we mu t compare piritual thing with spiritual." Bringing the language of thi text up to date it read : "comparing scrip– ture with cripture." This we mu t do if we are to "rightl y divide the word of truth." Let anyone know and own him elf a si nner before God, accept the Lord Je u Chri t a hi own per ona1 avior and "then tudy to show him- elf approved unto God' and he will discover, to hi own ble ing and that of other , that the Bible, the word God. i al.I it claim to be. namely. the revelation of the Living and True God to inful man. Bible Conferences To Be Held Two um mer Bible Conference will be held at the Bible Mi ion Bap– tist Church in Reynold burg. Ohio. where Rev. Llewell n Thomp on erve as pa tor. The fir t conference i t be held June 12-16. Rev. George Mundell of Darb . Penna. will be the gue t teacher . t the ec nd conference. which i to be held ugu ' t 14-1 • Rev. rank Torre , Lanen~ ter, Penna. and Rev. le t r Pre ident ot the ppalachian Bible In ' titute, Br. .1d ley. Wt!s t irginia \\ 111 n11n1 ' ler. LOS ANGELES BAPTIST COLLEGE & GRADUATE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY NEWHALL, CALIFORNIA - ~- - ---- - - - - --- Dr. John R. Dunkin Pre ident A CHRIST CENTERED COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES C. Lloyd Button, M. A. Dean • Six M ior - (A.B. & B. S. Degree) • Out tanding F culty • Good Employm nt • ''Come nd njoy Th un' ' lovely N mpu Write for C t lo To j LABC. N l1 II , C Ii orni . JUNE, 1966 PAGE
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