The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1967

\ ' ~ ~, l~"\ \ ,/ ....1/ ......._ ~ ' l I 4 .. ~ f ,, .. - We've been pleased l 1 vitl1 the letters 't received telling us tl1at oi,r "Pastors in Profile" page is greatly appreci– ' ated. If you are a pastor and have not as yet ret11rned the questionnnaire lve sent several 1nonths ago ... please do so now! We would like, in the course of time, to present ever)' pastor in our felowship to our reacl– ers. Let i,s hear fro,11 )'OU. If you have 111isplaced the qt1estionnaire we sent , a d11plicate 111ay be obtained by lvriting yoL1r editor - A Donald Mof/at, Box No. I 60. X e11ia, Ol1i<> ~ - 45385. I . GEORGE R. G IBSON, Th. B.. ) .D. - To be born of Chri ,tian >arents i a blessed privilege! This ,appened to Brother Gibson! As far ,ack a~ he can recall, there are the >recious memories of a hristi an 1ome! His Doctor'\ Degree wa bestowed 1pon htm by the Trinity Baptist •er11inary of Atlanta, Georgia. He ained his training for the Lord's vork at Philadelphia C'o llege of libJe and Ea. tern University. Brother ib on pa~tore<l the North Sapti. t hurch of Wiln1ington, DeJa- 1are and the ir t Baptist ""h111 ch of rion, ,eorgta. He organized and astored the 1 race Bapti'it ht1rch f Troy, Ohio. ollow1ng hi work iere, he accepted a cal I 1 o tl1e 'a 1- HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST va ry Baptist Cht1rch ()f C' levelancl. Ohio vvheiic he se r ved for 19 yea r, . Presentl y he is pa to ring the Grace Bapti t C~hurch in Willoughby, Ohio. He has erved on ithe Board of Tru tee of the Baptis,t BibJ,e In ti1tu1t·e and the Board of Tru .. tee and Cou n– c i I o f the Cleve land Hebrew Mi ion. He wa on the facL1lt y of the Bapt i t Bibl·e In titute for over 15 yea rs. At one time, for a peri od of eight yea r , he erved on th e 0.A.R.B. . Council of Ten. In their pre ·ent work, ,the Gib ons rej oice in wh,at the Lord i doing. Sot1L ha¥e con1e to Ohri s,t , n1a ny have been bapti zed and voted .. in,to the n1e n1ber hip of the cht1rch. LIFFORD LONES, B.A. For a Jong time, it:he Maranatha Bapti st Church of Springfield had a mo t di fficult time. It seemed like the work just could n t get going. This i not so today! God is bles ing in many way . The people have gained a pa tor who i who,ll y given ove r to Him. Under ,the leader hip of Rev. Clifford Lones, rt hing are movi ng ahead to the glory of God. Thi d·ear brother came to Chri t through the faithful witnes ing of a fellow High School tudent. en ing that the Lord wa calling him Hi s work, he tudied and grad11ated from the Pas tor's our e at the Moody Bible ln titute. Later he furthered hi s training at Cedarvill e oll ege where he earned hi B.A. degree. He ha pa. tored the We t C' annon Bapti t ht1rch, Michigan - the R ip– ley B,1ptist Te111plc. Ripley, W t Virginia and is pre~entl y . erv1ng at M,1ran,1th ,t in pringfield wher he has n1iniste1 ed fc)r the pa~t fot11 y ars. rl~he t.. ()11C. fan1i ly co11sists or Pa\ tc)r l ... 011es. J1is wife, J ,tn t antt si wo nclcrfttl chi lcJrcn. 'J'he~c arc Dc– horah, Stephen, Mark, Tin1ot h y ancl Dc1nicl. On ly very recent ly ,the latcc; t arr ival, Rachel, joined the group! Over I 00 people have been c;aved at Maranat ha Ltnder Brother Lone. ' mini try. 70% of thee have re– n1ained. Their church edifice has been remodeled. Thing are moving right along! Hit ic; the Lord's doing ancl is marvellou. in ottr eyes!" RAY KAFFENBARGER Th.G., B.B., B.A. , D.D. - "The mo t im– portant thing t hat happened in n1y Ii fe toward my accepting Je u Chni ~ a my Sav iour wa my wife' fa·ithful– ne s to her Lord." o writes this dear brother concerning hi coming to know Jesus a aviour and Lord. How pricele - a godly wife! Brother Kaffenbarger at t,he time of hi conver ion, was not a Bap– ti t . H e wa erving in a modernistic church a a Sunday chool Superin– tendent . . . but lo t ! Then - one day - he n1et the Saviour and has eve r s i11ce been faithfu ll y ~erving Hin1. In preparing for the Lord' work. he tt1died at Tenne ee Temple chools and the An1erican B1ible College. Hi honorary degree w1as be towed upon hin1 by the Florida Bible olloge in Mian1i, Florida. The Kaffen,barger, are former home n1i ionarie . Hi pre ent pa torat i the 1rac Bapti ·t Church of Urbana, Ohio. H wa u ed of the Lord t begin this work. It i now in its ninth year anti the Lor(I i ble ing. Althot1gh not a large cht1rch. yet two of her y ting n1en have l1een t)rdained ,tnti ~leven other are now stttti} 1ng f t)J f t1JI - l1n1c 'hri'itia11 ervi c ' l l1ey hav a ~or1 Rtcharcf. 23, a dat1gh,ter, yl\' ia, J 9 ( n \.\' \\'C)rking Ior the 1..ior I in P,1nan1a anal Zo11t: ) ,ind anot he, \ t)n, Danit I I0. NOVEMBER, 1967 PAGE 11