The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1966

tltl 1111: ttf by Rev. Ralph T. Nord lund \ t1ll I \ I \1 l l' \ \ II !!II\ \ \ l)llll ) ,_ ' , , '-' , ' t,n \' t.•'-''-1 in \\ 11'-,111 \\ t' t't' I ('\ \.'ull;ll \,\l\ ,\lit 11 '\ J)la11 : 111'-'ll ,ll t ~1c1 tc('l ''-''-1. anti (Jl!1 lcct t an . . \ l c ., ( h1h. l, l lCl:ti a11tl tltc. ·\ l,\(' .1 ~'-,11 lt' 11,c t)tl higt1. \, i\la11 thl.1t1 ~n'-,,,c,t 111ar1· , c,tttlt: . \ , t,'-)'-i the f1~athc1 ·, l1,,,cr g1cnl ! H'-,r11 i 11 11r 1pl1ct1c Bcthleh 111. ..Ctt, n ,t J\,;,,c · lc1,<)red te111. Jc,, ,ind vcntilc clll ~hdll t)\\ 11 Th, to clct1111 I\ le ·iah·~ th1L>11c . ... ht,u n1,1~e t ,,,1r ,,1th lo,e· kind \\.\t)ttl. nd ,,e reJ ice t all Thee l _ortl: l "' <1pt1,e~ t'I grticc. ,,c join the trai,1 Of all ,,ho o,,n Th) right to reign! ry '"" 7: 1 ..1 1>,. 2:7 l.J en 3: I 5 J e r. 23 : 5 . (1 1,,1. 9:(,. 53:5. (1 1,,1. 9:6. 53.1()-12 J>, . 22:9-18 J>\. 22: 19-28 \l ie. 5:2 1!->,l. 11:l-ll) l \a 49: 1-7 J>s. 72: I -8 11 c. 4 : I --+, l l)- I 4 1> . 4 5 : l 1 I. a. 60: 14-16 Da n. 7: 13, 14 O.A.R.B.C. Council of Ten St a nding: ( L. lo I{ ) \.l Lt a le b . Ru"t ell. Se\\-ell and H o lme~ ~ ... Led . .81u1n c:- l n n . D unha111, J enn ing and 81LC - ~ o t Pre ent : Bal yo and Roger\ . A Ed itor of the Oh io 111<.iepenJent Bapli t. along with the n1en1ber of our ta.ff . our t,tte J\,1 J4:) 1onc1r} . our tale T rea!)urer, and your ouncil of Ten, \.\ e \\ 1 h to a ll of our \Llb criber\ a \ ery ble ed Chr1 ·tn1a · and a pro pero us ""e"" 'r'ear. Jlj J o hn 2. ~ ~ The Ohio Independent Bapt ist - Pub lished Monthly by TH E OHIO ASSOCIATION Of REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE pa,d at Xen ia, Oh io . POSTMASTER . Please se nd Form 3579 to Mr. Stuart L. Chaffe Box No. 160 Xe nia , Ohio 45385 Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Dead I ine for News: l 0th of each month STAFF · .Edit ur A. lJc>11c1lcl 1\ l{>fl'c1 t c11ia, Ohio 45385 Bux Nu. 160 ( ~irc11lation l\fanuger l\ Ir. tuart L. Chaffl' Ohio ..J.5385 Bux No. 160 . en1a, 1~?onzeri's Editor Irs. l11ez lilrleJ 2665 anterbury Road ]e,,eland H eights, Ohio 441 l 8 Christia11 Educatio11 Editor l rs. Earl U111baugh 2150 :\larhufer ve., to\iv, Ol1io 4..J.224 ., tate J\ l i~ io,1arJ 1 Earl U 111ba ugl1 2150 i\larhofer Ave. , ' tu'A', Ohio 44224 J' rea 1~ rer J an1e~ Kirtla11<l B<.>x No. 56 Cuyahoga .balls, 0. 44222 Council of Ten ( hair1n,u1 \ 1 er11e L.· Du11l1c1111 1326 l:.ucli<l Ave., Lorain, Ohio 44052 ' ' ice Cliair·nzu11. B. ,. Je1111i11g5 4295 Ells"''c>rth Rd. , 'to\, 1 , Ohio 44224 ., ecretarJ' 511 Herrick ve. \i\Tellingtun, Ohio ... Ddrrell E., 44090 Bice P,-ugru11i ( .,hairn1an Ver11u11 Billi11gtu11 2435 Eakin Rd., Columbus, 0. 4320t 1\li~ io1iarJ CJ1air111a1i , \ \ ' oodru,, ~ le( aleb 2'""'6-284 ,\ 1 a hington t., EJ}·ria, Ohio 44035 l:d11catio1i C11.air11U1n Du11al<l ' e\ve1J 4207 Laske}r Rd., Toledo, Ohio 43623 ) out Ii Direct or L~ 1 1111 !{uger 785..J. '\: . BcJyden Rd., ~ortl-1iie]d 1 Ohio 44067 J ol111 B,i]yo Otis H uln1es \ \ '1}Jia111 }{U\\C:Jl •