The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1967

WO fr r1 ti • • • 11,c 1•, curhc1s' 1 1 1,, c, l c'l111g ,,., ,, 111\l' l'I Illes 111g. Sc1111c IS tc1 () 1'' •,\ ll~rs ,llllllg ,, itl, ,, I ,, la 11,c1, listen 'll tel ,\ 11,,ll ·ngit,g 1\1 "ssag' 11 ' l, ,1ng~l1st ll ( l) ~t1111n "r. 1-i Ll lll>,, ing Busy at Work! 1l11s till' ,, ·111 l (l I ra ' ·1. It ,, HS a J'IJ t' ' lfl\ IS I j Ill~! l tiring tl1:1t n1 c, 1ltl1 ,,e hatl tl1e Ill \ llf 111i11i,tl•11ng i11 tl1e l ltClitl ll c111- t1,t ( l1u1Ll1. l rai11. tl1c ( ,t111<.l c11 ll ,111tt',l <. l1t1r ·h. ()\1c1 lin. the .. ir t ll.1pt1,t <.. l1t1rcl1. ,all11'lc)l1,. the Maplc– , ,c,, l~,lf".>t1,t ' l1t11 cl1. 1>,)1tagc. Michi– ga11 a11<.I the \ \()11 l~ apt1,t ht1rch . ... \ \t)t'\. t) the gl<.)r\' ()f (1L)ti, v\C car1 It ,,.1 b,1cl in Jant1t1r, that ,,c Itek l1ack ()n ,ottl that \\.ere rcachecl 101 C""' hr1 t ancl other \,\,ho ttrrcndcrcci their lt,c\ dnd \\ill~ l H1111. The I.,or<.I i~ grac1ot1 i11 pcrn11tting tt'> to serve H i111' 'A 1 c t h,tnk Hin, for every p– por t tt n 1 l y to t cl l t hc tor y o f H is lovc and grace! . ,, c c 11 the l .(,rain- l, 1 ria area. \\ 1 htlc ll1c1 ~ ,, e had the pr1, 1lcgc of attcnd– i ·1~ .t 't ottth Rall, and later the ... e covet the prayer of every reader a we give ot1r elvc, t the n1in1 tr)' of editing the 0/1icJ !11de– per1de11t Baptist. ever in all of our mini try have we worked o hard . .. but we rejoice in it. We repeat . . . it i ble ed to be u ed of H im . . . to be bu y in that work to which He ha called t1 . Brethren, pray for u ! Ht:~rln ... c1ation P,1 tor· Pra\'Cr lt.~tino t the 't uth Rall\' o~er ~ J Sl () , ot1ng p pl gathered together t, 1,g pr .. i e tint 1 the Lord. Br ther ..1rrell Bice of \\'ellington. Ohto prea hed. There \\ ere ome \\ ho made deL 1 ~t "n concerning their relation- ..... -..h1p tL the Lord. Cedarville College Choir The 1966-67 Cedar, 1 ille College Choir, under the direction of Mr. David 1. ~l at on. \\ 1 111 be making 1t annual pring tour March 18-28. The 40-voice choral unit v\ ill be pr enting fourteen concert in Ohio. Indiana. l llinoi , and I ,,,a. The choir include in it repertoire everal election from well-known anthen1 literature. in piring h) 1 mn arrangemen , and ome repre entative election of the fine t conten1porary choral literature. I\1arch 1 Gray R ad Bapti t March 24 He vi lle Bapti t Indianapoli . Indiana H ammond, Indiana i\l ,lrch 19 L-ni,er ity Height Bapti t March 25 Calvary Bapti t Indianapoli . Indiana Highland, Indiana ~l arch 19 Rt\er ide Bapti t March 26 Eater unri e crvicc Decatur. Illinoi Highland, Indiana i'.larch 20 Fir t Bapti t l arch 26 Fir t Bapti t LaSalle. Jllinoi Hobart, I ndiana 11arch 21 Fir t Bapti t ~·larch 26 Bible Bapti t ii\ 1 • Ill1noi Kokomo, Indiana ~larch 22 v\'alnut t. Bapti t March 27 Fir t Bapti t \\ 7 aterloo. Iov.:a Cambridge City Indiana ~tarch 23 Fir t Bapti t March 2 Troy Bapt1 t Temple Eldora. I ov.1a Troy. Ohio Dur ing Lht chool year. the College Choir has presented concert in Kentuck)' . Ohio and Indiana. It ha al o participated in the annual presentation of Hande. ··Me 1ah.. for the college f am1lj' and the comn1un1ty of edarville. The) al o apeared on tele, 1 ton. Tl1e Ol1io /1zdepe11de11t Baptist is p11blished on tlze first c)j eaclz 1110111/1 i,1 X e1zia, Ol1io h} 1 T/1 e Ol1io Associatio,z of Regi,lar Baptist Cl111rc/1es. It is a 111aga~i11e devoted to Cl1ristia1i fel/o}v~hip and faithfz1/- 11ess to the trz,th. S1,bscriptio11 rate: 2.00 per )'ear. 5ing/e copies, 20 c·et1ts. Aclvertis– i,1!? rates: 4.00 per c·o/1111111 i11cl1, $40.00 per half page ar1cl 75.00 per /11// /JO''e. I t 11ou. /1c1s c111prr,xi111c1te(v 22()0 s11hscribers arzcl ir {frou·i11(!. The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p~id at Xenia, Ohio, POSTMASTER Please sond Form 3579 to Mr. Stuart l . Chaffo Box No . 160 Xenia, Oh,o 45385 Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Ra tes of subscription : $2.00 per year; $5.00 for three years; $8 .00 for five years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 per subscri ption ; single issue 20 cents; bac~ issues over one year old, 50 cents each . Your Editorial Office should have all news and advertising copy in hand no later than 30 days prior to printing . Advertising rates will be sent on request. STAFF Editor Box A. Donald Moffa t 1 o. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation l\1a1iager . .. .. 1r. Stuart L. Chaffe Box 1 o. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 \,V 01nen 1 s Editor Mrs. Inez ilner 2665 Canterbury Road Cle, 1 eland Heights, Ohio 44118 C11ristian Editcation Editor i\1rs. Earl Umbaugh 2150 :\Iarhofer ve., Sto\v, Ohio 44224 State l\Iissionar; 1 Earl Umbaugh 2150 i\ l arhofer Ave., Stovv, Ohio 44224 Treasitrer James Kirtland Box o. 56 Cu} 1 ahoga Falls, 0. 44222 Council of Ten C'liair1na1i . Verne L. Dunhan1 1326 Euclid Ave., Lorain, Ohio 44052 1 1 ice Chair · . B. C. Jenning 4295 Ells\vorth Rd., Sto\v, Ohio 44224 ecretarJ' 511 Herrick ve. \"\ 7 ellington, Ohio ... Darrell E., 44090 Bice Progra11i C11air111.a1i Vernon Billington 2435 Eakin Rd., Columbus, 0. 4320-t l\I issio1iar} CJiairnia11., \i\ 7 oodro\v i\1cCaleb 276-284 ~ lashington St., E1) ria, Ohio 44035 Ed1,catio11 C1iair1rz.ari Donald Seive11 4207 Laske}· Rd., Toledo, Ohio 43623 ) r ou t1i Director .. L}'nn Roger 78, 4 ~- Bovden Rd., '\'ortl1field, Ohio 44067 Jc)hn Bal}o, 12601 Cedar Road leveland, Ohio 44106 Oti Holme , Gallia and \\'aller <:>t, Portsmouth, Ohio 45662 \\ illian1 Ru ell, 304 \\. ('c11tcr <:>t . Bla11cl1estcr, Ohio 45107