The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1967

• ern USlC By Mr. James M. Efaw t.ditor s V ot e : !io111e ti11ze ago }ve 11 a,1 arti cle , 1vl1ich was well re– ived. e11titled "Music H ath Char,11!" ,,,as \vritten b)' M r. Ja111es M . fa,v. Minister of Music and Chris- 111 Education at the Te1r1ple Bap tist l1circl1. Ports1r1outh where D r. Otis o/111es is pastor. In tl1is present "ticle. Brotl1er Efaw writes concern– g the effect of presen t da}' rr1usic po11 tl1e li\ es of Christians. I t shoi,ld e read by all.' !\:Io t fundamental Chri tian would ot be tempted to take an active part the new di scotheque rage th at i \eeping the country. They would :1ot e caught doing a crazy th ing like the ild gyratio:1 in the Frug Watu i. " 'im~ and Monkey dances. But . .. )me may be tempted to listen to the pe of music th at accompanies such :t ivities. What exactly does t hi mu– c do to you and what effect does it a e on your piritual life? Fir t of all , what is it that makes the 1usic so popular? I do not believe the 1u ic i popular impl y because the ubl ic is crazy about it or becau e the 1u ic " ays somethi1g" to the indi- 1du al. o. deep within. one real ly oe not th ink the mu 1c i terrific. He impl }' the " 1ctim o f a:1 internatio n- 1 large cale pt1 sh for comformity. re agents. advert1 er . di c jockey . r ar1vo ne at al l connected with the ., ..cord ing i·1du try ha forced thi t pe f entertai nment upon the Ameri can ublic on every hand . ,,e:, the nev.i ~- pape r and magazine , te levi ·ion and radio have throw,. in their effort by prai ing and glamorizing the e per– fo rmer to the skie . One oon get the impres ion that he had better get 0:1 the band wagon or he will be looked upon a an 'out ider' ' . . . "One who i not up with the beat' . .. "one who is just :1ot with it." Af ter al I everyone i nu t over th i kind of mu ic- the rad io, the TV– that' all one can get anywhere he goe - o much pre ure to co nform. Whee! It ' the greatest ! And o the to ry goe . Anything to Make Money But why all thi pre ure to co:i– fo rm? MO EY. Simply money. Many of the e producer and performer have no mu ic educatio:1 what oever : yet they draw $50,000 and upwa rd annuall y. Why do the e "bi rd ' want you to Ii ten to their mu ic? Money. .t\ fter all you help write their pay check . The e guy are ·mart oper– ator . Alert Chri t ian realize that thi i impl y another trick of the dev il whereby they and their ch ildre , ca n be dt1ped in to confo rmi:1g to the world and it ph ilo oph y. Roman J 2: 2 ay . ·· Be not conformed to th i world.. .'' John ay . "" If any man love tl1e world the love of the fat her 1s not in him. " T h i i a suhtle avenu through whi ch ata, can uck i, the un c;u pecting be li eve r and fill th at be- OUR 25th ANNIVERSARY YEAR H'A ) Esc naba, Mich· gan rch • 1 • • th r BAP IST Mr. James Efaw liever' mi nd with wo rldl y ideal and philo oph y through mu ic. What exactly i the world ly philo - ophy? Th i can easily be di covered by examining the word of ome of the mu ic we have been di cu ing Let' examine the lyric to the ong ~w e' ll i;ig in the u:1 h ine": But tlzough I'll never love ) 'Oll , J'I/ live with ) 'OLl one year. Another tate : R igl1t or lvrotz/~, da.v h)· dtJJ' . All 111 v love, all the 1,va,,. . . Do the e ong expre n1oral v,1lue · wh ich we a Chri tian expect to f 1- low through life? Doe a Chri ti an have any place in h i mind to dwell on thi type of philo ophy? rel– ativelv new hit that i at pre e,t TO- ~ DAY weeping the c u:itry i entitled HAln1o~t Per uad d. " It t ll about a yot1ng girl who mee t a n1an f int · quit y at a bar and a. they are d ·1ncing . he ec the light reflec ting in h t:r w dd ing band r n1i 1ding her in the :1 ick f tin1e that \ he i alread) n1arri ed. Truly a Decadent Age Stt h , c) nQ, ar .. 111ti1 ·at 1, e t.l f t ht: tlcc ttticncc of c.>tJr agc - .. t11 agt: ) f tree ,e \ , tree ,pccch. 11e,, 111.Jr .. 1l1t, . ..lnlf tlc.>tthle ,1 .. 111Jc1rc.i">. 1 he e 1h c.>t1ght, ha\'C r1c.> place 1n th 1111r1tf t ) l a hr1,t1dn ] he 1c.Je ..1, C'\ ()1 C\\Cl i 11 t t1 C\t' S ng, .l l' t c.Jei)1c, "> 1ng .tt1ll tlc111 l> ra ltz111g. till " I \ \ tl h le\;li11,g" o i ,clf- J) it) a r1ll ,n, .. cttri t , . (,t,ci s l 1.lllll ,11tl is tl · h1nk ., a t>llttl things that .tit' .• . t1t1~ . . h t,11es t ... j tt s l .. . f tt r .. . ll) \ ~I\ •• . ()I' >f g )Oll reJ '-rt ...,, ( l>h il 4 : t') . \ \ 1 t1 c r1 ilt 1s s't\ e f •• If tl1111e arc 1)ass I ' l\\ a , , ·,ti 1l11ng di b ,., ) 111 1 t: , , • " 't s J\ l I t 11 1 n gs . \ \ 1 ' I\ t l f d ~1t:\\ n \ll l l , l 11 \\ 111 ~, l 11eu ) \ -' ·' l1~ l11th J lll rt l l l' H \ tJ llR an 11 n1 ltth , n I rd 1sc tint l t r - t "pt1s1 I 1l1lc I rt l I t lei I 1111 I I a1 t1t11 t1 I >1 l Jl lt)ttth JUN JUL 1967 PAG 1