The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1967

Th Flying Evangeli t R \ Ct1rt J. \\ tzcl. k.nO\ \ n as "The Flying vangeli t." ha over thi r ty- fi,e ,,cc.1r, ( fl\ 1ng e:p rience to his credit, the la t twel,e of which he h a<; tJ cd 1n the n1ini tr). In 19-t-). he \\as the chief in ' trt1ctor of the M i io nar 1 , 1.. 1tl\.)O Dcpartn1 nt at B b Jone Univer 1ty in Greenville, outh arolina. tiring \ \ 'orld V-t' II he in tructed flying for three and a half year for the rn1,, at Fort \\'orth. exa . and flight te ted the natio n's fir t guided n1 i iL... for the _ a, 1 at Fort Di\.. Before the war, a nd again afterwards, he wa a tc t pilot for Piper ircraft orporation in hi hometown of Lock H aven. P~nn ~\ I, an1c.1 . • 1ncc 19-t-9. Re,,. etzel ha preached in almo t every ' tale . traveling a nd hr ~dca ting b)· plane. During the past ix year , however. bei ng without an ~tirplane. he continued in evangelism. tra\eling by car. H e erved a inte rim pc.1 t r at Fir t Bapti t Church of Lock H aven. Pa. (hi home church ) a nd for the pa t three )'ear he ha been with the chL1rch a. Director of Vi itat io n and Evangeli m. During thi period. he h a taken a limi ted number of evangel– i tic meeting . \\ ith the purcha e of a new a irpl ane . h intend to enter more exten ivel}' the field of e\! angeli m. Be ide providing tran portatio n. the p la ne i u ed to p:on1ote attendance at meeting by offering free ride , to all who qualify b y memorizing \pecified ver e and bringing a vi itor. ..\ the Lord open the doors, Rev. Wetzel \.velcon1e~ the <)pportunit y ot \\ or1'.1ng \\ ith pa... tor in the ·trengtheni ng of the local chL1rche and reach ing th~ lo t for Chri t. Pastor O rda ined n Ordination Council Vt a · called b}' the Portage Lakes Bapti t Church. kron. Ohio. to con ider the ad- : abilit)' of ordaining their pastor. Ra., mond Doan into the Gospel f\1ini tr)' . The meeting held at the Ftr Bapti t Church of Green Town- h1 p. Ohio. Re\' . Albert Johnson. pa tor. The council heard and que tioned the le timony of conver51on. call to the mini\, r\ , and doctrinal talement .. of the candidate. and recommended t bi church. b) 1 unanimou vote. th t they proceed with hi ordination. Re,. Earl Umbaugh State Mis- ionar) of the Ohio A~ ociation of Regul ar Bapti t hurche . ,vas elected moderator of the cot1ncil. and Oa, id 1orri a clerk. AUGUST 1967 PAGE 4 Revival Fires At Blanchester Evangeli t D . 1 Fruit· of K an ·as City held a mo t succes ful meeting in the F irst Baptist hurch of Bla n– che ter. Pa tor Ru sell tate tha t the e meeti ng ( originall y cheduled for one week, but because of the ble ing of the I-ord. extended to two) were trul y wonderful! There were thirty conver<;ion , a great number \vho ded icated their live to the Lord and many who confes ed in . There v\erc ome who sough t the forgive– ne of other becau~e of il l will r gruJge . I t v\ as a 1no t preciou tin1e of revival. Pa tor Ru ell high], recomme nd llttr Brother Fruit to ,tny who de– sire to see re, i" al 1n their churche~. North Be the l Ass'n. Youth Banque t 1 " chL1rch ~s llf tl1c 11eth 1\ ss(lCiat il 11 11< tl(Jl'C(I S( n 1c Rl> S< f>l1t n1orc, Jun ior Hntl Scn i< r l l igh y 1u1 llC<~ r>lc rcccr1ll 1 \ \ 1 itt1 a , ra( lu a ti ll anc1t1ct. ~J J1is \Vas l, c lcl it1 the YM llt til <. ling in l'4 i1cll ay. Mr. Mike Jl <Jok 'r' ll u t 11 I i rcc t or for l J1 c N l) r t h 13 t h ">"llcia tion was rcsJ or1si t1lc fo r 11la1 n i n g t hc -c 11 t i rc c vcn i n g. "(~he l1a11c1 uct. which w,ts a scn1 lo1111a l aff,ti r, bcg,1n a t 7:3() p.11 1>a"i l C) t John Wood w,ts nl{ ) ralo Pa~lor ll rtt cc Stewar t w,ts the ·peak and MI s. Pcgg 1 Btt\ h o f I cred s pcci n1L1 \ 1c. ·oll o\.v1ng the banqt1ct t } u ng peopl e changed the ir c l o th< ,lnc.l a good l1n1e wa~ h,1d pl ayin ba ke lb,111 , vo lleyball and 1naki n ttse of the tran1poline. All of this w, followed by ct good <:,w im in th YMC poo l. The ni ght came to a end at aboL1l 12:30 with a few tunt ome ing1ng and a ~hort devot io nal. New Church Recognized A Recognitio n Council, on Apr 17 th , wa called to examine the ( .' 01 tituti on and By-Laws of the Fir Bapti t Church of Loui vill e. Broth( Ea rl Umbaugh wa elected as Mode a tor and Rev. Dean He nry a Seer, tary. ix churche ent repre ent. ti ves and ix other vi iting mini te we re invited to it on the Examin ir Co11ncil. Bro ther H arr y Ram ey pa tor < the Loui vill e church, read the Churc Con titution. Afte r due consideratic a nd d i cu io n, it wa moved b Rev. Edwa rd H elmick and eco nd by Mr. Gabriel File tha t the Fir Bapt i t Church of Loui ville, Oh he recognized a~ a dul y con litute and prope rl y organized Regul a r BaJ ti t Church . ministering worldwide tl1rough missionaries and pastors • Orphans • Medical cltn1cs • Hospi ta ls • Disaster relief • Leprosy cl1n1cs • Wi dows' homes • Rehabi lt tat1on o wayward girls in Korea A ministry of compassion. ----4·~--- "\Vrite INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN REL!EF 801 HADDON AVENUE COLLINGSWOOD , NEW JERSEY 08108 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS