The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1967
• • • e 1ss1on 1e s s aw em By Mrs . R. T. Ketcham How doe one de cribe the impact of mi ion and the horde yet lo be reached? To ee people walking the treet , crowded literally by the thou and into one apartment hou e ( at lea t people to each 10 foo~ qu are room in Hong Kong) living out their hopele live i heart-break– i:1g. We need one thou and mi ion– arie to reach the e lo t ones - but "e are too wrapped up in our own little affair to end out the 104 who are ready to go. The face of on1e of the e people are unforgettable be– catt e of their de pair - and there i. no one to tell them of hri. t. There i the happy ide of work that 1 being done. In Japan we met in confere,ce with many Japane e pa tor and vi ited one local church. I t was a ble ing. Word come to u of out la nding Chri. t1an . A i true on al l the fields. the mi ionarie are dedicated. :apable a:id greatly used. In the Philippines one ees the im– :>act of mi 1onar1e~ past and pre ent. fhere a~e two training chool and heir graduate are dedicated pa tor tnd Bible women. l n a conference a: 3acolod, j egro . o:1e Bible woman a jubilant. he work back in the 11ountains and has worked for two cars or more without any regular upport. Her people share their food tnd n1i ionaries send cca\tonal >O e of clothing. ow - her gr up f believer had voted to pay her a alary! I~ is 5 pesos per n1onth. That 1.25 ir1 ot1r n1oney. How mt1ch lo tl10 c t1:inecded ice crea111 sodas ~ t? 0111e of tl1e n1ost triur11phant l1ri 1ian vle ha, 1 e ver 111et are Filipino . We could write a book about them. In Hong Kong the too few mission– arie are reaching almo t one thou - and refugee Chine e child!fen through the roof-top chool . That is literally what they are. In two section of Ho:ig Kong they conduct school on the roof of an apartment building. They are regular day school but with Bible teaching added. A number have professed to believe - but they go home to heathen f amilie and have a difficult time. P lea e pray for thi work. Our main objective in ilii mission– ary jour:iey was to vi it our on, Dr. Donn Ketcham a:id his family in Ea t Paki tan. The joy o.f reunion with them, we leave you to imagine. They lead busy lives. Donn is the onl y urgeon since Dr. 01 en is on furlough - and two days a week he a:id the nur es see the clinic patient . He i busy all day and sometimes called out by night. Between times at the ho pi,tal he may be repairing the car or boat motor. Kitty teache the mis ionary kindergartners from 8:30 to 12:00 each day - cares for four lively childre:1, and trie to fini h her Bengali tudy. There are added task like teaching a Jes on in Be:1- gal i to a Chri tian girl who, in turn, wi ll pa it on in hittagonian. Both Donn and Kitty are very tired - but happy in the work. They :ieed prayer - a do other - for phyical strength , wi5dom and encouragement. he hospital where they work i a tre111endot1c; tool in the hand of ottr L .. ord. 1 he l1t1iltling 1t\clf i\ e cel l nt hut cqu1p111ent 1c; slow 1n arr1\ ing. Among P ki t ni 8 Ii ver BAPTIS • - l Mrs. R. T. Ketcham They order nothi:tg until money i in hand to pay for it - then it may take month for it to arrive. For in- tance, broken bones are not unu ual. Donn mu t et them by the " touch' ' method. God ha given great ucce in thi . Four days a week o:ie ee long line of people (75 to 125) wait– ing to be treated in the out-patient clinic. They all hear the Go pel from a native evangeli t. Tho e who are ho pitalized hear it daily - and ee it demon trated by doctor and nur e . It i very hard for them to compre– hend the implici ty of faith i:1 the One Who died for them but d i ab le to open heart and mind. There are ome wonderful hri - tian . One you ng man h been beat n uncon ciou a:1d only aved fr n1 death on everal occ i n by a mir– acle of God. Another, a Tipperah nan1ed An ari, i a weet a hri ti ,1n a we know. He welcomed hung r and tr uble becau e "' I l arn to kn \\ d bett r at the tin1 .,, He ha w n a :1un1ber of hi tribe t hri. t. Th re i much to t 11 - bt1t pa e J r bid . D pray f r th n1 i i ~ - arie . lt 1 often l w and d1 c ttrag– ing - o pray that their heart ,viii he cncot1ragcd. P r,l\. t . for thl)'-i .. 1n langt1age ~tttd\ It I\ \et\ d1tt1ct1lt . J>rll)', f)/'ll)', pl G) 1 f / Dr. Ket ch tn nd An5 ri APRIL 1967 PAG 7
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