The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1966

l ll By R v. Nil Fisher " 111 l·,c1 ,tl11 11g g,,c· tl1an\..." ll'I' tl1i s 1s ti,~ ,,itl lll (illll }111sl e~\1 l" 1\ l'r n111 g . ll\t .' ' I 1 hcssalllt1ian~ " I~. 1111~ l~ lll>r t,tll l n nt::l 1,11 a sc tlll)tl' tl1an nlt)s l <J I tt s \\ , \ Il l. \\l' \\l}tllll ra tl1c r IC\I\~ it lt) lCllll . " 111 \(>Ille' 1/1 i 11 i_:.\ g1 , , tl1 l111\..." • :· 13ttt till.' ,,,ll )I (1t)tl lt)t c,,cl1 l'lel1c\Cl' 1s t I c t 11 , 111 \... I t I l , n c. • \ <' r. 1 111 l', t tic 11 t 1" I "1 l t 1, , l to , 1 <.l I l t l c . 1111" n1c, \ t1s th at tl1c grace <)l tl1a11k~g1v111g ')ht>ttltl th. t1 1"l1 "'·,c11 i 11 tl1c ,ltllll'"l1l1crc lll ,\U\Cf\tl\ . l \.\\ J'lC(lr>lC \...t1l'\\ tllC ht"ill)f',, t)l Otlr r['h,tnk\gt\tng [)ay l)1 ,·anklt11 tell, tt\ t) f ,t, r1g1n 1t \\a <l t1111c ol great lic, 1, ,nLll: nc, .. ,111l.lt1g the 11r~t ct tlcr\ of cw ~ ngl,tnLJ. \ IL)ng tir )ttght h,ttl pr0Llt1cc(l the f,t1 lt1rc of crop5 and a r,tc11111 ,l \C111hl, \\c\\ called f r a day of fa::,,t1ng anc.l prayer . )11~ al t~r ,ln thcr had related the hard, hip of the new ltlc ,111d had lan1ented the de ·tructive dr ught . 1nall)' ,ln L)lll f,lrn1t:r r ·e and poke freely of ho'A- they had pro– \ L)\ H a, en \.\ ith their c mplaint . and reviewed the n1cr 1e the, had already enJoyed. He reminded thcn1 thdl the) had n t been ,t· grateful a · they ·hould have been for the e\ 1dence of Divine favor. He final ly n1oved that in t ad of appointing a day of fasting they ·hould ,lpp tnt d da} of thank giving. Thi s wa · done and it i lain1ed that ottr Thank giving Day i · a continuation oJ that appointment . l ha, e tood in the ho ·pital room endeavoring to en– courage ome child of God who ·e body was weakened b) di ea e and racked with pain. to have them say, "O, the Lord ha been o good! l am thankful that He know~ be t !" They have contributed more to my help and en– cottragement. than l to their ,. ··Lord. it belong not to n1y care \ hether I die or live; To love and erve Thee i n1y ·hare. nd thi · Th}' grace n1u ·t give. .. If lite be long. I will be glad rrhat l n1ay long obey: lf \hort. yet wh)' hould l be ~uJ 1 o oar to endl · · day? ·•('hri ·t lead · n1e through no darker roo111') Than He went through before: 1 o one into H i Kingdom co1ne<:;. BLtl through H i opened door . .. ( 'on1e. Lord. when grace ha~ n1a<le 111c 111eet Thv bles ed face to ·ee: ~ For if Thy work on earth be ~weel. What wili Thy glory be?' ' -Autl1or unknow11 In e, e, _v tl1 i11 ~ give thank ' 1'11~ Ol1io _ I,1<l ep~11<l e11t !3~1ptist ~s 1111hlisl1ed <J lt tl1e f irst <J f eac·lz 111011 1/1 111 X e_111a . 01110 . h}' I J1e 0/11c1 A ssv c·ic1tio11 of R egulc,r Bc,ptist C 1111 rehes. It 1s a 111a,!;c1 z11z e t i e\ v tecl to C~lzrist ian f ello ~vs /1 i p a 11 cl f c,it/ 1 f LI/- 11ess to tl1e t r 1tt/1. . S11bscr ipt io11 ra te: 2.00 per , ectr . • ~tnt:le C<Jpt es, 20 ce, 1 ts. A d verlis - 111!_! rc11e ·: S4.00 per c·o /1111111 i 11 c·l1. S4(). 00 per l1alf fJ<l r;e a,1 d $75.00 /Jer !11// ptl "e. I t 11o•v l1t1s l l /JJJr 1 1.r:i111are(\ 2 ()()() s11/?sl·rihe1 s c111cl is t:r <J li·i, 1 .s.:. The Ohio Independent Baptist .. • Published Monthly by ... THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid 1t Xenia, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 ta Mr. Stuart l . Chaffe Box No. 7 Cedarville, Ohio 45314 Editorial Office: Box 7 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: 10th of each month State Missionary Address: Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio 44224 STAFF Editor . A. Donald Mof f Box No. 7 Cedarville, Ohio 45314 Circulation Manager . ... ..... . ... . . Mr. Stuart L. Chaf Box No. 7, Cedarville, Ohio 4531· Women 1 s Editor . ... Mrs. Inez Miln 2665 Canterb1:117 Rd. Cleveland Hcights, Ohio 44118 Christian Education Editor . .. .. ... ... ..... ................... Mrs. Earl D. Umbau Council and Officers Chairman ...... Verne L. D11nh~ 1326 Euclid Ave., Lorain, 0. 440 Secretary . ... .. Darrell B 511 Herrick Ave. E. , Wellington. Ohio 44f - Treasurer . . . . .. H. R. D? .. 23 Ivester Lane, Arcanum, 0. Missionary Chr. . .. B. C. J 4295 Ells,vorth Rd., Stow, 0 Youth Director ... . 7854 N. Boyden Rd., Lynn Ro~ ,Northfield Ohio 44C Education Chr. First Baptist Woodrow McCa Church, Elyria, Ohio 44( Council of Ten Chair-man . . . . . .. . ... . .. Verne Dunh Secretary . .. . Darrell I J ohn Balyo Vernon Billingto11 Oti Holmes B. C. Jennings Woodrow McCaleb Lynn Rogers Willian1 Ru sell Donald Sewell