The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1967

r 111 OhJ • • • UI • • • J 7 • d Buildings noted in italics were built with bond money. • 1. ) -· ) '") . 4. - ). (). 1\111bd c.1clor I lal l - 'cic11cc Hall J j. () l)!:,l' r, a l<)f )' l~t.1ilc.li11g~ ~l1t)\\ll: / . 11()l 1\ l Ft>r<l ~ le111orial .t \ttc.l. 8. Cafeteria Adclitio,i 14. l)att erson I l c1ll l ,c<lar I Ia11 Ccclc:1r Parl Faitl1 Hall 9. ( ;1 1 111 - t1 t(;fe r1 t Center 15. Bctl1el I lall J l--i11c 1\rt!:, B L1ilJi11g ~ - e11 F ait11 11 all. l (). :\ lil11er I Iall l (). I lealth , . crv1cc C 0111111u11 ica tio11s 131 <.lg. J l . \\l illia111s I Ial I l 7. i\ lacldox J l a] l Tl arri111a 11 I Ia11 _ \d111i11i!>tratio11 Blc.lg . l 2.. l ibrar, .., \ INTEREST RATES ON BONDS 1-5 Years Cedarville Bonds Are a Sound Investment 6-10 Years 11-15 Years * Your money will earn more than savings account interest. * You will invest in the future of almost eight hundred st uden ts attending Cedarville. * Your investment will help us do what many other schools are doing by government loans and subsidies. ] '/1e C(J /le/;e lilt · rec ei\'etl (J\ 'e r . 245 ,00() toi·vl1rcl tire 400,00() 11eeclecl f <Jr v11r 11ei1' libr,11 l\ EDARVILTJE COLLEGE ~-- \. /- CEDARVILLE, OHIO 45314 • DR. JAMES T. JEREMIAH, PRESIDEN "for tl1c \~/ord of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