The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1967

Or, Th ront Cov r • • • , 1 rl,, , \, c>/ tl,c )/11(J l 11tlc / c,1, l- 111 1 I \ I 1/1 ( ,, c ,,c1,,rcJ , ,,, 1 H i 11 {! 1/1 ,, tlrcl l 11 n 111 , 1 I,,,, c I, < I \ ,>111/1 7 c>/ ,1 . c,,, , \ teri<.>r vie"' <) t l,c 1 >11t 1/1 l 11 Ill!, a,1 i11tcri<>I' , i c ,v <'f 1/1 111 111 11dit(Jl'i111 1. tl1e f rese ,11 <<>111.!I ~011 11 a11d tl1 c /<1,· c>r , R e , Ir /01 <I l.,o, , ' t . Ii < I t•r ,·cJ11c1/l., fe el it u ,,, <I t?<><><I tla , ,,lltll. (/.\ ( I ll .. S()C/(l fi<> II . 1/,e . . R . l? ( e 11,Q,1,.t:etl 11,e , er, · ic·es <JI l ' r<, tl1cr l.1c1rl L 111 ba11t?l1 tis tl1cir fate \ f , , < 111 ar.,, Jc>, 0 I 1 i o. TI Ii <I ear I re t}1er /1,1.s ,, <Ji /..eel tirele sl.v ,i·it /1 , , l )r<>~rc1111 (>/ Prc>pa~atio11. eC'A.i11g T<> t ,1,1l>li ·/1 11 e , P c·/111rclz e . 011c s11cl1 c/111rc l1 tl1at l1<1s <"<>111e ;,,,<> hei11 r? i · 1/1c Bet/1 el Bapti t C /111rc·l1 < • (>11t/1 1 ..oled<J. of 1\' l 1i(·/1 R e ,·. Clif– /<> r<I Boe el is t/1e Pastor. Tl1ere is ca11..e for rejoici,zg as 011e co,zsiders rJ1e dcvelop111e11t and oro,vt/1 of thi ,,·v,". 011r pra)'er is t/1at it sl1all be cl1plicated 111a11)' ti111es o ,,er in t/1e cf a.r al1ea<l ! Read tl1e f olloivi ng arid I CJOl Ce ! The Bethel Bapti t Church of outh T ledo came into being through the c mbined effort of our tate Mi - 1onar}'. the Torth Bethel A ocia- tion. and the Emmanuel Bapti t hurch of Toledo. In fact, it wa the Emmanuel Bapti t Church that up– plied the nucleu for the work. Bro. Umbaugh pent many hour in help– ing th i work get off to a good tart. T he fir t e rvice were held in \1 aumee. Ohio 0:1 March 23 1965 in the American Legio n quarter in aumee. Later the Lord provided ade– quate meeting quarter s in the I.0.0.F. building in outh Toledo. The church met here for a per iod of ten month , during which time five and one– thi rd acres of land were purchased on Glend ale Avenue. A building pro– gram wa begun immedia tely! T he first 11nit was completed in J anuary of 1966. However , this was outgrown in a very hor t t ime so that the plans for a second unit were pro– po ed to. and accep ted by, the church. • I l1i s tl ·,v \tn it 11 ns I ·en Cl 1111JI ·t t i. It i" s t1 fl i i · 11tl , lnr ' " l ll s at 25() ,,~l' t'I L' . "I 11 • l'l t1 11<ls l1n, 1 • l1cc11 la r1(I– ' (,, r ' ll , nn i n 1 la k-t<. IJ t l ri,r ' an<.I 1,11 k tng ll)l gtc, tl\ enha n c the 1 ro- 11c1t , \\l1 ic l1 1n t t 1r11 is a g<)<.)<.l t st i– tlll) ll \ 1n tl1c co111111t111it v. lcn1l1c1 '-lhtr> t'\ \ V t<.1ta l , 71 '{.his IS an 111 rca,c f ~5 r .. ,t tcc n I thc\e ,,e re l1\ l1apti,n1. 1 he l,1sl thr ee ni t 11tl1 'i o l 1966 the ttnday .'choo l att cnd a11cc averaged 109 with an over-all a cr,lgc ol 82 f r the e ntire c,1r. The biggcli t attend ance a l any ne ervicc wa 1 14. Te n were bap– t izcd recently at a unday evening • ' Cf VICC . Writing co ncerning the work Pa - tor B cl aid ' 'Without the fait h– ful upp rt of the orth Bethel A - cia tion in the P rogram o f P ropa– gati on thi church would not be oper– ati ve today ! T hi new chu.rch h as in turn take n on the upport of rt:h ree lher wo rk in thi program along with upporting the Sta te Mi ionary to whom these folk feel a gre at debt