The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1967
He al o ~ aid th at He did not con1c to judge the worJd. J n. 12: 47. But we live in a day when a group of re– ligiou humani t ee and u e the go pel olely as a panacea, to recon– cile man to man. Hear Christ asking: ..Who made me a judge amo:ig you?" Hi mis ion wa to reconcile man to God. Reconcilia tion between men can only come when both have been Pi reconciled to God. Who can imagine Jesus tryi:1g to get godless, ruth,les Red China into the United Nations. How ridiculou ! He can't even get in Himself, why should He be interes~ed n getting Red China in? What was Chri t, mission here? "H e came to ,eek and to save that which was lost. ' ' qe came to get me:1 ready to meet ::iod. When one is properl y united vith Him he is sent into the sam e • erv,ce. v. TRUE UNITY - SUBMERG L.A.J TO THE SAME SPIRIT. "'That they all may be one ... in . u ." John 17: 21 Upon thi verse the o ne church lroponents base their plea for unity. . rhey work for o unit y. 1ot Spirit submergi ng unity. I am uJJy convinced that t he oneness of ohn 17: 21 is not the doings of man ut i the work of God. U nity there- ore, is a fruit, not a root. U.:iity is he re ult of several identities. All "ho are united with God the Father nd God the Son mu t a lso have tet111ned f rotn the same source - Pparated fro111 the same syste,ns - e sanctified by the same scriptures nd sent into tl1e same service. True nity cannot be broken at any poi:1t . n thi re pect it is like God's law - ) break rt in one place is to break 1e whole. Don't be confu ed, my riend. od has never, and w1i11 ever . ubmerge all this world' re– gio:1 into Hi s pirit. Man' at– n1pt at unity without Him ic; f oo]i .. h . VI . R U ITY - A. ONS / J'"J H AM S NTIM N . "... that the world n1ay know that hou }1ast sent r11e a11d lta\t lovetl 1/1e,,1, c1s 1/1011 /1asr l<Jved ,,,e." John 17:23 J-I " ' wond rful to lea, n that ot1r a,,en1y .. at her loves us as 111uch as love Hi w11 . c,n. d invites to 'b l1old v. l1at n1a1\ner of lov ,.. at h r J1a ti) t w d tJ f")0 11 ti s." "' - - 1 J r1. 3: J nn11 riled I - J J11 . : JO cri icial I , Jn . : 16 1 , r1 tin 1 lo , - J r. J: l n ,1 preJ1 n il,I I , - l 1>l1 . J u if)1i:;ig lo - Jl pJ1 . n ra ll 1 ,, - OHIO INDEPENDE n1. BAPTI • • : 19 - 9 It is the Father\ c1esire that th is world know that He loves u a He love Hi Son. But this worJd doe not know it. And much of the b lame fo r the world ignora:1ce mu ~ re t upon those who have cau ed the re– ligious confusion involved in ecumen– i 1 m s yncretism. ' But if our gospel be hid, it i h id to them that are lo t: in whom the god of this age hath blinded the mind of them th~t believe not le t the light of the glorious gospel of Chri t. who i the image of God should shine unto them." II Cor. 4:3-4. Oh. for me.:i and organization that are ea o:-ied with God' love until the world can ense it. VII. TRUE UNITY WILL HARE THE SAME SPLENDOR. "The glory which Thou h·a t given me, I have given them." John 17:22 It wa ChrLt' de ire that we might Enrollment Increased We tern Bapti t Bible College is both crowded a.:1d happy! Three hundred and eve:iteen tudents reg– i tered fo r ;the Fall Quarter a;id 309 for the Winter Quarter. Even though this i more than capaicity, the pirit of the tudent body, faculty and taff has been good and morale high. Pl an for improved facil1tie are com– pleted a nd neg,otiation for f inanc ing and con truction are under way. Dr. harle Woodbridge, we11 - known expo itor and Bible teacher wi ll be peaking a t the chool April 3-7. enior Convocation and om– me:icement June 8 and 9 wi ll featL1re Dr. Ro,bert L. Powe ll , Tacoma, Wa. h– ington aCi the peaker. ~ec and hare the glory which the Father had given to Him. Any reward or crown that we may earn will doubt le be ca t at Jesu ' feet when we behold , a:1d hare Hi plendor. Paul cried: ' For I reckon that the ufferi ng of thi pre en.f time are not worthy to be compared with the glory whi ch hall be revealed in us ." Ron, . 8: 1 8 Fret not thyself, true ch ild of God. The day is coming and it won,t be Jong, when our wonderful Lord wi ll come and vindicate tho e who are aved a:1d have eparated them– , elve from the great aposta y. In that day He wi ll let the world know that He love us a He loved Hi on . ' Then hal l the righte,ou hine forth a the un in the kingdom of their Father.' Matt. 13 :43. Then tho, e to whom He can ay 'well done,' will share His splendor throughout all ages. Amen! Even . o, come, r.. orci Jes11s. Property Sold A hi torcial event for the Omaha Bapti t Bible Col lege was the ale of it pre ent campu . The ettleton Bu ine. Col lege of Omaha (no re– lation to Pre ide:it ettleton of 0. B. B. C.) purcha ed the property for their cho I which will begin openating by eptember 15. ThL mean that 0.B.B.C. mu t n1ove t Ankeny Iowa by thi fall. Even ~hough a ll of the b11ilding are n t yet under con truction, the B ard of Director. of the college ha taken thi .. tep f faith . They fe I c nfide,t that the L rd, having led thu. far will n t fail t • t1pply the nece sa r) finance t con1plete c n~trt1ction for the ne,v campt1 ! OUR 25th ANNIVERSARY YEAR Est bli hing B ptist Chur h scanab , Mi hig n • • • her tl r APRIL 1967 PAG 9
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