The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1967

Beams from t,he Lighthouse By Mrs. W. H. Keisler, Huntington City Mission, 1030 - Seventh Ave. J'J1is report co111es fro,,z tl1e pe,i e J/ the late A1 rs. Walter Keisler. Only " few days after writing this, she was ushered into the presence of her Lore/. Her lzusband, Walter, is con- 1i11t1ing in t/1e work of the Hunting– on City Mission. He needs our 11tost a, ·arnest prayers. 1 ult is of the Lord's 111erc,ies t,hat I Ne are not consumed because his ~ ;on1passions fail not. They are new !very morning: great is thy faith– ·ulness.,, La1nen,tations 3: 22,23. We experience His mercies every : Jay. We know we fail Him ma11y r imes, but He is forever faithful. We have had many girls in our )oor of Hope, but one of the nices t iirls we have ever had was dis,missed ' ecen,tly. She was a blessing to all >f us. She is a sweet Christian and 1as a wonderful testimon;y. 1 want to share some excerpts fron1 t letter we received from her re– ently: "I am getting things settled ind used to family life again, but 'n1 homesick for everyone there! I ind myself thinking about what I'd •e doing if I were there. I've learned Jot about ,vha,t's important in life: vtoney isn't it! The small pa:t 1 had n the work there was more import– nt and rewarding to me than any- hing eJse I could hope to do. l felt 1ke I had a real purpo e :ind use– ulness. Maybe some day I'll be in ull time Christian work. Love, 'J' " . We have had a radio for 1early 28 years, and have recci\'ed etters from time to ti,me fron1 1steners. We thought the following 1ne was unusual and a blessing to s, so I am passing it on to you. "Dear Friends: We were on a fog nclosed highway on n recent Sun– lay morning, heading for a Lake ~rie ci l y to pick up our baby aughter. Her voice on Saturday \Vas earful and ins1~tent. We jLtst had ~o o and were not prepared for 1'50 niles of driving. So on the highway in den\'! fog, ur hearts were heavy. I per~onally 1as afraid the car would never n1ake 1e distt1ncc. Reaching over for the adio, I aceidcntally tune<l to an s}1la,1d, KentLJcky, station. HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Huntington, West Virginia ' 'A Christian lighthouse' ' - Romans 1: 16 Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Keisler Your n1orning progra111 'vvas ();, and as the song were sung a 1nyster– ious Presence stole in,to that battered old stat ion wagon. No one spoke. All seven of us listened. My ,eyes grew misty. Then, "His Eye Is On The Sparrow' ' came to us, I felt sudden strength and a h·oly joy. I knew th·en that He wou]d ,take care of us. And He did. Throughout that long journey, His hand overshadowed us. Thank you .for your kindne . ,.:\ Listener." We h ave a number of sacrificial contributors, and of.ten receive a nice note from them. Again I feel you would like to read a recent Ie,tter and join us in prayer for thi moither. Dear Mission Friends: I am n1ore than glad to be a part of your "St1m– mer - Shower". So ~hankful for the wonderful care of unwed n1others and that ,many of ,then1 are Jed to Christ and start a new life. I an1 a widow, 74 yeairs old. 1 gel a very small Social Securi ty check each n1on,th. I have an invalid so:i who cannot move any part of hi body except hi s head. PJease pray for him that God may see fit to heal hin,. He ,ha a wife and two small ch iJdren. Your sister in Chri t. Mr . C. M: ' Our children's Bible Club and Sunday School con,tinue ito be a ble - ing and souls are being aved from time to time. We have un aved men in our nightly Go pel ervice . We are thankful for the soul · that have been aved. We find that heart are getting harder and harder. Plea e join u ' in prayer for every departmen,t of our work. Pray that God will n1elt these hardened heart . We do thank God for every frie:-id He ha given us. Keep ren1en1bering u · to Hi 111 . THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Livingston, Tenn. 38570 Presenting Jesus Christ to Youth by Radio and TV PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS Write A Card Of Thanks To WSPD-TV The Children's Gospel Hour is now on 65 radio and 26 TV stations each week . Pray that more stations will take 1he program. The youth of Arnerica need to hear the Gospel now Write for furthe r information . Henry C. Geiger, Executive Director NOVEMBE:R, 1967 PAGE 13