The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1967

,,ow Yo f Ten Dr. Otis Holmes )tt r hrl)thcr. Dr. Oti H l111c · \va ",, ,1 ,lc1d reared in Fort Depo it, ~ 1111..1. of g dl) 1ethodi t parent . he , tinge t f ten children, he felt .... the all of d to the mini try a a , t1ng n1an. ...... During hi nior year at Bob J one l ' n1, er 1tv. he ,,,ithdrew from the ~ ~1 thodi t hurch becau e of modern- • n1 . He \.\. a then cripturally bap– tized and licen ed to preach at the t. Eln10 Bapti t Church , Ch atta– nooga. Tenn. After moving hi mem– ber hip to the Highland P ark Bap tist ""l1urch. of v. hich Dr . Lee Roberson ,s l)"stlll'. lll' ,,,n , t rtlnin 'ti ltl tl1 tl }SJ'.l .. , lllitliS{l')'• I 1ltl,,ving. grnclt1ntil1n f1·<1r11 coll l'gc 11 ,vl rk 'cl ,, 1tl1 111 ,c1s()cl I.. c ll ow.. sh 'I' 1\ ssl tn t ic)tl organ i·li ng ictory I rn er ll a11cl~ in sell() ,ls (lf "J"c11nc'-I\CC. Il l' tl1ct1 l1l'Cn 111c }),l\lc1r elf tl1c Si 111 11- tl 11 l ,1 kc ll ,1 1 t1\t ( l1t11ch ( , RB ) in I lkl1,\rt. Incliar1n. He 1 ,l, at o 11.1,t(.11 ccl cl1 ttt chc"i i11 the sta tes o f 1\ lal1a n1 a, ~ c.,t1tl1 an(I Nt)r lh C' aro lina. l~ i, 1111,1 i"trv at the ~f cn1plc Baptt5l ( ' ht1rc h. J>ort"i 111ot1lh. began ept . 23, l 9(14 l n Octol1 r of la t year their . Ltnday chooJ at tendance averaged 632. he w rk contint1c to grow! Bro ther h ln1c al o edit the church 111 nthl paper. he Baptist Bible Broadca ter , w}1ich has a circt1lation f . n1c 900. He received bo th h i Bachelor and Ma ter degree from Bob J ones Uni– \ r ity and ha had be towed upon hin1 a Doctor of Divinity degree a , ell . H e erve on bo th the Board of T ru tee and the Executive Com– n1ittee of B.J .U . D r . and Mr . H olmes have three lovely d aughter . Eliza– beth Anne (BJU Freshman), Claudia Su an (H igh chool ) and Mary Ellen (Grade chool ) . Editor's Note: We are indeed happy lzavino Dr. Hol,nes on our Council of Ten and believe /1e will be used of the Lord in fo rwarding our OARBC fellowship . A WORD from the EDITOR ..• The Lord has been giving us some good meeting for which we praise Him. v e pent eight days with our brother Rev. John Strong, P aines– , ille. Here we av. 1 the bles ing of God! Brother trong is building a fine ~ork which continues to move ahead to the glory of God. \\'hile with Brother Strong, we dropped by to vi it with Rev. Donald \\-'oodby and ee his work at Willo– Hill Bapti t Church. This is the new \l.'ork which was started by Brother \:\/oodby and the people of the H ay– den Ave. Baptist Church, Cleveland <luring his time there as pastor. A this new work moved ahead, the Lord laid 1t upon the heart of our brother to res1gn his pastorate at H a)'den Ave. and accept a call to the work at \\' illo-Hill. In talking with P a tor Woodby we learned of how the Lord is ble sing. There h a been good attendance a t their ser vices. ouls are being reached for Christ and fu tu re plans are beginning now to take hape. They are looking for– ward with great anticipation toward erecting a new building on their pres– ent property wh ich i located at Route 306 just off from Interst ate 90 near Willoughby. In ovember al o we held meet- ing for Rev. P aul chenck at May– field as well a for Rev. Ken Mack at alem. Both of these are F.B.H.M. ~,orks and are moving along steadily to the glory of the Lord . We covet the prayers of each read– er as we enter this new year! We prai e the Lord for ever y opportunity He gives us to present Christ! T/1e Ohio lndepende11t Baptist is published on the fi rst of each 1110111/1 in Xenia, Ohio by The Ohio Association of R egi1lar Baptist Clzz,rcJzes. It is a 11zaga~i,ze devoted to Christian fe llowship and faithful- 11ess to the tr11tl1. Sz,bscription rate: 52.00 per )'ear. Single copies, 20 cents. Advertis– i11Q rcites: 4.00 per col111't1n inch, $40.00 per half page and $75.00 per /ltll pa"e. It 110\v hc1s c1ppro.ti111ately 2200 sttbscribers and is growi1 g. The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOC IATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p11id a t Xenia, Ohio, POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 t o Mr. Stua rt l . Chaffe Box No. 160 Xe nia, Ohio 45385 Editor ial Office: Box No. 160 Xen ia, Ohio 45385 Deadline for News: 10th of each month STAFF Editor Box o. A. Donald Moffa 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 C ircitlation M a1iager . .... Box o. Mr. Stuart L. Chafft 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 W omen's E ditor . . Mrs. Inez Milne 2665 Canterbury Road Cleveland Heights, Ohio 4411 8 Christian Education Edi tor . . . _. . . .. ... .. Mrs. Earl Umbaugl 2 150 l\1arhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 4422, State M issionary . E arl Umbaug} 2 150 1arhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 4422t Treasi,rer . . . Tames Kirtlanc Box o. 56 Cu) 1 ahoga Falls, 0. 4422t Council of Ten . Chairma11, Verne L. Dunhan 1326 Euclid Ave., Lor ain , Ohio 4405: \ ' ice Chair1na1i B. C . Jenning 4295 E llsworth Rd ., Stow, Ohio 4422· Secretary . 511 H errick Ave. W elli ngton , Ohio . .. ... . . D arrell E., 44090 Bice Program Chairman Vernon Billingto1 2435 Eakin Rd ., Columbus, 0. 4320 l\ Iissionary C ]iairnian, W oodrow McCalel 276-284 W ashington St., El) 1 ria, Oh io 44035 Ed1tcation Chairtnan Donald Se,~,re] 4207 Laskey Rd., Toledo, Ohio 4362 Yo ii th Director 7854 1 • Boyden 1 or thfield, Ohio Joh n Balyo Otis H oln1es \ \ 1 il]ian1 Russell • ... Lynn Rd., 44067 Roger