The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1967
• ories ----- By Dr. J. Irving Reese How fraught with memories i ~fother' Day! Preciou memories that fill our heart with their fra– grance: poignant memorie that ting like the flage11ant' la h. Memories of day long pa ed: memorie of recent \e terdays. • This is the day upon which the :hildren should revive and review their memorie of mother. Anna Jarvi , who originated such a day, did 1t in memory of her mother. It wa a tribute to one to whom he felt deeply indebted. The idea caught on rapidly becau e every appreciative on and daughter has a de ire to remember mother. Today over fi£ty nations :elebrate this occasion. The carnation, Miss. Parvis said, \.\ as chosen a the official flower be– cau e of it symboli m. It whitenes peaks of purity; its green calyx illu– trates life: it fragrance, mother' love, while its wide field of growth )'mbolizes the world-wide mother- 11ood. The carnation does not drop t petals as it fades but fold them o its heart, o, explain Anna Jarvi , 1 mother~ Jove never dies. Memories OF Mothers Memories of mother's tender min- tries as she nur ed our childi h 1e d . o kiss oothed or healed like 11other· : no hand was so cool upon 1 fevered brow: no voice eemed . o o care s, even as it chided. Memorie )f hov., he shared with u the pride n that fir t report card and how her ace g1owed as v.'e received our high ch ol diploma. Mer11ories of all he 11 ant i11 life, and the abiding in– •J>irati 11 of li er exa1111)le and teach– ng nov., tl1,11 he i go11e - gone ,ut 11 ,t lo t . f.cor the childr 11 vlho appil}' till ha, 1 e th ir 111 Lher there uld be r11e1 1orie f hc.r J>ast care ;and ntinuing h r i11 their lives. tl1 1 1, e11 ri , t , n t 1 g 1tl l)ut c]1ing 111 11 1 i f ot1r 1111 f d1 b di nee, light , ar1 - ., 0 }1i lcJ rt:n ar ' nd re 11 • 1 I Jd Jdt=al • } • !fl If lJJ of u \\} l Vt uld Ji t lt=a t rn I }1 J) \\ l J a l '""'""..,I) 1 J 11 l I I 1 OHIO I D P ND J AP IST Dr. J. Irving Reese tion and attentivene upon their head. today. "O glorious memorie ! tar-lit memories! Memory aflame with a thou and thought - memory and • memor1e - memories of home, memorie of the fire ide, memorie of the ve per hymn, memories of a n1other' voice, memories of a mother' good-night ki , memorie of a last farewel l memori of the green od, memories, memorie , ~weet n1emories of the pa&t." (Anonymou ) Memories FOR Mothe rs Thi should be a day of n1emorie for mother, al o. It i a day in which to review the hie ing that have been her' a a n1other. The victorie she ha\ won, the fa1lt1re ~he ha ~t1ffered. he n1a y remer11lJer ag,1in ""1th swee t tend r n s the n1on1ent v. he11 that nc\.\ life t1rrcd for the fir t l1r11e in the clc)1~ter f her bod). Rcn1en1- l)rar1cc. too. of the thrill of that t11 ,t bal1)' cry ~tnd tl1 ,. ,,roud \'Oicc of a happy father. The joy and fears a he led her little on through the perilou childhood days will all be recalled again. Memorie of the day~ of f ru tration and harras ment, but their counterpart - day of price- le experience of pride and jo 1·. Older mother hould be able to remember with deep ati faction how a true weaver they brought together the thread of family life and wrought garment of tolerance and love for their dear one . She will know that her effort to produce an ideal ho,me, not ju t a bu iness venture of a ocial club but a fa111ily, were not in vain. If her children are now adult liv– ing their own live with on1e measure of ucce mother will know that he ha not been a failure. he will ee that he wa a potter and they the clay, that in ome degree he made them what they are. The memorie.. of the little one , who cluttered her day and up et her be t endeavor at housekeeping, are now een to have diamond upon ~hich he \.\ a in cribing entence of eternal w rth. Men1orie for mother . . . jeweled • men1or1e . Thi i , of cour e, a day f men1- orie f r the entir fan1il 1· 001- munity n1en1ori that hi1ve b n1e a ln10 t tradition . Te11der n1en1ori f tho e \\>h ~'ere .. l \ ed and I .. t long ince a while;'' gle ful n1en1 rte of ridict1lott\ happen1t1g \\hLl 'e ht1 - 111()f ha bt1t incr aseLi \\ 1th the ear~. ')Oberi11g n1c111L)r1c s t the l t111c, <)f te\ting anti trial thr t1gh \\'ht h the) pa,,eti ~t a fan111,. l\lt't11L)t te, ()f " la1111l111c,,·· that 5eal ~ l1c,h the l)Jc,,cti Lie, t f ho111c. l hank , ()LI tor tt1c 111c-n1 )l'tl's \.lt 1 1(>thc1 ·~ Da 1 ! THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Livir1gstor1, Tenr1 . 38570 Presenting Jesus Christ to Youth by Radio and TV Now on WSPD-TV Ch . 13 - Toledo, Ohio - Sunday 8 :00 a .m . PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRL Write A Card Of Thank To W PD--TV The Children's Gospel Hour i now on 60 radio and 24 TV t tion each v- 1 eek Pr y ih t more sta11ons 1 111 t ke the prograrn. The youth of An1eric need to he , the Gospel no Write for further inforn,atron H nry C. G ig r, E MAY 1967 P G 5
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