The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1967
Pastor Horn With His Lord! Rev. Bernard E. Horn Re\. Bernard E. Horn 50, for ' e" e;1 year pastor of the Grace Baip– ti t Church of Lima, wa ushered into the pre ence of t he Lord Th11r - day evening. October 5, 1967. Brother Horn wa a graduate of Ioody Bible In titute, and erved two churche in Indiana before com– ing to Ohio. The funeral ervice, Monday. Oc– tober 9 wa attended by more than 30 mini ters. Pa tor Horn was loved by many in our OARBC fe llowsh ip. Pa tor Crown, R ettger a nd Evange1- i t Morrell. Jr. officiated at t he serv– ice. orth Bethel pa tors served as an Honor Guard. , Let us be much in prayer for Mrs. Horn, their three ,daugh.ters and son. New Openness and Interest • in The Gospel on the part of many Jews, has made imperative our expansion, in fa ith, by adding to our missionary staff. For over 29 years we have been tell– ing Israel the message of her Mes· siah over 50 r adio stations with coast-to-coast and foreign coverage. Many are reached for Christ by mail, correspondence courses and per– sonal work. This ministry is depend· ent under God upon the prayers and fin a ncia I support of His people. Send for free copy of our informa· tive magazine, MESSAGE TO ISRAEL The late Coulson Shepherd Founder NOVEMBER, 1967 Kenneth Meyer~ Radio Pastor PAGE 10 Russian Hatred For The Jews Totari~t~ rctt1rni11g from " oviet ,eL1rgia have rcportccl incidentc; of a11ti-Jc\vi~l1 atroci tie, terr r. and vi li – ficati 11. according to Rabbi l rael Miller. pre idcnl of the American Jewi h onference on Soviet Jewry. lain1ing that di n1ay and indigna– tion i n1ounting among Jew in the United tate . Rabbi Mill er reported the n1t1rder of ,the rabbi of a J ewish congregation in oviet Georgia while on hi way h on1e from prayer . Forced into a car, ,the Rus ian rabbi wa taken away, beaten, muti– lated, and found h anging from a tree in a cemet,ery the next day, according to Rabbi Miller. M c n1 l1c r" of the J cw i c.;}1 con1 n111 ni in J"'a~hkent, the c,lpita l of lJ,he were rcportccl to h,tve hecn severe hcatcn . Rabbi Miller al5o charged th , heavy pressure h ad heen brought ttJ on J ewi h con1munities and congr, gationc; throughoL1t the Soviet Unia to hold pt1blic meetingc; to condem Israe l. This record, said Rabbi Mille "flies in the face of Premier Ko ygin's d,en ial that anti-Se·mitism e l ists in the Soviet Union" at hi5 pre' conference during his United Natior vi it to participate in the General A sembly debat,e o n the Middle East. -New York (RN~S ~THE FINGER POINTS -AT u.a.! \ cc - I I mill pull down my hams, buildgreater <.LUK£ 12: 18~ R.V.) • Used by permission of Tele-Bible Production The Ohio Independent Baptist is published on the first of each month in Xenia, Ohio by The Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches. It is a n1agazine devoted to Christian fellowship and faith/ul- 11ess to the trttth. Subscription rate: $2.00 per year. Single copies, 20 cents. Advertis- ing rt1tes: $4.00 per colitmn inch, $40.00 per half page and $15.00 per /ttll page. Plus the cost of art work and f'ngravings. It now has ap- proximatel)' 3000 sithscribers and is growing . THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTI
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