The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1967
earf to eart mong t A Woman To Be Praised! '" lll' ll''-' ctl1 , ell l\' tl,c \V,l\' 'i l)I .ll'r h )t1,th\.,1l.t 'llli t,\tt:th 11 ){ the 1, l. .l I ,t 1"ilc1\t"' H\: r chil<..lrc11 .1ri,c r ,, ,ll (\lll ht .. r hlc" ·cd : het hl1sh41nd ,\ ,. .1r1d he pr, ,~cth her. tan · i·1t1cl1tcr have '"i"1nc , 1rtt1ot1"l . bt1t ... l?lt'lt c cllc ·t ther11 all. Fa t1r , . "-icct: 1ttt1l.• 11d h 4 ttt\ i \ ' ain : bt1t a • ,, <>11,,111 1/1t1t /ct11 er/1 tl,e Lord, .. l,e ,J,a/1 J,e rrtii~ e,J. Gi\'e her f the fruit t ht r hand · : and let her n rk . pr.11,~ her 1n the gate.. :' ( Pr \ erb 3 1:27-3 1) WOMAN d did not 111 ke her fr m dan1' head. he n1ight have ruled the man in tead! He did no t make her from Adam' le. But He cho e that very vital part That la, neare t hi beati:ig heart : :1d. with infinite tenderne from above. He f hi oned a woman for man to love. A Mother's Legacy '·Henry J. Heinz, of the "57 varie– tie .. fame wrote hi will a follow : ··Looking forward to the time when m} early career will end I desire to et forth at the very begi-ining of thi \\ ill. a the mo t important item i, it. a co:1fe ion of my faith in Je u s Chri t a my aviour. I also desire to bear witness to the fact that throughout my life in which were the usual joy and orrow , I have been \\ 1 onderfully ustained by my faith in God through Je us Christ. This legacy \\< a left me by my consecrated mother. a woman of strong faith a:1d to it I attribute any uccess I have attained! " The be t inherita:ice parents can bequeath to a child i their lifelong example of sincere faith in God and His Word." Wisehearted Women The first se'K,fng circle - "And all the women that were wisehearted did spin with their hands, a:id brought that v,hich they had spun. both of blue. and of purple. and of scarlet, and of fine li:ien."-(Exodu 35:25) MAY, 1967 PAGE 10 e omen Mrs. Inez Milne r, Wome n 's Editor Berean W.M.F. Report l l1c Bcrc ,111 \\ )t11cn\, Mi \\to nnr 1' c 11 ) ~hi p cc l chr c.\ t c {i l t 10 t h n- 111, c r ,r . 1arch 16. 1967 at the Ft1 lid- tli,gh an1 Bapti t ht1rch. .. t1clid. with Ir\. Inez Milner pre- . iding. R v. John M ey dir cling the . inging. Mi Agnes Zalokar and Mr, . adie Ho ll and furni hing the pecial n1u ic. inety f ur wer pre - e,t. Pa tor and Layn1en "''ere inv ite(1 t enj ,· the day with the ladies. We had two mi ionary me sage : Mr . Arthur Fetzer, pre ident of edar Hill Bapt ist Church W.M.. , poke in the forenoo:1 and Dr. Al len Lewi , pre ident of Bapti t Mid– Mi io n in the afternoon. Both peaker related vivid experie,ce of their recent vi its to the Mi ion Field and often during their me sages. brought u to think o:i the Theme for the day ' LORD what wilt Thou have ME to do?" (Act 9: 6) Mis- ionary Moments wa conducted by Mr . Walter Haller at which time all mi ionaries pre ent were presented. The following gave their :iame their field omething pertinent to their work and a prayer reque t: Mr. Jacob tauffer Evangelical Mis io:1 , Algeria, We t Africa· Miss Agne Zalokar Home Mi ionary Euclid- otti ngham Church; Rev. & Mr . Howard treet, Rep. of Congo ( at present in charge of Guest Home) ~ Rev. & Mr . Leeland Crotts Jewi h Work~ Miss Ge:ieva Fox, Mrs. Ru th Stanton Mis Norma Nulph and Mi s ally Roudybush, all i n Metropolitan Mi io:1 under Mid-Mis ions. During the bu iness e sion election of officer wa held and the following were elected: Mr . Walter Haller, preside;it ; Mrs. George Milner, vice pre ident; Mrs . Wilbur Rooke , ecre– tary· Mrs. 0. C. Steven , trea urer. Rev. Rooke asked the Lord' ble sing on the new officer and thi fellow- hip, a:1d also a ked the blessing on the food and fellow hip during the delightful noon hour. The ' Pen:iy Per P ound' offering amounted to $115.00, our project b e– ing the table in the beautiful Library– Conference room at Baptist Mid– Mis ion office. \Ve ad3our:1cd at 2: 30 after singin ot1r chorlt<; fo r the d ay " u)l y \. ur rendered' ' and the benediction hy I I ewi~. The mceti :ig was an u nt1sua blc ing to each one pre~c nt. We no, have a new vi io:1 for the need more mi io:1arie o n both the ho n1 a nd fore ign field <;. al<;o that thci needs may be ~uppli ed more ade quately. A lovely brochure contain ing the hi tory of our F ellowship ha been prepared and was di tribt1te< to al] the folk after the e io n<;. Mrs. Wilma Wink, Secretar Stamps Are Needed Cedarville College appreciate th, Betty Crocker Coupons, . & H. , ant T .V. (Top Value) tamps. You ma end them to the chool or to Mr~ George Milner. Make it a poi:it ti vi it the school and see what Go, ha done and i continui:ig to d, through Hi dedicated peopl e. Favorite Recipe Co,npany Casserole (Serves 10) 1 h lb. medium noodles cook and drain. 1 tablesp. poppy seed 2 tablesp. butter 2 lb . ground beef (Chuck) 4 8 oz. cans tomato sat1ce ~ teasp. basil 1 teasp. lemon thyme 2 cups creamed cottage chee e 2 3 oz. pkgs. cream chee e 1h cup sour cream 2/ 3 cup minced onion 2 tablesp. green pepper 4 tablesp. butter (melted) 1 teasp. salt Saute beef in butter until browP tir in tomato sauce and remove fron fire. Add basil and thyme. Combin cottage cheese, sour cream, mince, onion and green peppers. In larg casserole put half the noodles mixe, with the poppy seed. Over this put th cheese mixture then the remainin noodle . Top with beef meat sauce. Bake at 375° for 45 minute . erv with a crisp tart salad. submitted by Elsie Petzni1' Cedar Hill Bapti t THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS
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