The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1966

r o our· Council of Ten By Earl V . Willetts 1 t \\ a. after Ht re urrection. The 1 plc. \\ re Jtl t returning from a 1rt11tle ft~htng e:\pedition. Jut be– f re th , dre,, their boat up on the • hl)fe J e u appeared and poke to them. Ther \\' a an a\\ kward ilence. fter all it \\ a onl, a fe"" day si nce the, 1 had all for aken Him and f led • ( ~1att 26:56). The a, k-ward ilence ,, a broken by J e u · penetrating que tion to Peter. Wh 1· did He a k it three time ? urely it wa not be– cau e He did not know the an wer. Can it be that H e wa reminding J tl:1 ,tnll tl1 lllh I c,I I l"1's ll11 e"- 1,,lll ti ni,,1. 111 r•f:\ 1i111cs ,., ,t·r J1nli s,tlli. " I ktll)\ I l i111 n ,,··. ·111r .. · ti111es les11s ,1sketl. ' ' t t,vcst till ti 111 'l' I t \, ,, s ,, s a r c h i n , q t 1 's t i <1 11 . .. S I llll 11, sl,rl llf .ltl11ns.' hi ' ,vns hr s 11a111· l·H.'l°r,r' I, .. 1, ·nn1" n ftll lo~'cr l) r 111 I\ I I t s ... n 1 t{ i Jl l J'l I , .. pc l cf'. <.I() \l'lt rcn1c111l1cr ,,hat <tt \\ere? l)l, \t'll rc111c111l1cr \tlttr l1t1n1an \\'c,tk tll'''..'.1 \\ 1 cll. tl1c flcsl1 11 .. 1~ ll<J l l1ccn c, , 1 ti 1 c a t c (l ." It \\,l'i a 1)r()l11ng t}ltC\ tt()n ."' l l)IC tl1a11 tl1c~c?" ()l 111<)1c than yot1 1()\C t h c c l 1._ 11 i n g 11 a t • 11 c l \ t a ckI e , c t c., l1ut dt) ) ti love n1c n1orc than the c (1t her dt c1plc do? Ju .. t a f cw day before thi Peter haci b a ted. \"Thot11?h all n1en hould be offended ... becat1, e of Thee. yet will I never be ff ended.' ' (Matt . 16: 33) Peter do y u love me n1ore than these who never boa ted o? It wa a tinging que tion. Wa J e u cruel in thu taking Peter back ove r the in which led to his down– fall? No. on the contrary He wa very kind and gentle. He was knock– ing the cab off a it were, o Peter could see the ugly ore of se1f– confidence. boa ting cowardice, etc. uch ore mu t be opened and cauterized with the Word or there ,vould alway be seething infection under the urface. It i the hard and painful way, but it is the on]y right way. "Love t thou me?' Rev. Earl V. Willetts Our brother illett wa born in Erie. Penn \ 1 lvania. While attending ., a camp in 1cClellan. Alabama he a\.\ hi need of a aviour. and there pened hi heart to Chri t. He was baptized in the Fir t Bapti t Church of Key \' 'e t. Florida. Called of God to preach. he felt led to take hi training at the Moody Bible In titute in Chicago. He wa at th1 time. a married man with fami1) 1 • Four children appear on bi graduation picture. l n 1934 he accepted a call to the alvar)' Bapti t Church. Bellefon– taine. Ohio. From there in 1947 he wa Jed of the Lord t o accept a call to the Grayton Road Bapti t Church, in Berea. Ohio. In 1951 this church moved to a new location in Berea and changed its n ame to Berea Bap– ti t Church. They have ju t com– ple ted the third unit of the building - a new auditorium. The Willett h ave seven children. four girl and three boys. One is up THERE in the land of the Jiving: six are down here in the land of the dying. All of their children except one live in Ohio. Three of them, with their f amilie , are members of Berea Bapti t Church. T/1e 0/1io l11depe11de11t Baptist ir pz1/J/isl1ed on tl1e first of each 111011tl1 i,1 X e11ia. 0/1io h)· Tl1e Ol1io A ssociatio,1 of Regt1lar Baptist Cl1urc/1es. It is a 111aoa 7 ine clel'otecl to Christia11 fellowship a11d faithfi1l- 11ess to 1l1e tr11 t/1. Subscriptio11 rc1te: $2.0<J per ) 1 ear. Si11Qle copie ·. 20 ce111s. Aclvertis– i11~ rales: 4.()0 per C"<>lt,11111 i11c·/1. $27.00 per l1alf pa!fe a11cl $50.00 per full pa[!e. It 110», l1(1s c1ppr<J,ti111c1tel_v 1800 \'ttbscribers a11d is gro~ving. The Ohio Independent Baptist ..• Publiahed Monthly by •.. THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p•id •t X•ni•, Ohio POSTMASTER : Ple•se send Form 3579 to Mr. Stuart l . Chaffe Box No. 7 Cedarvi ll e, Ohio 45314 Editorial Office: Box 7 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: 10th of each mon1h State Missionary Address: Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio 44224 STAFF Editor A. Donald 1of fat Box o. 7 Cedanrille, Ohio 45314 Circulation Manager . .. ... ... . . Mr. Stuart L. Chaff e Box o. 7, Cedarville, Ohio 45314 Women's Editor . . . Mrs. Inez Milner 2665 Canterbury Rd. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 Christian Education Editor . ... . .. .. .......... ...... ... . Mrs. &rl D. Umbaugh Council and Officers Chair-man V eme L. Dunham 1326 Euclid A,re ., Lorain, 0. 44052 S ta .... Darrell Bice ecre ry . .. .. . 511 Herrick Ave. E., Wellington, Ohio 44090 Treasurer . .. .. .... H. R. Davison 23 I ves ter Lane, Arcanum, 0. 45304 Mi ssionary Chr. . B. C. Jennings 4295 Ells,\•orth Rd. , Sto,v, 0. 44224 Youth Director . . . . Lynn Rogers 7854 . Boyden Rd ., orthfield, Ohio 44067 Education Chr. First Baptist Woodrow l\tlcCaleb Church, Elvria, Ohio 44035 Council of Ten Chairman Secretary John Balyo .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. .. .... Veme Dunham, ...... Darrell Bice .............. ernon Billington Robert Barrett B. C. Jennings Woodrow McCaleb Lynn Rogers Donald Sewell Earl Willetts •