The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1966

A Gary Harris, pastor Sue Lepine, soc·iai }1. 1 orker: Beth Thomson, ele111entary teacher: John Stockwell, speeclz teac/1er: Gerald Fisher, • • 11zts~1onary: Dave Prosser, n1at/1e1natician: ampe o Finis e ur '"My be t textbook ha been my Bible." "... Place to learn social and piritt1al re pon ibility." at viii Coll C d 1v1ll ·· .. . Ha provided an atmo phere for spiritual, social, and profe sional growth.' ' ... Ha given me helpful opportunities to prepare for a graduate progran1 in dramatics." ' I praise the Lord for the mis ionary preparation Cedarville College bas given me.' ' '~My Cedarville College Bible course have balanced my mathematics major." FOR NEW CATALOG- write R egistrar, Cedarville College, Cedarville, Ohio 45314 CEDA RV IL LE COLLEGE A BAPTIST COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES •