The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1967

Here is a ti111ely article by the H ost 'Jastor of ot1 r Fall O .A .R .B.C. Con– erence, R ev . V ernon K . Billingron , ~f er11orial Baptist Church , 2435 : ak in R oad. Colun1bus , Ohio - i3204. L et us re111ind you to send ·0 11r reservation fo r overnight ac– ..o,11111odat ions N OW.I The dates of lie con fe rence are Oc t . 16, 17 and 8. Plan on attendirig ever} 1 session. ?urs is a precious fe llo wship . L et is take advantage of it.I For those who are worried about he high cost of Jiving, complication tnd hardships imposed by the govern– nent will find food for thought in Kings, Chapter 12. It is the story of Rehoboam's "Get Tough Policy." Solomo n his father , had imposed t back-breaking tax burden upon the Jeople in the latter days of his reign. After olomon's death the people ·ound 1n the young Jeroboam, a ;hampio n of their rights and a delega– io n waited o n the king asking that his grevio us load be lightened. Re- 1oboam asked three days to con ider he m a tte r - as though he needed :xpert ad vice about a pl a in duty . The king turned a deaf ear to the experienced politicians and called in the young profession of hi regime - men who had " grown up with him" ( v. 8 ) . The answer of these young high brow was that of arro– gance and elf-confidence. "Get tough , they aid - what can these people do? Give 'em the works ! Sock 'em with new taxe . Tell them they haven't een anything yet! " ( ee vs . 8-11 ) . And such was the me sage Reho– boan1 gave Jeroboam a nd hi com– mittee. And thu within a short time, came the divi ion in Israel. How is such in anity accounted for? Ver e 15 gives u the answer in thi ca e , and it may apply to many others. ' ·The king hearkened not unto the pe~ple - but The cause was froni the L ord that he might perform his aying which he pake by Elijah unto Jeroboam." There is no excuse for man' folly , but at the ame time the whole thing wa to work out God' larger purpo e in tJiis case an ordained judgment for lvl1ich the nation was ripe. Judgment are abroad in the na– tion today. Boa ting man with all hi godles scheme to set up Hone world" OUR 25th ANNIVERSARY YEAR j pt1s HE OHfO INDEP NOE BAP IS Escan ha, Michigan Churches ... her h r w r n ne. VOL. 39, NO. 11 OCTOBER, 1967 Rev. Vernon K. Billington i to take to the den o f the mountain · before God i through. We need not expect ligh ter burden in the United tate . "The ure word of prophecy" tell u wha t i coming and there i no e emptio n, except for the company to be raptured in due time. " Look up a nd lift up your head : your redemptio n draweth nigh ." Men are going on to their wor t before God ' be t arrive . Present With The Lord J u'it before en(i1ng lt r P\' l l) t he printer for t h t , 1 ti • \Ve learned ot the d eat h o f 1rs. Waltt:r H. Ke1 - lei . he pa~sed a\\ 1 ' l)' in ht:r ~lee-p the n1orni ng ot ~ep t. l th. '" l"'hc 1'- ' t, lei, arl: ,ve il \\-'n to n1a11 . l.B. re 4tLlcrs h a , ' 1ng rttn a rt i le, llJlLlc r t he a J) l i n - .. Bca 111 ' t 1 u 111 th I ighth tt s ~" - \\ hil: 11 t , Itf t)t cht: 11 \\ ) f k i Il }; l l 11l i [l g l >t1 , \ \ t! S[ \ I r g I Jl I l . ; \ n ·1rticl\: l rs . K isl r 111 tis jt1 t a fc,, la, s l) J(lf gt 1ng ll b ,, ith 1 r 1 crli ,, ill 11>1 c1r i11 11\:'. t 111t 11th's Is t Ic • I t t I I) 111 u t1 1 n I r I t I 11 1 l1t1s l>,t11 I l t1r111g tt1 (1 t s. OC OBER 1967 PAGE 3