The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1967

;unday School Contest God was good to the Blessed Hope Japtist Church of Springfield, Ohio n their recent Sunday School Contest. '.bis was a conte t within the Sun– la,, School itself. It bore the name ~ . . " Reach for the Stars!' ' Average attendance climbed from 85 to 357. There were 231 new isitors during the six-week contest nd ten souls were saved! The winning roup was "T!le Comets." They cbieved a total of 2.905 500 miles . 'be losers were ' 'The Meteors.' ' bey had gained 2. 780,700 mi les. '- PA CAKE SUPPER was enjoyed ~' the winners with the losers serv- 1g. cooking and cleaning up! DJD YOU KNOW . • . that t he Emmanue l Bapt ist Church in Xenia, Ohio (Rev. John T e-eters, pastor) is beginning a Christian Day School this September? MORE concerning this VEN– TURE OF FAITH will appear in our August issue. A Word From WBBC Mr. J ack Thies en MA, Dean of tudent at We tern h a been ap– pointed A istant to the President, charg·ed with internal organization and admini tration. Thie sen has most of his work done on a doctorate in educational admini tration and coun– seling at U. C. Berkeley, a nd h a been with the Bible College e ight year . Commencement exerci es June 10, will h ave Dr. R. L. Powell , from Tacoma. Was!'lington as peaker . Senior Convocation June 9, Alumni Breakfa t June 10 and a Pre ide nti al Tea for parent wi ll make for a bu y weekend for a cla of thirty4wo. R ev. Frank Emitte ( 54) , pa tor First Baptist Church, Woodland , California will be honored with mem– bership in De]ta Epsilon Ch i, honor ocietv of the AABC, a Alurnnu of the Year. 59th Annual Summer Program From Struthers Tabernacle Mi sionary peaker at the recent truther Bapti t Tabernacle Annual Conference, were Rev. Burton , Rev. and Mrs. Leeland Crotts, Rev. Maher and Pastor Knight . The Church apartment ha been re– furni hed with new carpeting and furniture, purcha ed by the Ladies Mi ionary oc iety. They are also preparing a 'treasure room' ' where clothing bedding hou e goods and many other uppli e wi ll be kept available for mi sionarie . pecial evangeli tic meetings were held M ay 28 through 3 1. Rev. Harold Warner was gu·e t evangeli t and Mr. Jim Lancaster led the inging. CLASSIFIED OPPORTUNITIES EED ED - A retired minister ~nd !tis ,vife a re in need of a v..·oman to live with them. o h ouseho ld respon ibilities. Room a nd Board suppli ed. a "ell a wages. I f v0u are i:itere ted . contact - Mr. Myr~n Amstutz. 1964 H eatherwood , To ledo, Ohio. Phone: (419) 382-4800. July 23 Thru August 4, 1967 All Sessio ns in Bethlehem Baptist Church - 27250 Emery Rd ., Orange Villag e (Clevela nd) Ohio (One Mile East of Emery Road Interchange on Interstate Route 271 ) First Week July 23-28 Incl. Second Week July 30-Aug. 4 Incl. su,~DAY SERVICES 10:45 A.M. Bible Hour 7:00 P.M. Missions 7 .30 P.M. Bible Hour B REAN WOMENSJ FELLOWSHIP Mee ts July 25 - 1 P.M. Bible Teacher Missions Speaker Musician Bible Teacher Missions Speaker Musicians WEEK DAY SERVICES Mon . thru Fri. Pastor R. L. Stevenson - Baltimore, Md . Rev. Gerald V. Smelser - Cleve lan d , Oh io Pastor Dan Widlicka - Willowick, Oh io Dr . J. Elwood Evans - Da ll as , Texas Rev . C. Gordon Beacham, Sr. - Upper Darby, Pa . Rev. & Mrs. John Weyan t - Niles, Ohio SACRED CONCERT Sat ., July 29 7:30 P.M. 10 00 A.M. Mi ssions Message 10 45 A.M. Bible Hour Pastor Dan Widlicka and Guest Artists 7 30 P.M. Missio ns 8 00 P.M. Bible Hour (Childrens' Meetings - Grades 1-6 Each Morning) LADIES AUXILIARY Meets Aug 3 - 1 P.M. Semi,1ar 1 P.M. eacl1 Mor1day & Wedr,esday 011 Tin1ely Subjects. Lunci1eon provided M o,1day 1~1ru Friday eaci1 week or1 FR WILL Offeri,19 Basi s. I ursery care for f)re-scl1ool ci,itd,en at all services. Lodging and other n1eals i,1 r1ea, by motels a,,d rest ura11ts Wr 1te for l ist Co,1fer e1ce Boo Table Ope,, Wee Days. n for fold • rt ide Bibi 853 G a ,net Confer nee, Av ., Cl veland, 0 h io 4 112