The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1967
eatt e oun I - . t Th e City of Seattle, Washington The Beautiful Civic Auditorium In a \ er)r le\\ da) . the 36th nnt1- ~ 1 , RBl""' nlcrcncc \\ ill be t1nder ,, ..1~. Ther \\ ill he n1an) fr~ n1 ,lcro ~ the nat1 n \\ h ,, ill be pre ent. {any t her ,, t1 Id lik.e to attend . . . ht1 t ( for ne rea n or another) \i\i ill not he able t,J do o. F,er}one i. looking t the 1 ord t hie c;; the gat!lering. The e are indeed day of confu - ion! Under the hec1ding DELU IO OF THE DAY Dr. Jack lt1rray. Director of Bible Evangeli m in hi ~ Tov. '66 i ue ha \.\' ri tten the fol– io\.\ ing article: J ame Denney in hi comn1entary on II The alonian . Chapter 2, writec; - '·The fir t part of th i chapter ... deal with the principle of evil j n the world. its secret working, it amaz– ing po~:er. its final embodiment in the man of in. and its deci ive over– throw at the econd Advent. The characteri tic action of this evil prin– ciple is deceit. It delude men, and the,· become it. victims. True. it can ., onl) delude those who lay them– c;;e]\·e open to it approach by an a,·er ion to the truth. and by delight in unrighteousne : but ~hen we ]ook around us. and ee the multitude of :tc; victims. we might easily be temp– ted to despair of our race.·· Delusion c;eem to be the dominant d ic;posi tion of the da\. ., 1 fi ion leader Dr. Philip Clark re– centl)1 reported that Dr. Jitsuo 1ori– ka\\'a. head of the Department of E\ 1 angelism of the _Tational Council - of Churche in the t:.S.A.. in a speech on H\\'h)' 1i sions?·· 5aid to a con- JUNE-JULY, 1967 PAGE 8 1 he then1e. . . ··po DATTO I or R I , HTFO r.. .. ... is taken t ro n1 P a I n1 l J : 3 . . . ·' I f t he f o t1 n d a- tion be de troved what can the • righ teot1 do?, Ju t a ht1rried glance at the progran1 a. ures u that it will he a tremendous cca ion. Let tis all look to HIM to 0 By Dr. Jack Murray ference of the Presbyterian ht1rch in U.S.: ' 'God has already won a mighty redemption, not only for u bt1t for the entire world . . . the re– demption of the world is not depend– ent upon the souls we win to Je u Chri t. . . The joyous urgency of the apo tle~ could hardl y have been root– ed in the fear of damnation of a]l men who do not hear the gospel and accept J e u Christ but rather in the fact that God already reached out and made the whole human family hi own. . . Something de– ci ive has happened in the world. Evangeli m doe not make it happen. evangeli m imply annot1nce that it ha happened. . . The task of the church is to tell all men that they are already God's family. that they already belong to Chri t. And be– cause all men already belong to Chri t. the church identifie it elf with all men - Communists as well as Re– publican and Democrats ... for men are no longer lo t in a hell of aliena– tion but already are in the kingdom of fellowship and love... God does not deal with each man as an isolated in– dividual . . . there cannot be in– di\t idual salvation... Salvation has more to do with the whole society give wi~dom. understanding and grace to Dr. Balyo, the on f erence Chair n1an. to the Cot1ncil of Fot1rteef and to each voting mec; enger ac; the. con ider the matters of bt1sines brought hefore the Fellowc;!lip. T i a preciot1s fellowc;hip. indeed! than with the individual soul - ( man can be aved in i olation fo alvation implie community. We mu not be ati fied to win people onf by one . . . Authentic evangelisn deal ,vith the family of people.. . I i nation that shall go up to the Mount of the Lord. .. I t is for these rea ons that contemporary evangeli n i moving away from winning ot1l· one by one to the evangelization o the structure of society.' But whe r Dr. Murray attended the Bible In sti tt1 te of Lo Angele in the earl) '30' , Jit uo Morikawa was the pre i dent of the student council. D r. Mori kawa didn't look upon evange1i n then as he does now. Thi j de]u ion of the deepest dye. May the Lore keep each of u spiritually alert ir thi age of deception. Ecumenica evangeli m is no ub titute for Bihl< evangeli m. " o sooner i there a good thing in the world, than a divi~– ion i necessary. Light and dark– ne have no communion· God has divided them, let u not con– found them. on of light mu<;t not have fello~ship with deeds. doctrines. or deceits of darkne 3." - C. H . purgeon THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTISl
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