The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1966
ur cJ1 d \ ( ( ti llllll 1_ tllCSS ·n ll'r fr 111 ,11deJ 11 tilt l ,lJ t1"l <. )111r l1es. 111 'IUlitt lg tilt 111 , t,,te \ f s~ill ll,11 • R' . l ,ltl l 111l, t1gl1 Ill ·t ,lt ti,~ ) ,lt,l ,lf, l ii I' i\ J 1,,1l,ll ll ,l}'\f t,( l1ttt 11 tc l 11si"it r "'-l'gni i11g tl11~ l l , f l ~,,\;, '-' ,l I lftal, ,.1rga11i z 'ti l ~11 t, t l1 t1 r • t, . 1.. llt:' '\ t111 ii. aftl"r c .1n1i11atic,r1 , {)( ct \111. 11i111 'l,, th.11 thl' Pat"1~k.ala ll 1l le I, "'~l H.11,11,t ht11cl1 . P.1ta– la. ( h,l, c tCL"l,gnt. cti a, ,l tittl\ 1 ... "' g.l 1ll C\.i a llll J'll \)J'lCrl, ( lt)~t it ll lCti 8, ) l l ' l) t) I Ch , It ,, ,1 t,ltcd dt1r111g tl1e e cln1i na- .... tit' 'l rhat thl:\ tnlcnti to eek fel l \ - h ri n hc•th the . R.B. . and th (., R.B J I ccl1gn1t1011 er\ ic "' a "'" he ... i that c, eni11g. he Pa tor f thi .... ht rch r Re::, eralli Field and the \.le ·~ 1, \f r · Jean H \\le. Rev. Br ck '-'f t ~ ... )lt1n1ht1 .. er, ed a r11 derator of lhe e ,11111nation cot1ncil. Contributions to Hon1 and Camp Inc. Martin E. Holm , Trea . Sunbury Baptist Church Box 233 Sunbury, Ohio 43074 APRIL - 1966 Gifts to Hilltop House S S of Sharon Baptist , Sharon, Pa. $ First Baptist, Rittman ................. .. Cedar Hill Baptist, Cleve land ..... . North Royalton Bapt ist S. S. .. .. ... Faith Baptist, Amh erst ... . .. .. Firs t Baptist, McDonald .. ........ .... .. Memorial Baptist, Columbus .... ..... . Northfield Baptist .... . .. . Northfield Baptist {2nd. gift) ....... . . Calvary Baptist, Panesville .. ........... . First Baptist, Elyria .. .. .............. . Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo ... .. .... .. .. .. Berea Baptist ... .. .. ................. Grace Baptist, Cedarville .. .. .. Grace Baptist, Cedarville (2nd . gift) Fostoria Baptist .. .. .. First Baptist, Bowling Green ......... .. Trinity Baptist, Lorain . .. .......... .. Immanuel Baptist, Arcanum ..... . ..... . Penfield Jct . Baptist, Lorain .... .. .. .. 5.00 10.00 16.66 10.00 5.00 5 .00 15.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 64.00 25.00 25 .00 15 .00 3.00 25.00 10.00 5.00 25.00 10.00 North Oln,~t .1d Bapt i~ t Hunt burc 8.1ptist • , C,,lv*''Y 8,1ptist , S,1lom .. . Won1on ' \ Mi\siona,y U. O .A.R . B.C. C,1lvary Baptist , Mannington, W . Va . H,ncklf?y R,dgo Bc1ptest , Hinclcl y . C dar Hill Baptist, Clove . (2nd. gift) Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .• ..$ APRIL - 1966 Gifts to Camp Patmos ~haron Baptist S.S., Sharon, Pa . .... $ Bible Baptist, North Madison . .. .. . First Baptist, McDonald .. .. .... ... .... . Northfield Baptist ..... ................. .. First Baptist, Elyria ................ .. .... .. .. .. Fostoria Baptist .. .. . . ................... . First Baptist, Gallipolis .................... .. Trinity Baptist, Lorain .. .... .. ...... .. Bethlehem Baptist, Cleveland .... .... .. First Baptist, Findlay . .. ........ .. Cedar Hill Baptist, Cleveland .... . . Blessed Hope Baptist, Springfield .. .. No rth Olmstead Baptist .. .. ...... . Immanuel Baptist, Columbus .. . Women 's Missionary U. O.A.R.B .C. Hinckley Ridge Baptist, Hinckley .... Evansville Baptist, Niles ..... . .. ..... .. Total ......... ......... .... .. ............ $ 10.00 10.00 25.00 154. 14 5.00 s.oo 16.66 529.46 5 .00 9.00 5.00 10.00 53.33 25 .00 15.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 492.19 5.00 10~00 699.52 For Rich Spiritual Refreshment ATTEND 58th Annual Summer For Warm Christian Fellowship First Week Second Week July 24 through August 7, 1966 At Bethlehem Baptist Church 27250 Emery Road, Orange Village (Cleveland} Ohio Bible Teachers Dr. Fred Brown, Evangelist Missionaries Rev . & Mrs. Don Fredericks, Workers Among American Indians - Flagstaff, Arizona * Dr. Clarence Didden, Pastor & Conference Speaker Dr. Ralph Stoll, Gifted Bible Expositor *Prof. Howard Hendricks, Head of Christian Education, Dallas Seminary Rev . & Mrs. Ron Mezner, Serving under A.8.W .E. in Sao Paulo, Brazil *These men will lead Seminars at 1 p.m. on Mondays. luncheon served each day at Noon - Mon . thru Fri. - Freewill offering basis. First Week Second Week Musicians Rev. & Mrs. Joel Kettering , Song leader - Soloist Mrs. Treba Hill, Organ ist Mrs. Maxine Clark, Pianist Mrs. Louise Griffin (Saturday Concert), Violinist Rev. & Mrs. John Weyant, Song Leader - Soloist, Harpist, Organist - Pianist 1.)acred Co11cert 7: 30 p.111 . eacJ1 Satitrday /lingspirations - Snacks - 9 each Friday CHILD CARE ursery for all 1neetings Children' meeting each morning for grade 1-6 Lodging and meaJ . in nearby motel & re taurant . A. k for Ji t. Eastern Daylight aving Time used for all meeting . • For information and folder write: Ben G. McGrew, 1853 Grasmere Ave., Cleve land, Ohio 44112 JULY, 1966 PAGE 8 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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