The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1967

T f ·ont cover . • • ll't(\, .. ,, JI' l(S lll 11 • 11 1R t \ I t1 .. d 1 t s ,11 ,\11 I \\ t11 , ta t(.l get ,tit , 1, 1 t 1, 11 11, t R .. , . 1 c..:: ,l n I I 111 • I t1 ,11. l r< ,, 11 s11cct IJ ,,1 ti t 11t11 11. I 1 1,l,, 11 t l'\:'t' kt .. ,n. l 111 4 I I . I l I l ) 1) \ '\ 11 .. ll I ' t \ ll l I l l' n t,, 1 11, l rs 1 1 t I ti ·1. l I R 1 I l tl1,,t __(()) ,,itll \\ 'Ck I till 1,\ ..... -... ,l ntl un tllH 1 \\ll \\ill Clllll'. \\ ()1' ki11g 10Jl(fa , tl11 ot1gl1 l l1t1rscla t111 11,,,,c Jr .. • r 'gis- 11 .till 11 fl>I' th· J\l n's I{ ·tr ·at! \\ c rl·,,11, 1,~li ,, t' tl1 l rtl i gc ing l l lll,lk\.' tl11s lll t,e ll' l)r th' (1c l i\ 11 " I{ 1 ·1 I{ I 1\ I s '-'''er. J ttst the I ri,' tlt·gc (ll stiltnJ:! ttntl\.'J' tl1e n1i11istrv t}l l)t l{ l)l10rt rr•. 1'. t:tcl1a111 ft)J' tho,c la," n,a1'l'"i it all ,, --11 "' C)rlh ,,,h1lc! , )tt ,t.1't aff()ttl l() n11 it. ' tire l1c,11c ,,c·11 ,cc \t}tt there! Chickens or Church? (Fowl or Faith?) If it ,, ere 11 1 ' '-' ,~ t\)tl '-i. it ,, ~1t1 lt.i l -.:' ft11111,' '- 111(' )1 the 1(',tticnt 111 r('U : 1. )!11'-) ( ' ttl t11 1 l)f Tolcdt)) ~ ' 'l'lll all 'tll c\;k111g t prc,cnt 1l1c B~ t:,ln B,1l1t1 l ht11ch fr )n1 pttr hu~– • 1g l"' t''~1crt, '- r1 ,, ht h the~ hope lt) ~ ·c'2't a ht1ild1ng. The tr pp it ion ,\ led. ho,, c, er. for the Planning '-'111111 • 1 n di "1110,, ed all of their ~ ,\till " \\ h, t I nlL) t intere ting i that the ~\rt: a i:, \\ h1 h the church \\' ill be lo– .. ~1ti ng. there 1 an c tabli bed chicken ....... farn1. It ha been there for year . The e re ident ,, ere "':illi,g to accept a hi len farm and all that g with tt ... but _ OT CHURCH! n intere ted citizen reading con- erni:1g the attitude on the part of the e re ident ,vrote the following letter to . . . "Letter to Editor' ' in Orego, . re\\ . dated March 2. 1967. .... \\·e pre ent the letter in full ... ..To the Editor: \\-e certainly feel orry for people ,, ho \\ ou1d have progre to top at the place they choo e. Regarding the attitude taken by the re ident around 4058 tarr A, enue \\ here a church wants to build a place of wor hip. we ca:1 ptl t ll p \,\it h the \lllC 11 0 l ch l C~ Cl1 r of hor c ~table that arc in the area. ht1t when 1l con1e to a ch ti re h b c i n g b tt tit, that we do:,, l want. it 111ight contaminate tt in ome way. I am not a member of thi con– gregation and don't thi:1k I know anyone who i , but if they are out eeki:1g people who are lo t in od' ight and feel that a church 1 needed and can be upported at thi location. then they should be allowed to build one. For who of u would wa::1t to live in a city or community where there were no churche ? And I don't imagine a church i -i that area would m ake a hen quit laying. H. E. Hulls" Thank you Mr. Hull ! We agree with you 100 per cent! We might add that the objection on the part of these resident did more good than harm., due to the pub- 1 ici ty given, increa ed! Plan for the church building h ave :1ot a yet been completed. There i a need of $16,000 for the property purcha e. These folk need our interest and our prayers! Thousands of cornmun ities .., .111oves • • • in the U.S. A. with no Gospel / Preaching Churches. Fellowship of Baptists for Ho.111e Missions TO MEET TH£ NEED I • Box 455 Elyria, Ohio FA 3-1224 The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to Mr. Stuart L. Chaffe Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Rates of subscription : $2.00 per year; $5.00 for three years ; $8 .00 for five years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 per subscription ; single issue 20 cents; back issues over one year old, 50 cents each. Your Editorial Office should have all news and advertising copy in hand no later than 30 days prior to printing. Advertising rates will be sent on request. STAFF Editor A. Donald Moffat Box N o. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circ11lation Manager . . .. l\1r. Stuart L. Chaffe Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Women's Editor . Mrs. Inez Milner 2665 Canterbury Road Cleveland Heights, Ohio 4411 8 Christian Ediication Editor . Mrs. Earl Umbaugh 2 150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 44224 State l\1issionary . Earl Umbaugh 2150 1arhofer A,,e., Stow, Ohio 44224 Treasurer . ... . James Kirtland Box o. 56 Cuyahoga Falls, 0. 44222 Council of Ten Chairman ........... Verne L. Dunham 1326 Euclid Ave., Lorain, Ohio 44052. Vice Chairman .. B. C. Jennings 4295 Ells,vorth Rd. , Stow, Ohio 44224 Secretary . ... .. ... Darrell Bice 51 1 Herrick Ave. E., W ellington, Ohio 44090 Program Chairman \ 7 emon Billington 2435 Eakin Rd. , Columbus, 0. 43204 1 lissionary Chairman, \ Voodroiv McCaleb 276-284 Washington St., Elyria, Ohio 4403 5 Ed1ication Chairnw1i Donald Sewell 4207 Laskey Rd., Toledo, Ohio 43623 Y oiit1i Director .. Lynn Rogers 7854 1 1 • Bo, 1 den Rd ., . ~ orthfie]d, Ohio 44067 John Balyo, 12601 Cedar Road Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Otis Holmes, Gallia and ' ''aller ts. Portsmouth, Ohiq 45662 ,,Tilliam Russell, 304 \\ 1 • Center St. Blanchester, Ohio 45107