The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1966

C durv,11 0) I I }JO r r e? ( ou come to Tliis question was asked the following Freshmen: John Reeves, Michigan 11 My pastor and my cousin influenced me to come.' 1 Carole Rand , Texas 1 '1 wanted the Bible training." Dave Bauer, Wisconsin ' 'I wanted the fellowship lacking at a secular university.' ' Judy McCann, Michigan ' 'I wanted a Christian college where I could study liberal arts.' ' Eight hundred other young people fro rr1 31 stares had similar reasons for coming to Cedarville. For new Catalog - write Reg istrar, Cedarville College, Cedarv i lle, Ohio 45314 EDA COLLEGE CEDARVILLE, OH·IO 45314 A BAPTIST COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES • ''For t/1e Word v f God atid the testirnotzy of Jesus Christ''