The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1967

An O!d Friend Enters Heaven! Recentl y we received a c lipping fr n1 the harle ton, W. Ya. Daily Mail inforn1ing ti of the death f f 0 1 rmer enator R. A. Ble ing. Mr. Ble ing erved in the field of Jaw n10 t all of hi life and had been authorized to practice before the U. . upreme Court. He was a charter member and co– f ounder of the R ando lph t. Bapti t . Church of Ch arle ton where h e erved a a deacon. He taught a Men' Bible C la which bore his name. He al o served a ecre.tary of our Ohio A ' n. of Regular Bap– ti t C hurche from 1932 to 1945. Mr. Ble ing went to be with the Lord on September 20th. He wa 91 year of age. Summer Bible Crusade The lmmant1el Ba pti t C hurch of Columbus held a mo t ucce ful Summer Bible C ru ade. Mi Be tt y Dover pike, director of Children for Chri st and former mi ionary to Germa ny, pre ented a eries on ' Pil– f grim's Progres ' and told true mi - )io nar y stories daily. E ighteen child– ·en and youth were aved and even voung people dedicated their live for ull time service. P astor P a rv in reports that during he Spring and Summer ea on there Nere 44 who were baptized and re– ;eived into the membership of the ;hurch. ministering worldwide tl1rough missionaries and pastors • Orphans • Medical clln1cs • Hospitals • Disaster relief • Leprosy clinics • Widows' homes • Rehab1l1tat1on of wayward girls 1n Korea A ministry of compassio11. --- ........ ·~--- Writ e INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN RELIEF Gifts to the Ohio Association James Kirtland, Treas. Box 56 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44222 AUGUST - 1967 Avon Baptist, Berea Baptist Berean Baptist, Oregon Bethel Ba ptist, Warren Bethlehem Baptist , Cleveland Bible Baptist, Girard (hon .) Bible Baptist, Girard $ Bible Mission Baptist, Reynoldsburg Blessed Hope Baptist, Springfield Brookside Baptist, Cleveland Brown Street Baptist, Akron Calvary Baptist, Bellefontaine Calvary Baptist, Broadview Hgts. Calvary Baptist, Byesville Calvary Baptist, Massillon Calvary Baptist, Norwalk Calvary Baptist, Sandusky Calvary Baptist, Xenia Cedar Hill Baptist, Cleveland Hgt s . Clintonville Baptist, Columbus Emmanuel Baptist, Lorain Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo Emmanuel Baptist, Xenia Euclid Ave . Baptist, Lorain Euclid-Nottingham Baptist, Euclid Evansville Baptist, Niles First Baptist, Blanchester First Baptist, Gallipolis First Baptist, Lancaster First Baptist, McDonald First Baptist, Rittman First Baptist, Wellington First Reg . Baptist, Bellefontaine Grace Baptist, Cedarville Grace Baptist, Sunbury Grace Baptist, Youngstown Graham Rd . Baptist, Cuya hoga Falls Hebron Men's Fellowship, Brecksville Huntsburg Baptist Immanuel Baptist, Arcanum Lakeview Baptist, Dundee Lenox, Darrell, Columbus Maranatha Baptist, Springfield Memorial Baptist, Columbus Mogadore Baptist, Mogadore New Richland Baptist, Belle Ctr . North Royalton Baptist Northfield Baptist Sharon Baptist, Sharon , Pa. South Canaan Baptist , Athens Temple Baptist, Portsmouth Trinity Baptist, Lorain Union Baptist, Union Whee lersburg Bapt ist First Ba ptist, Valley City First Baptist , Amity (hon .) Baptist Chapel, Canton (hon.) Whipple Ave. Baptist, Canton (hon.) North side Baptist , Lima (hon .) Immanuel Baptist, Arcanum (hon ) Clintonville Baptist, Columbus (hon ) Trin ity Baptist, Lorain Advertising 5.00 35.00 5 00 5 .00 5.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 50.00 5.00 10.00 50.00 15.00 5 .00 10.00 S.00 10.00 10.00 120.00 10.00 20.00 25.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 S.00 60.00 35.00 10.00 25.00 30.00 10.00 13.00 104.00 5 .00 5.00 50.00 30.00 50.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 35.00 5 .00 10.00 2.00 10.00 S .00 2 .00 100.00 15.00 5 .00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 35.00 40.00 35.00 25 00 202 84 801 HADDON AVENUE COLLINGSWOOD, NEW JERSEY 08108 Subscriptions TOTAL 241 .55 $1,855.39 MOHICAN TRAIL CAMP 278 Acres of Lakes, Woods and Recreation Area s Churches and Youth Groups - Hold Your Own Retreat! Winter1Led Buildings - Winter Sports A ,1111/J lt ,,/, ,, /1r is1i,111 l : 1111Jl1t1sis Write for FREE Folder Box 725, Mansfield, Ohio - 44901 HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Pastor Ordained • Rev. Sam Canine Rece ntl y the Grace Bapti l ht1rch of Lin1a call ed an ordination council for the purpo c of examining their pa tor, Mr. an1 anine. Members of the counc il included pa tor fron1 Ohio and !vlichigan a well as mem– ber of the f acu it y of Cedarville o llege. After three hour of examin– at ion the ordai ning council declared it elf we ll plea ed with Brother a– nine' pre e nt ation of hi conver ion , call to the mini try and doctrinal be– Iief . The cou nci l recommended to the church that they proceed \1\'ith the ordinat ion. The ch arge to the candidate wa\ given by hi father, Rev. David Canine of H azel Park Michiga11 . Rev. am Canine i a graduate of edarvi ll e College with an A.B. in Bi 1 ble a nd of D aJ las Theological em– inary where he obtained hi M. Th. CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION INC. Founded 1904 Witnessing to Jews in Cleveland, Oh io; Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The la rgest staff in the history of the Mission augmented by a radio ministry at home and abroad, and a mai ling ministry in the United States and abroad. Presenting Christ to our Lord's brethren by visitation, Bible classes, correspond– ence courses and literature . Staff members are h a ppy churches in the spirit of Acts present th e work of the Mission inspira ti on a l reports and by slides. to visit 15:4 to through colored " Bre thren, my (our) heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might b e saved." Write for your free copy of " The Trumpeter for Israel" out quarterly n1ag· azine devoted to the work of Jewish evangelism. Gerald V ,melser, Supt. Cleveland Hebrew Mission P. 0 . Box 18056 Cleveland, Ohio 44118 NOVEMBER, 1967 PAGE 15