The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1967

Rev. William F. Russell R , ,. \\ 1 n1. Ru ell wa born and rai. cd 10 le\eland - a Buckeye fron1 birth! f ter graduating fron1 the ~ uth High chool. he furthered hi sl\ll lU.'s nl (11' ll n1 t is t llil 1, S ·111i11ar • Jc,l1r,,l,t\ it ,. ) '. ,vl1 l'l' 11 • 'Hl'll -' c.l n lh. I~ li'gr'c. tli s ho111c cl111rcl1 is tl1' ll rl1tk.,1(I' ll n1,tist "h\trch in ll'\ 1 clat1(i. H, l1 as l1el<I JJastc.1rntcs 111 c,, llltffal<). t icl1., Htl1\\-n,1111rg ,inc.I J'4. <.)J t H\ l1C, ltl 1. <ltlll l\ 11() \.\ fin1\h – i11g l)\tt 111, thirtl car at f .. 1rst 13apt1st i 11 Blanchc~tcr. Ohi . He l1a ,crvcd on the C ar11p 13onrd an 1ntliana f r three yea rs antl ha\ a,~ been a n1cn1bcr of l he ot1 nci I f I in that state. Pre ently, he er e. n the ci to Hill. Bapti t t1th amp Board as well a being a member of the ational ounci l f the ellow hip of Bapti t for H n1e Mi ion . The L rd i richly ble ing hi work at Blanche ter! Hi wife. Loi , i the daughter of Dr. Paul Jack on, ational Repre- entative of our G.A.R.B. . he j an e ce llent piani t. The Ru ell have three lovely children ... Joy, age 13, Donna, age 11 and Brantley, age 5. We are happy to have our brother erving on our Council of Ten. Report on Mrs. Patricia Spaulding Pat paulding i now living in Ar– cade. ew York. he was di charged from the ho pital in December. A i -inch crew ha been removed from her elbow and phy iotherapy i help– ing to re tore the arm to full u e. he i rejoicing in the goodnes of the Lord· people and in the con– tinued faithfulne of the Lord Him- elf. She write . . . "In my sorrow over the departing of my dear hus– band, the Saviour has been right there to carry me through and Hi grace has been sufficient a He pro mi ed.' ' Let us continue in prayer for her and the children. There will be yet many difficult days ahead... but HE IS FAITHFUL! COVER PICTURE The Lincoln Memorial (Luoma Photo - Wierton, W. Va.) in Wah– ington, D. C. Here wa America greate t. No mere politician was he! H ow America needs tate men of thi calibre rather than the poor ub– titutes that he now ha . We are confident that a man of Lincoln's tature would have long ince olved the problems facing u a a nation . . . both at home and abroad! Lincoln wa a man who honored God. It was be who said . . . regard– ing the Bible... ' 'In regard to thi Great Book, I have but to say, it i the be t gift God ha given to man. All 1:he good the Saviour gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong. All thing most de irable for man' welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it." One wonder what he would h ave said of a Supreme Court that voted the reading of the criptures from our schools! He al o aid ... ' 'The good old maxim of the Bible are applicable, and trulj' applicable to human affair ." One could wi b that our leaders today v.rould take time to consider this Book. I like these words . . . " It i mo t cheering and encouraging for me to know that in the efforts which I have made and am making for the re toration of a righteous peace to our country. I am upheld and su tained b)' the good \\ i hes and prayer of God s people. No one i more deeply than my elf aware that without Hi favor our highe t wisdom is but as fooli hness and that our mo t trenuou effort would avail nothing in the hadow of His di plea ure. The e were written to a woman who had aid he ~ ac; praying for him. Truly .. . thi wa a GREAT MA ! The Ohio Independent Baptist - Publi,hed Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POST AGE paid at Xenia, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to Mr. Stuart L. Chaffe Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Editor Box Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Dead I ine for News: 1 0th of each month STAFF A. Donald Moffat o. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circiilation Manager ... . . ... Box . .. . Mr. Stuart L. Chaffe o. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Women's Editor Mrs. Inez Milner 2665 Canterbury Road Cleveland H eights, Ohio 44118 Christian Education Editor . . . .... Mrs. Earl Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer A\re., Stow, Ohio 44224 State MissionarJ' . ... . Earl Umbaugh 2150 l\1arhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 44224 Treasurer . James Kirtland Box o. 56 Cuyahoga Falls, 0. 44222 Council of Ten Chair1'1 ' . . .. . Verne L. Dunham 1326 Euclid A\ 1 e., Lorain, Ohio 44052. l 1 ice Chair1nan B. C. Jennings 4295 Ells\vorth Rd ., Stow, Ohio 44224 Secretary . . . .. Darrell Bice 511 Herrick Ave. E., W ellington, Ohio 44090 Progra1n Chairnian Vernon Billington 2435 Eakin Rd. , Columbus, 0. 43204 l\tiissio1U1ry Chairman, W oodro1.v Mc Caleb 276-284 Washington St., Elyria, Ohio 44035 Editcation Chairman Donald Se,vell 4207 Laskey Rd., T oledo, Ohio 43623 You-th Director ... Lynn Rogers 7854 . Bovden Rd ., Northfield, Ohio 44067 John Balyo, 12601 edar Road leveland, Ohio 44106 Oti Holmes, Gallia and \i\l aller ts. Port mouth, Ohio, 45662 \l\' 1lliam Rusell, 304 \V. ( "enter 't. I3la11cl1cster, Ohio 45107