The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1967

The Lad ies Cooked! L)111ethtng entire!, different wa - ., tr ted th1 · ) ear! It proved quite uc- e ftil' In tead of holding O E youth r"111, - T\\·o \\ere held. imultane- . u l) . \\'hen the report from BOTH rallie are \'ie,\ ed. it i obviou that n t nearly a many 1 ·oung people at– t nded a h a,'e in previou year . ho,\ e, er. tho e that did. eemed to be the ··cream of the crop r They ,, ere not pre ent imply to get in on a long car ride! Excellent attention wa reported fron1 all work hop leader and per– onnel directing the rallie . The re– pon e to invitations revealed a mark– ed improvement over other year . We prai e the Lord for thi ! Ceda rville Group The Annual tate Youth Rally con– , rcned at Cedarville College on Fri– da) . .L ~o,·. 25th. Over 400 youth and adult \.\ere in attendance. Choir Rehearsal FEBRUARY, 1967 PAGE 4 • 1es The afternoon program featured work hop designed to create piritual tendencie for daily living. The work– hop included ' Mind and Music " "Science and the Bible ' and ' 'Ath– letically peaking.' ' After the evening banquet the rally wa conducted by Pa tor Wes Bliss, Columbu . A Youth Choir sang and Pa tor Ken Andrus, pringfield played "Wonderful Grace of Je u " on the organ. Pa tor Nile Fisher, Dayton delivered the me age focusing upon the theme "What I Man?" Seven young people made personal com– mitment regarding Chir t. Cedarville College went ' 'all out" to make it a great day. There wa a plendid pirit of Christian fellow– hip ! Northfield Division The orthfield divi ion of the State Youth Rally met in the or- J,',/i/tJr·,. 1\ '(> te: 11 1 • l'<'!J lc' I 1/1,11 u•c: /1,1 ve 11<1 JJic·t11rc•s u/ tit<' r,111)' /1el,l i11 ""<l<1rvif/e. 'f '/1i · ,v,1\ tt, l1<1 ve b,·e,, c'<ll'<' <I /<JI' I , )'<J ttr c<lit<>r. 011 tl, e <l<I)' ,,f 1/1' r,111)', ,i,c \V ·re si<·/,· i11 /, e,/ ,vi tl1 t/, e / /11 ! lVe.xt , '<tr ,ve ,viii try t r, <I<> /,etter! The Youth Ate! donia High chool with over 4()0 in at tendance! Work hop leader did an excellent job and the Moody sc ience fi lm - "The Three Clock ' ' was a good change of pace between the work hop e ion . ome felt this to be the be t cience film they had ever seen. The ladies in charge of preparing the banquet are to be commended for a job well done! Every young per– on enjoyed a good hot meal . Pa tor Garrison R ice Bedford,_ pre- ented a tremendou challenge to youth empha izing their need of being wholly eparated "unto the Lord." Pa tor Howard Andru La Grange: did an excellent piece of work with the youth choir. There were some who made public dedication of heart and life. The Lord ble ed through– out the day ! ' . ' . .. ., ' ..._· . '". . ' • Workshop Session THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST