The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1967
We want to thank those who have written this editor expressing their apprec iation for our OARB Pastors in Profile page. Your editor would Iike to express his thanks to •hose pastors who have returned their ques– tionnaires. Folk Iike to know about the pastors in our fellowship! JOH R. \VOOD The oppor- tunity of being saved is extended to people o f al 1 ages. Brother Wood was but a )ad of ten. He sait one n,ight in the Moody Memorial Church in Chi– cago listening to the late Dr. Harry 1 ronsides preach the go pel. He was convinced of sin and later, at the close of the ervice, was properl y dealt with and led to Chri t. ike o 1nany of our OARBC' pa<;- 10 he received his tr,aining for hri 1ian service at the Moo Iy Bible In tit u te in hicago. He has pastored in La paL, In– diar1a - L.,apeer Michi gan - ... corse, Michigan and i pre ently serving in 1he alvary Bapt i 1 hurch of Belle- fontaine , hio. 1-Jc has been in hi I re nt 1,a 1oratc for v r five }'\:ars. ince n110, 1 ing to Bellefo nt aine, Brot}1 1 . o l , 1 1long wi tl1 hi ~ wif and tl1eir n ii n 1d , age 16, J, ,,v ~t::·n tl1 1,le ing f , cl up ,1 th ir 11 i n i t r)'. 11 or t I}' a f, t er going t i 11 e- nta i r• , 27 ;.. re l>aJJtiz d ir1 11 s T\ ic 11d 3 1 er ter1ded •h Right l and .. II Vt l1ip. 11 . , r i nar} - Jill i n I p p I h i n g o r 1 , 0 1 j 11 I I 111 n un t t O aci f 11 u lil' t t \ i n 1111 . _ <)() THE O :IQ INDEPE D "NT BAPTIS of this i c1esignated specifically for new churche. in Ohio plu. upport of our tate Mi io,nary. Pre ently the Church Building ommi.ttee i meeting with a local architect con– sidering plan for a new building. Truly the Lord is ble ing in every way! JOSEPH C. CHAPMAN, A. B. After leaving a moderni. tic churoh this dear brot:ther wa guided in,to a go pel-preaching chu-rch where he realized thart: he was a lo t inner. t,Wh,ile under deep conviation, he asked hi mother how to be aved . Thank God for godly mothers! It wa the truth of Ep,he ian 2: 8 and 9 that clinched the matter! Following a definite call to erve the Lord, he gained rii training at Philadelphia College of Bible, Kin.g' College and Reformed Epi copal Seminary. Brother Chapman has but three en1e ter hour to complete in order to obtain a B.D. degree. He plans on doing thi a the Lord a f– fords him the opportunity. He has pa tored the Bible Prole f .. ant Church of Bridgeton, . J. - the Bible Bapti t Church of Cortland, . Y . - the Danb11ry Bapti t hurch of Danbury, onn. and ha f r the pa t two and one-half year n1ini - tered at the irc;1 BaptL t hurch of Gallipolis, Ohio. 1"he hapr11an have thr e tlat1gh- ters - Judith , . hirle , and Dianna a nd o r1e son - David. ..-l~~1 e work at C1allip lis is bei11g hi . sccl of tht! l.J rtl. H i. scC() nd "' t1r1- tl~1y tl1ere evidenced tl1 ~t)rking f tl1 I.J r I in 1111,n h(.;a r ts. D ci:·dL)OS ,f detli cati 11 and rc-{lcdi ·ati n l f lif Vt't:r\: 111, l ie. Sir1c tl1at l a)', 111 a11)' OlJI l1a\~t: l> n av J an(I ""'}1 ri~ ti~lt1s l1ave l,e n l)r ugf1t int) tl1 11l a f n cl r \\ 1 alk vlil 11 rl1 ir 1 r l. - 01 rati 11 t ~ II rga11izati n i11 tll t1urcl1 an l u11da ~ ""ll I t1 , ~ b 11 n f tl1 rt f flf ,v1l1. l 1 lan~ are now heing made new builcling which i needed! concerning a o dec;peratel v - GARRISON E. RICE, B.A. , B.D. - Training for the mini try for Brother Rice wa gained at three different chool . He i a graduate of Philadelphia College of the Bible, H ough to n College and Faith Theolog– ical Seminary. It wa at the early age of five, through the witne ing of Godly parent , that he gave his heart to Chri t. Following hi time of chooling. he erv,ed a Founder and Director of Tri-County Youth-time in Lehigh– ton, Penna. He then erved a pa tor of Grace Chapel in hamokin. Penna . for a period of three year . Pre ently he pa tor ( and ha for the pa t four year ) the Bible Bapti t Church of Bedford, Ohio. It is hi privilege to erve on the Board of the Bapti t Chri tian chool in level and. a well a being ecre– tary of the Tru tee of the Bapti t Bible In titute and ecretary-Tr a .._ urer of the American ouncil of Chri tian hurche for Oh io. Br th r Rice i mo t active in th \\Ork f the A. . . . and th International 'ouncil o f hri ti an ht1 r he. . The Bedford hav th re lO\t:I} children. h c are tcphcn. ag 6, Joylenc Beth . age 4. and Ti111 th . ,1 one y a1 Id. In 111\ pre~cn t p ·1stor, te. those \\ 110 have co111c to hri ·t . ha,~ UL)ll~ ' t) m,t1nl} th1 t1gh pet "onal ~ nt,\ t Ian) of the~~ hi.l\e he~,, h,tpttLetl ,tr1tf arc 11L)\ .. JJ1. rt t t th ll) nl cl1t1rch. he cht1rct1 has gL)n ~ tllr 1t1gh , l r fining 11r ss anLi as ~l r ~stilt "0 111c l1a,, l1-: 11 lost fro111 its 111 111- l,ersl1ip. 111is 0111 , h,ts l\.:Il 1 '"I t - ,, ard a J)tll r l1L1r 11 n11d , l1ai)pit:r , 11 ! 11 '"a r I , 11 ·,rt f l t1 i ·:i r ( 19 17 111 l1t1r 11 l)t1rn d its 111 rt- gag . 1 ll I ll ra l d t t1 1 r ~ Ot 11 ·tn11iv r ar In l t111 ia f t111 . OCTOBER , 1967 PAGE 7
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