The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1967

• rm _trong, II IT1 • • • by Dr. Robert T. Ketcham ..lll'!l \'ll \\'\I ~ I ,\\.ii\) ,lt'lti tf ial lllO,l ..lll\ l,lti, 11 :t· l\.l \l)l' 'l 'I' l I' l.\tCI \ \)ll • ,,ii\ 1l11, i11t\., l-lc1l1c1l \\ 1 • J\ 1111"trt1ng <'r l1 ,,,n. t,.1rner 1 C\.I ... \ 1n1,t1 <)11g. ~tr. 1\ rr11,t1 ,1,g'" 1 ,\lill' r•l l)gl,\111 '" (',1lh.. ''-' •· r·11<..; \\ ,,rill l t,n1,.'rrl)\\ .. 1-11" 1111g..1; 11'-' ,, callt:c..i 1 he Plair, l "rt1th 8 '..:' .. 1t1 "c ()tlc he 41 r • 111c ,agt: I fl n, l11n1 ll'li1.l\ "' CCI)) t<.) he a . Ollild .1, the Bihle it .. elf. 111t1ltipli t th tt - anli ct1nclt1de that h i~ a af llrc.1chcr tt) ft1llt1,,. Ho\i\e\er. on hi , , er, ne,t n,e~ ,,ge h 111a, go of( on '-'n, of hi, n1an) tangent.. of wild cL.11n1 for hin, elf Jnli t tal di, t r– t11n" and denial. f the truth. of the r1ptt1re .. . For the n10 t part hi me age and article are a conglom– eration f JU t about every error ran1p nt in thi confu ed world. Hi , nnual budget i reported to be arot1nd 1ght n1illion dollar . The purpo e of thi word of warn– ing about 1r. Arm trong i to alert the people of God who eem to be unable to detect hi error. everal pa tor have told me that they find Ir. Arm trong~ magazine in the home of the members of their churche . Ju t why this bla phemou literature hould find acceptance in a Bapti t home i hard to under tand. o doubt much of hi eight million dollar income i donated by the e ame Bapti t . \l·ie li t here ju t a few of Mr. Arm trong· wild claim and bla - phemou teachings. 1. He hold that nothing of any im– portance in church realms happened on thi. earth from A.O. 70 to Janu– ar\- l . 1934. ., 2. He holds that on that date Her- bert W. Armstrong came upon the cene and started "The Radio Church of God." He says that his Radio Church of God is the only true churc:!:i since A. D. 70. If this be true then e\ 1 er)· church, every missionary ad– \' ance. and all else during these eigh– teen and one-half centuries i a false church and a false message! J. l l crl1crt W. Arn1,tr(1ng clc111a11tl s tl1a1 l,i" fc1ll0\ er kc"l'l the C)l,1 Jcwi"ih P,1 <; t)\Cr 4 Herl1crl W . r111~tr0ng tlc 111antl~ th4\t Hi follo\.\-cr" kce11 the Jcwi"'i a l t 1 rd a y ab l1 at h. 5. Hcrl1erl W. rn1 trong is what i k.nown as a " Briti h r~raelite." He h 1(1 that , reat Britain a ncl the nited tal e~ are the ten lost tribes of T. ra 1! 6. Herbert W. Arn1s trong teache~ that Je. us Chri. t had to he horn again. 7. Herbert W. Arni .. trong teaches that pre ent-day beli evers a re not yet born again. They are "conceived' ' but they will not be "born' ' again until t~ey get to heaven. . Herbert W. Arn1 trong teaches that men are saved by believing in the future "government" of God. 9. Herbert W. Arm trong teaches that we are aved by keeping the law. 10. Herbert W. Armstrong ha no place in his teachings for " the Name of J esu ." 11. Herbert W. Arm trong teache that God planned to wreck Hi cre– ation by sin. 12. Herbert W. Arm trong teaches that we will eventuall y become God. * * • * This ought to chase The Plain Truth magazine out of every Bapti t ~ome. T h e only thing that is "plain' ' about it is that it i plainly NOT the truth. We have confined our remarks to li ting only a few of Mr. Arm trong s wild teaching . For full and docu– mented disclosure of hi s blasphemies, we urge every reader to secure two very helpful books. Herbert W. Armstrong and His World Tomorrow, by Dr. Noel Smith Box I 06, pringfield, Mo., Price: $1. Herbert W. Armstrong - A False Prophet by Dr. Robert L. Sumner. Publ i hed by word of the Lord Pub- 1 isher , Box 1099, Murfree boro, Tenn. Price: 10¢ MOHICAN TRAIL CAMP 278 Acres of Lakes, Woods and Recreation Area s Churches and Youth Groups - Hold Your Own Retreat! Winterized Buildings - Winter Sports A C a111p }vith a C /1ristian E111phasis Write for FREE Folder Box 725, Mansfield, Ohio - 44901 OCTOBER, 1967 PAGE 12 Insurance Plan Now Available grc) u J, ~ I c)sr>i t n I n 11d Mcclica I In– st I ranc ~ J> I an is now ava i I ab I · to ..r{ . ll.. Pasl<.)l'S nntl their far11ili s as wclI as a11 <)t lier ch\1 rch cn1 f)lo yces. '"fh is J)r<)gra 111 ht1~ l1ccn in force for C) ur 1 i ch i g a n b rct h rcn s i ncc I 9 5 7. ,tn,1 has paid thot1san,ls c>f (follars in hcnefits ~incc its inception. It is un– clcrwritten by the Michigan f jfc In– . urance Company. Moc;;t grot1p inst1rance plans rc– qL1 ire that 75% of the e ligible people enrol l before coverage is effective. H wever, due to the high moral char– acter of fundamental Baptiste;, Mich– igan Life h as determined that the claims experience of our Michigan coll eagues has been e pecially favor– able. Therefore at least for the time heing you may enroll and be in"tired immediaitely with min·imt1m regar(I to past medical hi tory. About the only except ions would be persons who know that they are going to be– con1e hospitalized wirthin a few weeks. The program is offered to us by Mr. David H. Speer, a born-again Christ ia n and 1ong...time member of bhe First Baptist Church, Pon,tiac. Michigan. Mr. Speer h a ndles a ll o f the administrative details of this plan. such a taking enrollmen•ts, monthly premium collections and payment of claims. Although this article can't give complete detail s regarding t he bene– fits available under this program, this much can be saiid : there is a maximum of $5,000 of life insurance o n the pastor or other employee, which is sold at low group rates. Of most interest, of course, is the basic Ho pital and Metlical coverage, which pays for Room and Board H ospital extras and Doctor s. It also pays 100 % of a ll medical expenses due to an acciden,t, whether in or out of a ho pital, up to $2,000. In addition it includes a $50 Diagnostic X-ray and Lab benefit, when you are not h ospitalized. Optional benefits available are weekly disability income and a major Medical Rider which pays 75% of me<lical bills which are not covered under th e ba ic plan. such a treat– ment at a doctor's office prescription drug etc. . Mr. Speer a Repre entative for the Michigan Life Insurance Com– pany, ran an adverti ement in ou r Augt~ t issue. A number of our n1en • have hown intere t. A fu ll-page ad- vertisement will he f ot1nd in thi" i~s11e of the O.T.B. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTJST