The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1967

A WO D from the EDITOR ... !11 \It I ll t ' ' I \'1 [ l llt' ( )l1t('I I tl\.l I '11de11t 1~ , I t1st l \ l'l'S , \ I ~t \('I\\ 1 l\ , Ill tll lls - \ltl' ,\ Jl I ..lltl\ l " ,l\l e 11 I'- l ' .. . , t! 11.\, ... 111 .. (':tsCl1 tl 111 , e t {) 1 act's . (.)\1r rh.' t 1,,t1c ( l ,,~·k t I , l~.\gc,) ,, ill l,L .. ll' ' ,.\ t1gt1~t ,111d ,,, \tl\i r ., "h , ,.1t1 '-'t' (.)( ,11 ()ttl tht t t th .. 1t 111'-,ntl1 1111c ha,' t: .. 1 k.cti ,, h, ,, c <.il 11 t • h.l\ (' tlll' T\.' nC\\ s Cl)tl 'C 111ng )tlr ('ht1r\. he l he an ,, er t th, t ,, c rt1n 11 the tlt:\\ ~nt ti ... ' \\c \\ t1ld r t1n 111 )fC if cht1r he (pa t r ) w tild ' ' Od Ill IC' I .. l t n1:1nth \\ e et tip the n1agazine 1n r\ nder~ n. Indiana. v e are d ing it th1 t1n1 1n ali n. Ohi . e have g d n1eeting in ew Lyme l ' e\\ l )' n1 Bapt i t ) . il (Evan - , 1lle Bapti t). ald\.\ 1 ell ( e~ Harm- n) Bapt1 t) and n \\ in Galion (Fir t Bapti t) . ,\Te al o had the privilege f bringing a dedicatory me age in ~ rth f adi on at the Bible Bapti t Church. peaking in chapel at Cedar– ville College and attending the Coun- - - ii f Ten meeting in Toledo. ~f~ i ter. Mr . Aubrie Fleming of Gar). Indiana \Vent to be with the Lo rd on Ia\' 7th. he wa a dear J ( l1ristian atlll ,, ,,•, 11ti 'f'fttl s ister . l}, n, l(ll' l1er 1111 l1a11cl r111 I the th "r .. 111c n1t, .. , <'I th' fa1111 l\ IJI.J arc , \\ c I! \\' l1at a liffcrc11cc wl1cn we "n , , l~ I 1 ! \\ 'c \: ttnl t ) thank al l ,, h (1 flt<, cc.I 1 () f her. I 11 ot1 r ()1 l 7 f ,,re 110\\ E FRY 1 I\ tlC \.\C r,n ''lit ttr O RB C htirchc~ that t~,k ing ac.ivantage of o ur l\' F Mll .. Y PLA . ince then O R n1 re churche ha c done likcwi e! The e four cht1 rchc ent in a total f 4 10 ub- criber. . They are the Ble ed H ope Bapti t liurch. pri ngfield - orth– field Bapti t hurch , orth fie ld - F toria Ba pti t hurch , Fo toria a nd the Grace Bapti t hurch, Sun– bury. Then too, beside these, we know of THREE more chu rch e th at are taking imilar act io n. THI i the way to make our O .I.B. fami ly grow! a re ult of the e 410. we now are over the 2600 mark. Our prayer i that we h all pa s the 3000 mark before tbe Fall Conference. Why not take advantage of our EVERY AC– T IVE FAMILY PLAN? It i a real sav;,ig! The sub cription price i O LY $1.15 per ub cription in- tead of the regular $2.00 per year. Council of Ten Meets The C ouncil of Ten for our Ohio ....,_ociatio n of R e g u 1 a r Bapti t Chu rche met recently in the Em– manuel Bapti t Church Toledo. D ef– inite plan were laid regarding our ..., t a te eeting ""hich will be held thi Fall (Oct. 16. 1 7 and 18) in the i\f emo rial Bapti t Cht1rch, Columbu . . mo t intere ting program ha been arr anged. D r . Robert T. Ketcham i ·o be the gue t peaker. i\no ther ma tter that came before the C ouncil wa four churche , Berean Bapti t of Oregon, Calvary Bapti t of Oberlin Fir t Bapt ist of Loui ville. a nd Mid-Brook Bapti t of Brookpark, which tbe Council will recommend to the A ociation a t the Fall meeting. for fell ow hip in our OARBC. Other items of business included the purchase of sai l boats for Camp Patmo , and reports given b y State Mi ionary. Earl Umbaugh a nd O .I.B. Editor D on Moffat. WANTED: 1000 Churclir!s thm care ahout the Baptist Builders'Club and the aid wh ich 1t extends to other small . struggling GARB churches . Want to have a share 1n the eternal re– wards? Joi n the Bapt ist Bu, lders ' Club and place 1t on your m1 ss1orary budget. 1800 Oakton Boulevard Des P la i nes . 111, no ,s 600 18 ------------------ \\! e c are ' ~e nd furcher informatio n t o: P astor ________________ Chur ch_______________ _ Addr ess______________ _ City Sta t e Zip Co de The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO AS.SOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POST AGE paid at Xenia , Oh POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 Mr. Stuart L. Chaffe Box No. 160 Xenia , Ohio 45385 Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Rates of subscription : $2 .00 per year; $5.t for three years; $8 .00 for five ye11 EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 p subscription ; single issue 20 cents; b1 issues over one year old, 50 cents each. Your Editorial Office should have all ne, and advertising copy in hand no later th, 30 days prior to printing. Advertising rati will be sent on request. STAFF Editor A. Donald Moff Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation Manager .. ... . . . Mr. Stuart L. Chafl Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Women 's Editor .. Mrs. Inez Milnt 2665 Canterbury Road Cleveland H eights, Ohio 44118 Christian Edi,cation Editor 1rs. Ear] Umbaug 2 150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 4422 State Missionary . Earl Umbaug 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 4422 Treasurer . Tames Kirtlan Box o. 56 Cuyahoga Falis, 0. 4422 Council of Ten CJiairman . . Verne L. Dunhar 1326 Euclid Ave., Lorain, Ohio 4405 Vice Chairman B. C. Jenning 4295 Ells\vorth Rd. , Stow, Ohio 4422· Secretary 51 1 Herrick Ave. \Vellington, Ohio ... .... Darrell E., 44090 Bic Program Chairman Vernon Billingto1 2435 Eakin Rd. , Columbus, 0. 4320· 1 Iissionary Chairma1i, Woodrow McCalel 276-284 Washington St., Elyria, Ohio 44035 Education Chairnuin Dooald Sewel 4207 Laskey Rd ., Toledo, Ohio 4362: Youth Director ... Lynn Roger 7854 . Boyden Rd. , 1 orthfield, Ohio 44067 John Balyo, 12601 Cedar Road Cleveland, Ohio .441 06 Otis Holmes, Gallia and Waller Sts. Portsmouth, Ohio 45662 William Russell. 304 W. Center St. Blanchester, Ohio 45107