The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1967

YOUR STATE MISSIONARY REPORTS ... Valley City It wa a preciou moment at Fir t Bapti t Church, Brunswick when five f amilie came forward at the clo e of a recent Sunday Evening ervice 10 be et apart and ent forth to tart a new church at Valley City. It wa a tremendou moment for the church, fo r the Pastor and for tho e who were being ent forth. They were leaving a pa tor whom they loved and a people that were dear to their heart . However thi wa a mi ionary– mi nded people with a burden for the ..ommunity in which they Jived. Overriding their feelings of ad ne 1tvere their feelings of gladne , being :onfident of thi very thing, that out f their commi ioning and going forth would be the e tab)i hing of another Bible-be] ieving church where 111en. women, boy and girl would ind the Lord Je u Chri t as Saviour and Lord. A few week of week-night meet– ngs had preceeded thi commission– ng ervice. The e were held at the 1ome of Mr. and Mr . Chas. Deer- ield near Valley City. The ocial Room of the new bank in Valley 3ifts to the Ohio • • ssoc1at1on ames Kirtland, Treas. lox 56 :uyahoga Falls, Ohio 44222 NOVEMBER - 1966 dependent Baptist Fellowship, Struthers (hon. ) $ •ne Hills 8.iptist, Columbus (hon.) rahim Rd. Baptist , Cuyahoga Falls (hon.) •ith B ptist, Columbus (hon.) thipple A"e· Baptist, Canton (hon.) ebron Men's Fellowship, Cleve. ,clid Avenue Baptist, Lorain own Street Baptist , Akron iv ry 8 ptist, Byesville om n' s Christi n F lfowship, Kent rat B ptist , Strong,vilfe 1lv ry B ptist, Norwalk ,clid-Nottingh m 8dpti t bl 8 pti)t , North M di,on nton ille B..iptist, Columbus ,an, itl 8ttpti t, Nile1 II nu I 8 ptist, ni Orth oy hon 8 pti,t ,.,t 8 ptil;t, Blanch )I r I Fy Bapt st, Tiffin 8 pti,t 8 ptist, Coshoc ton 8 11 t , ndus y ........d r B pti,1 rtt fi Id B pt,,t c: pfl ,, c d 0 10 IND£PE D BAP I 25.00 20.00 1S.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 S 00 5.00 5.00 10 00 25.00 10.00 10.00 5 00 10 00 2.00 30.00 15.00 200.00 2.00 10.00 00 10.00 0 .00 ity wa ecured as a temporary meeting place for unday ervice . A temporary fellow hip was organ– ized with a Sunday chool taff and other officer who would erve until ufficient progre had been made to organize into a church. Fir t unday Service were held the following Sunday Dec. 11 with Rev. Frank Chittock uppJying the pulpit. We tru t the Lord to honor the vi ion and dedication of thi small nucleu of people a we] I a that of the Fir t Bapti t Church in Brun wick and the other churche in the Hebron A - ociation who are a i ting in the upport of thi new work. In addi– tion to the five familie the Fir t Bapti t Church ha al o made a com– mitment of a ca h gift of $300 and $50 per month upport. Y 011r part and mine i. to PRAY! Ottawa Effort are being put forth in other · areas. The pa tor in the North Bethel A ociat ion have encouraged u to put forth an effort at Ottawa on the we tern ide of the tate. Ottawa ha a population of 3 200 and i the county eat of Putnam ounty with New Lyme Baptist Bethlehem Baptist, Cleveland Brookside Baptist, Cleveland Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo Bible Baptist, Girard South Canaan Baptist, Athens Immanuel Baptist, Arcanum Cedar Hill Baptist, Cleveland Hgts. Calvary Baptist, Xenia Blessed Hope Baptist, Springfield Berea Baptist First Baptist, Wellington Bethel Baptist, Toledo Emmanuel Baptist, Lorain Grace Baptist, Sunbury Faith Baptist, Greenville S.S. of Sharon Baptist, Sharon, Pa. First Regular Baptist, Bellefontaine Graham Rd. Baptist, Cuyahoga Falls First Baptist, Lancaster Wheelersburg Baptist Calvary Baptist, Bellefontaine first Baptist, Gallipolis Calvary Baptist, Massillon Tr1n,ty 8dptist, Lorain Mardnc1tha Baptist, Spr ingfield Tempt Baptist , Port~mouth Memoridl Baptist, Columbus Women '~ M,isionary Un ion, Cedarville 12.00 5.00 2 .00 37.50 20.00 2.00 10.00 60.00 5.00 10.00 35.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 S.00 13.00 125.00 10.00 20.00 25.00 10.00 10 00 15.00 5 00 75.00 35.00 20.00 Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh a population of 28 000. A, far a we know, there i no Bapt i t hurch in the entire county! The clo est cht1rche of our A ociation are n1any n1i le. away. There are two in Findlay (23 mile to the ea t), two in Lima (22 n1ile to the outh ) and one in an Wert ( 32 n1 i 1 e. to thc we. t ) . Westerville A few people are 1neeting each Tue day night at We terville , on the north edge of Colu rnbu in Bible tud y, Prayer Meeting and Planning e ion hoping that a new church will develop out of 1hi beginning. There are everal OARB churche j n the Colt1mbus area but none on the far north ide and it i hoped that thi will n1eet that neecJ. Union Baptist Evansville Baptist, Niles Huntsburg Baptist Bible Baptist, North Madison Avon Baptist Bible Mission Baptist, Reynoldsburg Calvary Baptist, Broadview Hgts . S.S. of Sharon Baptist, Sharon, Pa. New Richland Baptist, Belle Center Northfield Baptist, 5.00 5.00 50.00 10.00 5 .00 20.00 10.00 5 .00 5 .00 10.00 Calvary Baptist, Coshocton Subscriptions 0.1 .8 . Total Receipts Advertising Total From Your Editor • • • 2.00 454.00 $1 ,731.50 30.20 $1 ,761 .70 rr he L rc.i hc.l') givc11 ll ~ Ille fi (lC r11e ti11g-.; thr" 1 enr t ~t1cl1ti B\tp11,c l ~t) t ai11. ( \ _\tlllf 11 B tpt1,t, Ober li11 and r1r\t B,tp11st ,alli))lt, 111~ dttl, l)f I J th 1 ()ttgh _4 in the 1110111 h l1f t: brtt- ar , at~ ,till t)J1c11 \\ 1 ' \\ ttlll lik tl) fill thL·,~. \\i~ l'4ltl be ~ontnlt 'ti t Bll (>. 16(), t•11ia. l1i , - 4, )\ .- . 1>}1{)11 • 13-J 7t)- 1) ' · MICHIGAN TRAIL CAMP G, ou f) , I r1 d i vi d ua I a 11 d F fl1 i I y C r11 f) 11 g in tru Ct1ri sriar1 tr11o spf1ere WRIT FOR A BROCHURE P.O. Box No. 725 M n fi Id, Ohio 901 BRUAR 1967 p G