The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1967

.A.R.B.C. Fall Conference It .. ti, \nnll,\l ll' t111g \ I tlll l1i l 1\ s~·a,linlil) tl )( Rcgttlar ll n11ti~t lllll 11 , 111 111c t 111 t!l lt'lll l)t iL,l lJ ,\I tist lllll' 11. JS f~nki11 l{ llacl. o- l,111th\1 • 111 1l, 1dt1 tl1r ,l1gl1 \\ 1 clit1l.'scln ,. t t,1.:;·r 1 l- 18. 1"hl' or>c ni11g ' l\l " \\Ill l"" lll \1 )ll\\,l\ Ut J:0() fl . Ill . 111 \\ ,11 l \ tl1c tl1ir\t \ rlllllnl t \.'tir,g (. l (\\Ir o.,\ .R.B.. in tl1c 1c111orinl I ,11 t1 t l1t1r l, "\ lt1111l,u, 111 till" 11,1,t fiftec11 \Car. 111cc the \a,l 111ccting at 1 .. ,,1 r1.1I I~ ·l"ll t ( l l ~t,) tt1e cht1rcl1 11 .. 1, rel )Catc<.l tn the I a~l11 n~tl1lc so t1th- , , ""r(1 \, ,t1· 1, l1c ll,r 111l.'r ru ,.11~• l)' ,v:.1s 11t1r h .. 1,cc.l l1) the talc f Ohio to 111 ~"' ,,.1 1 r tl1c l-; l l Jlt .. ,,,, ..,, ,,,h,ch g .. , thr ttgh the heart of the city. • 1h, ('l1t1r "h ,, .,, t111,,11i111l'll' in it dcc1 t 11 t c tend a 11 invitation to all 1 i R 'gtt I ti l~ .., 11t I t, tl.1 n1 .. 1"-c t1,c u r 1 t fact lit ,e f r the C'onf rencc. very- t hr 11g ~" , l1)(' 1, t,ltng d\)n(' tl.1 111akc the n1c e nge r happy and comfortable. "'l~h .. h ,,· ('}1t1rcl1 , ,111 l1t: a,,1 ' ted h) other 1, ter chu rche in the lumbu area it, ,,r\, 1\.l1r,g ,,cc ,,11111l. datt )1\ ,1nd helping to n1ake your l t1y in our tale' ,l~') .. ll .. 1n COll. \ 1. hle )OC \ t ' 'llt)ri .. 11 8 ..1pt1~t Chtt r h ,, located Ol1C n1ile we t of .. tale route 62 and 3 l'n .. kin R ..1d. Th . e tra, el1ng from the ort h or outh o n l-7 l hould get \. f: at the \lot1nd treet e\.1 t and g we t o n Mound to outh Wayne Avenue ..1nd Lt1rn l\;ft t akin. Other comi ng fron1 the Ea t or We t u ing Route 40 n1.1~ t1nd akin R ad b) ti ing Hague Avenue - South off 40. loc, 1 ccon1modati n on1n1ittee i handling all reque t for free lodging. ·1·11t <. 11£)11 lcf be i ,1 t/1e J,a ,id of t /1 e C 0 1111,zi ttee as soo11 as possible! end all tich reque t.. to the ho t pa tor. Rev. ernon Billington , in care of the church. Th \\ i hing to tay in motel or hotel wil l find many from which to e. L1.. t of place to tay and eat will be made available at the Conference. \\ e are e. pect1ng the Lord to ble in a mighty way, o don' t mis out on th e da)- of refre bing! OL R FRO T CO ER tell u it is OARBC FAI.,L CO FERENCE T IME. 1n the center of the clock i a picture of the Memorial Bapti t Church where the conference will be held. umbered around the clock are picture of tho e who \Vill ha\·e part in the conference. Running clock-wi e, they are. . . l o'clock - Rev. Verne Dunham Euclid Ave. Bapti t Church, Lorain, Ohio. Brother Dunham i Chairman for our Council of Ten. 1 o'clock 3 o·clock 4 o'clock - 5 o'clock 6 o'clock - 7 o'clock 9 o'clock Rev. Clayton Gray. Director of Alumni and Church Re– lation of the Bapti t Bible eminary, Joh!1 on C ity, N. Y. Rev. Earl Willet ts, Berea Bapti t Church, Berea Ohio Rev. Earl Umbaugh. State Missionary for our O.A.R .B.C. Rev. ile Fisher. Emmanuel Bapti t Church Dayton, Oh io. Mi s Mona Kemery Mi ionary under the Association of Bapti t for World Evangeli m to the Philippines. Rev. Bruce tewart. Fir t Bapti t Church Bowling Green. Rev. Don Krueger. Director Ch ri tian Education, Euclid Ave . Baptist Church, Lorain Ohio. During the Conference, Brother Krueger will be in charge of the music. Dr. Robert T. Ketcham Bible Teacher, Author, former ational Repre entative of the General A ociation of Regular Bapt1 t Churche . l O o'clock - Re\' . Ru ell Eber ole. Jr ., Mi ionary at Large for the Phili ppine . erv1ng under the A oc iation of Baptist for World Evangelism. 11 o·clock - Rev. Joseph Fritz. Calvary Bapti t Church, Oberlin Ohio . J_ o·clock Re '· Vernon Billington. Conference Ho t and Pa to r of the tV1emorial Bapti t Church. The Ohio Independent Bapt ist - Published Monthly by - THE OH IO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTI ST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POST AGE paid at Xenia, Ohk PO STMASTER: Please send Form 3579 t Mr. Stua rt L. Ch affe Box No. 160 Xenia, Oh io 45385 Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Ra t es of subscript ion : $2.00 per year; $5.C fo r three years; $8 .00 f o r fi ve year EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $ 1.15 p subscription ; single issue 20 ce nts; ba issues over one y ear old, 50 ce nts each• Your Editorial Off ice should h ave all ne, a nd advertising copy in hand no la ter th 30 days p r ior to print ing . Advertising rat will be sent on request. STAFF Editor ... . . A. Donald Mof t Box No. 160 Xenia , Ohio 45385 Circulation Manager . .. .. ... .. . . . .. ... . . . Mr. Stuart L. Chai Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Wonien's Editor . . Irs. Geo. lv1il1 2195 Rockway Rd. Universit) 1 H ts., Ohio 4411 8 Christian Education Edit01' ... .. .... . . Mrs. Earl Umbau 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 442 State Missionary ... Earl Umbau 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 442 Treasurer .. . . . .. ... . . . . . . .. . . . .. Box o. 56 Cuyahoga Falls, 0. 442 Council of Ten Chairtnan . .. .... Verne L. D11nh 1326 Euclid Ave., Lorain, Ohio 44( Vice Chairnian .. .. B. C. J ennil 4295 Ells\vorth Rd. , Stow, Ohio 441 Darrell B Secretary P. 0 . Box Io . 6 . ..... ... . l iles, Ohio 44446 Program Chairnian Vernon Billing 2435 Eakin Rd. , Columbus, 0. 43~ i\ Iissionary Chairman, Woodrow Mc Ca 276-284 Washington St., Elyria, Ohio 44035 Ed1ication Chairrn.aJt Donald Sev 4207 Laskey Rd., T oledo, Ohio 43« Y oiith Director ... Lynn R~ 7854 . Boyden Rd., .. Ior thfield, Ohio 44067 John Balyo, 12601 C,edar Road Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Otis H olmes, Gallia and Waller Sts. Por tsmouth. Ohio 45662 \\ 7 illiam Russell, 304 W. Center St. Rlanchester~ Ohio 45107