The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1967

• (Concluded from page 5) ind 111inds through Chri t Jesu ." We need not be discouraged because of problems and difficultie ; We can earn to experience the peace of God as ~'e comn1it our proble1n to the Lord. ~~o,11eti111e tl1e proble,,i t/1at fac·es r<1L1 is 011e of bereave111ent. Your -.,orld of love has exploded. Every– hing you have known in the way of !motional security has been taken rom you, and you feel that you will ne,'er smi ]e again. Satan would di - ;ourage you, try to get you to be– ieve that life is not worth living any onger: but we mu t not be problem– ;on cious. We mu t be God con– )ciou ! Problems are very real but ~ur God is very real al o. He does oot want us to live in di couragement. .So111eti11zes Sata,1 te111pts us to self– pity. He would cau e us to feel sorry for ourselves. A man like that wrote P aim 73 in the P alter. He aid, 'As for me, my feet were almost gone n1y )teps had well nigh slipped. " He al– most stumbled because he was en– vious of the fooli h when he saw the !>rosperity of the e foolish, wicked :>eopJe in the world. He looked 1rou nd, and he said they were not n trouble as other people were; they A'ere not plagued like other folk; :tnd they were arrogan t, they were ;,roud, they were haughty, they were Nicked! As for me, he aid, I have :leansed my heart for nothing, I've ,1.a hed n1y hands and cleansed my ieart and tried to serve God, and all have gotten out of it Wa!) cha5ten1ng r 111 the Lord. ' All the day long 1a,,c I been plagued and cha~tened !VCf)' r11orning." Well , here wa a 11a11 \\'ho \\'as feeling sotry for hin1- )eli. I-le \·Va going out in the g,trdcn :1nd eat wor,11s. I he VlOrld was ftlJ 1gain t hi r11 . l~ven ,od was against 11011 , he f c:It. rJ }l l l he Yla ' greatly J1~c u,aged.. ata11 delight jn getting 1~ to e tt1e things froJ11 1}1c " ' ro ng Jers1>ective a11d caLt l: u to i11dulgc n elf J)ll). \,;111er1111el till' ' JJ11;/, le1,1 1!1t1t ,Ii\– , 1,1(Jf.: S II i /et,,. \\I do11' L k11 )\\ hLtl I g 11 g to llaJ J e11. \\t arl: Jik t dJ ti J aul 1t 11111}1 . JJc l1a I u f I d Jl cuti n c: 'er} " ' 11~1 11 d g r • r J I fir t 11 J J 11,11 , urn J1 n h arr1, .. ,11 ,, int 11 11r d f I t11 g and J .. re u- 1 11 a1 I liad to e11 JlJI ag J 111. rH OHIO I D P NDE BAP I e ~ an' e OU ow... but we are getting Gospels into the hands of people in Communist nations the world over. Gospels printed in the language of the country t o which they go are distributed by a special method. Recipients tell of great blessing and plead f or more Seri ptures. We need immediate prayer support to distribute 200,000 Gospels to spir i tually deprived people behind iron curtain countries. For more information p lease write t o J. Edward Smith; International Di rector Alfred A. Kunz, 49 Honeck Street International Director Emeritus ~~~~:~s 0 edy 07631 POCKET TESTAMENTLEAGUE "I Canada: 74 Cresent Road , Toronto 5, Ontario -~ ,.,,..,i,,.~ ~ . :...,;. ~--~~~~ ~,Cf~ He did not know what was going to happen ; and because he did not know, he was afraid. We need not allow Satan to defeait u ,throt1g,h fear. Our God i able to proteot us, he i ab]e to garrison us about with his own angel of protection, and he t able to give u the courage that we need. Perhaps you have bee,i disc·oi,rage,l hec·aicse of people. It js inevitable that ome people will di appoint you and ome people wi]l injure you. Now you oan allow Satan to u e the e ex– periences to discourage you and cause you to quit. There are people out of church today becat1 e some– where along the Jine they allowed people to tumble them. They were disappointed in omebody. on1ebody injured then1 and , becau~e of that , they becan1e di couraged and quit . The Bible say , '"Fret not thyself be– cau~c of evi l-doer ." Evil-doer there \vrll ,ti\.\ ,1y be. But th cv1l-doer cann t 1 rct U\, we fret our ·clve . We ,tllo~ our'>clvc~ to becon1e d1 t Ll l bee.I and Llp\et. We coL1ld l1 u t God in ,the hotlr of \appoinltllCnt . W ~ COttld lean heavily t1pon the Lord in the hour of injtll')'; and \Ve otild l) J)t f agai11st the ,tllacks of S,tla11 Yott ·c ", the l3 il1h. .: sp'-= ~1ks f tht! \.\ tic \ <) l ',tlan ; h l1 a~ ~, ra tag\; r11s he I1~ts wil 'S, J1c 11 ,t nil kinll >t dt;Ccit , an I lie 1~ alv, H)' S t~11111ting u . Liut ,ve 11eetl 11,Jt /Je fl i, c, 1111 tt"<><I ,ve 11eetl 11cJI /,e tie- ,.., I fe,1/e<I . ttr 1 (I i ' ttffici 111 a11 I l Jc Cil fl 111ake ti s tit Ii ier1t. \\ 1 ,lr i )} l to l1lll >ll t}1 \\ }l Jc ctl Ill r l (;od tJ1at \\ 111a I> able t C) tan I; ,1nd 11 ll:ad f going d \ ' Jl , \\'C cl ll lf\11 J! In t a J f I 111g flat n ur , c , ' d 11 I I d fl Ii Jl g r Ct in l{ t c I \ i l f 1 d \\ ttr tro1 g in tl1 1 l>t d and i11 the power of His n1ight. Now Lhi · j · addre ·ed to Chri tian and you may not know J e u Chri t at all. You are in the wrong army· you are on the wrong ide. Chri t aid, ' If you are . ,, not for me, you are again l me. o you are either in the army of hri t a a hri tian soldier or you are in the wrong army, you are on the wrong ide, and you are facing even– tual defeat. ANSWER TO RIDDLE A·t is,, 11cler ' l£111 cli11J:: Hebrew & Christian Society Bapti "t Mid-Mis ion Te timony to I rael In Cleveland, Ohio * * * Presenting Christ to the Jew b eve1 \' n1 an ,vJ11ch tin1e and te\\ ard hip \\' ill afford . * * * Working for the church with the church and through the church . MISSIONARIES - Rev. and M s. Leeland Crott , Mr . Mildred Leach, Miss Carol Mciver Re . Leeland rotts, Dir cto 4205 Che ter Av nu Clevelan , hi 4 103 OCTOBER, 1967 PAGE 1