of gratitude." During the mo:ith of March your editor had the privil ege of eeing th i lovely new church building. It i beautiful ! He attended a meeti ng of the orth Bethel A ociation of our O.A.R .B.C. fellowship which was held there. cme 45 or 50 were in at tendance. H e a r t s were blessed through a me age on prayer de– livered by Rev. George L. Nulph of Gale burg I llinois. Brother Nulph wa engaged i:i pecial meeti:ig at the Fir t Bapti t Church in F ind lay where Rev. Fred Crown J r. i pa or. At th:s meeting the North Bethe] A ocia tion elected the fo llowing new o fficer : Moderator - Rev. C lifford Boe el : Vi ce-Moder ator Rev. Larry D . En~le~ Secy-Treas. - Rev. Bruce N . Stewar t and You lh D i– rector - Mr. Michae l Hook . An yo ne driving i:1 the vici =-i ity of outh T oledo ought to take time to ee thi lovel y new building wh ich tand a a testimony to the glor y of God! ·. GI FTS? BOOKS? SUPPLIES? .·f · We have the answer t o your needs ac R. B .P . • • • • • • Re fe re nc e books, devotional books, Scofield Bibles, flags , church and rela ted s uppl ies . .>f. REGULAR BAPTIST PRESS • 1800 Oakton B l vd ., Des P l ai nes , Ill. 600 18 The Ohio Independent Baptist - Publ ished Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTI ST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p aid at Xenia, Ohio POSTMASTER: Please se nd Form 3579 t c Mr. Stua rt L. Chaffe Box No. 160 Xen ia, Oh io 45385 Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Rate s of subscription : $2.00 pe r year; $5.()( fo r three years; $8.00 for five years EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1 .15 pe subscription ; single issue 20 cents; bacl issues over one year old, 50 cents each. Your Ed itorial Office should have all new and advertising copy in hand no later tha , 30 days prior to printing . Advertising rate will be sent on request. STAFF Editor .. A. Donald Moffa Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation Manager . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . ... .. . . . Mr. Stuart L. Chaff1 Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Women's Editor .. .... Mrs. Inez Milne 2665 Canterbury Road Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 Christian Education Editor ... .. - .. . . . . . Mrs. Earl Umbaug] 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 4422, S tate Missionary . . . Earl Umbaugj 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 4422' Treasurer . .. . Ta mes Kir tlan< Box o. 56 Cuyahoga Falls, 0 . 4422: Council of Ten C hairman .. . . . Verne L. Dunhan 1326 Euclid Ave. , Lorain, Ohio 4405: Vice Chairman .. B. C. Jenning 4295 Ellsworth Rd., Stow, Ohio 4422' Secretary . . . . . ..... .... Darrell Bic1 511 Herrick Ave. E., Wellington, Ohio 44090 Program C hairman . Vernon Billingto1 2435 Eakin Rd., Columbus, 0. 4320· J\,l issionary Chairman, Woodrow McCalel 276-284 Washington St., Elyria, Ohio 44035 Education Chairman Donald Sewel 4207 Laskey Rd., Toledo, Ohio 4362. Y outh Director ... Lynn Roger 7854 . Boyden Rd., Jorthfield, Ohio 44067 John Balyo, 1260I Cedar Road Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Otis Holmes, Gallia and Waller ts. Portsmouth, Ohio 45662 William Russell, 304 W . Center t. Blanchester, Ohio 45107