The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1967

• f eart to eart mong t e omen -Mrs. Inez Milner - Women's Editor- Cedarville College Women's Fellowship re vot1 intere ted in Chri tian • tit1cation for the youth in your h 111e and in your church? If you are '" hy don"t yott join our edarville C 11 ge Won1en' Fellow hip and help tt .. n1ake our College a more efficient place for Chri tian train– ing? We will have three more meetings durin.g thi aca·demic year. The dates are : aturday, January 13 - Satur– day. April 13 - Friday, June 7. May I uggest that you put the date on your calendar and plan to be with u ? These meetings are held fron1 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the College campus. It is our purpose to make these meetings informative, in pirational and enjoyiable. One of our projects for this year i the purchasing of making of mat– tre covers for our dormitories. If you desire further information about this project and oth&s, ,please write to our Project Chairman, Mrs. Rich– ard Mcintosh, c / o Cedarville Col– lege Cedarville, Ohio - 45314. We urgently invite interested alum– nae women, pastors' wives, student mothers and lay-women to meet wi1th u for our next meeting on Saturday, 1 anuary 13th. We shall be happy to send you the brochure describin1g our organ– ization and the Membership Card if you will write to me in care of Cedarville College. . . . submitted by Mrs. James T. Jeremiah, Pres. Report on Annua l Meeting The Women's Missionary Fellow– ship of the OARBC met in the Me– morial Baptist Church, Columbus, Oct. 17th during the 40 Annual Con– ference. Approximately 220 ladies were present. Mrs. Umbaugh pre– sided and Mrs. Skiles led the singing. Musical numbers were given by the Victor's Trio of Cedarville College accompanied by Miss Esther Green– wood. NOVEMBER, 1967 PAGE 12 A challenging n1es age wias brought by Mi Mona Kemery, v·eteran mis– sionary to the Philippines. Newly elected officers are: Presi– dent - Mrs. Fred How,ard of Ar– canum Vice-Presidenit - Mrs. James Jeremiah of Cedarville, Secretaxy - Mrs. Verne Dunha·m of Lo11ain and Treasurer - Mrs. Norman Bosworth of Columbus. A rising vote of appreoiation was given Mrs. Umbaugh for her fai,thful • service. South Bethel Fall Rally The South Bethel Women's Mis– sionary Fellowship recently met for their Fall Rally at the Immanuel Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio. T,he theme for it:he day was: ' 'Lord, Here Am I, Send Me." The women were extended a warm welcome by Mrs. Donald Parvin, wife of the pastor of the Host Church. Mrs. Ro.bert Davison pre– sen,ted a special number. A devotion- n I mc~~agc was clcl ivcrccl lJy Mr Ken Anderson of rac.ljo stati WEEC' in Springfield. Mr. Jam 11 o Id cr, who i <; w i f e of the past< of the Newtonsville Bapti<ilt Churcl led the women in a Prayer Sesc;iot Reports were given by Mrs. Jame Jeremiah who spoke on the progre heing made at Cedarville College an Mrs. Wm. McKeever who presente: ,the work at Scioto Hil ls. During tt summer, 60 young people ca,ne t Christ for alvation and t,here we1 32 dedicat ions. A play entitled "Packing Ti Christmas Boxes" was presented b women from Arcanum - Mr K:eit,h Troutwine, Mrs. Fred Howar< Mrs. 0 car Beatty and Mrs. Br11( Wehrly. At the Business Session new o ficers were elected. These are Mr Warren Allen, Pres. - Mrs. Ke Andrus, V. Pres. - Mrs. Malcol1 Woodard, Sec'y. - Mrs. Hancocl Treas. The speaker for the day was Mr Ward Harris, missionlclry to Centr: African Republic under Baptis,t Mic Missions. She is a member of th F irst Baptist Church in Blancheste a graduate of Wi lmington Colleg and has taught six years in th Blanche ter schools. All in all, the Lord gave ~he w< men a wonderful d,ay! FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS • - P. 0. BOX 455 .. ELYRIA ,OHIO THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS'