The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1967
aiti By Rev. Bruce Stewart - Bowling Green, Oh io Leading a Soul to Christ '/ /1e £1utl1<Jr of tl1is article is R ev . Brt1ce N. Stewart , astor of tl1e First Baptist Chclrch, Bowlirig Green. Bro- 1er Stel-.. art, along with E vangelist Malanowski , rec·eritl) 1 isited the I sland of H aiti. We asked that he gi ve us tlzis s tl bit of a report concerning their trip. It "'a 7 :30 p.m. when our Pan An1erican Jet landed 1 Port-at1-Pri:1ce, H ai ti. It was a hot , humid night. The ain had Just begun to fall. We were met at the air port )' Bapti t Mid-Mi sio:-is' mi ssionary Mr . Oran Bell. ,he and her husband h ave mini tered among these people or o, 1 er 20 years . Mr . Bell took u to a hotel in the city vhere we spent the night. Early the next mor:1ing, we 1 ere awakened by a roo ter crowing ju ·t out ide our 1 indow. After a hurried breakfa t, we left the h otel n1aking >ur v.ra }' to the bus that would take us to ap Haitie:1. e had hardly gotten out into the treet when we saw ,vith our own eyes omething of the great unre t that i :>revale:1t in this country for tanding not far from t1 ,vas an Haitien soldier wit h rifle raised prepari:ig to shoo t. He did fire ... several time~ and killed a n1an in co ld olood ! Alter the excite1ne11t died down , we proceeded lo the bu . There \\ere the three of us - Mrs. Bel l. vange li<;t Jack 1alanow ki a11d myself. Yott can 1mag1nc ou1 ur– pri e when the bus arri vcd . I l was o;-i the order of ,t 'Sil1al] cl1ool bu with :iothing bt1t wooden benchc~ for eat . AIready it had fort y passengers ,111d \v as over– loaded! on1ehow, we cli111l)cd aboard with the other~! ur trip "''a J 5() 111ile and took te11 hours. We m,ttle These Heard the Gospel on ly one top a1ong the way! The road (if road they be!) were filled with holes. At other times we fought our way through mud! The cenery, however, was beautiful... the blue Caribbean, the palm tree , the ugar ca:ie banana bu he and the rice paddies somehow helped to ea e the pain of the trip. What a joy it wa to fi:-ially reach our de tination. There we met Mr. Bell. We then tran ferred to this truck and travelled yet another fifty miles inland to the very heart of Haiti where the e dear mi sionarie h ave e tabli hed two fine work for the Lord. I:1 the eight day that we were at the churche , we conducted a morni:1g Bible Cla at 6: 00 a.m. and held Evangeli tic ervice every night. It wa a thrill to ee the people con1e. They literally packed the building. Their inging wa preciou and they li tened attentively to the preaching of the Word of God. Crowd ran a:1ywhere fron1 400 to 700 in ize. Rev. Bell tra:1 lated the me age into the Creole langu age. on1e i ot1 l came to the aviour for alvat ion! on1e walked 13 n1ile through mud and bru h to attend the ervice . Wh at a condemnation up n ot1r countr y whe:i there are o many who ~ ont e :1 dri ve three n1ile to hear the Word of God preach d ! Over and over we aw the Lord v-. 1 rk in our behalf. He kept u fron1 h ,lrn1 . . . He prepared h art f r the 111in1 try of the Word... He ol, ·ed n1any problcn1 in relation to our rett1rn trip. rt1ly. He i the fa1thft1l od I A5 a re ult f thi trip, we 1 arn (i to apprc i·,te o n1t1ch 111ore ot1r n11 ' ionarie \\ ith all of their pr bl n1 . . their d1ffict1lti . It \\a\ a \\01tierft1l trip' It \\a on\; that \v 1 II Ion g be rcn1e111l1ercc.l' Prai e the l ) rti f r the .... l1ea1 l\ 1:1 H a111 th,tt ar\,; 1 CJ icing tod .. t) 111 the forgi\ n of s111s anc.1 th hlc\ ing\ of ,tl, ,tt1on! THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. BE A BIBLE TRACT Livings1on, Tenn. 38570 Presenting Jesus Christ to Youth by Radio and TV Now on WSPD-TV Ch .. 13 - Toledo, Ohio - Sunday 8:00 a.m. PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS Write A Card Of Thank To W PD-TV The Ct ild ren's Go pel Hour is now on 65 radio and 26 TV stat ions each week. Pray t ha t n,ore 1at lons will ta the program. The you1h of An1erica need to hear th Go pel now Writ for f ur ther informat ~on. Henry C. Geiger, Ex cutiv Dir ctor TH OHIO I D p ,D r r BAP I MISSIONARY! Help in !)Upplying rnillion~ of FREE Bible trac1~ to Asia, Africa, Indonesia Europe, Paul Levin as wel I as our Servicen1en everywhere. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOW!! (Gifts to this work are ta deductible) BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box 508 Dept . 1B126, Waterloo, la . 50704 O er 99 1111111011 tracts ~upplied to date an 54 languages JUNE JUL 1967 PAGE 5
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