The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1967

A WORD from the EDITOR ... · r11, 4()tJ1 \ntltlal "'ot1fCl CllCC Ot inging. rt vva\ like a f<)rcta\lC t)f I-Jc,1vcn! 1he 111t1~icic1n\ who ,l\ i\tC(l h t n 1. Ii kc w i c. (I t d a grcal JJ I c cc of \\ ork. , tar 1,il \,,() "'1at1t)n <)f Rcgt11ar Ba p– t 1, t l ht t rc 11 c, t, n ),, a 111 at t c r <) f h Is - t l, r, ... l)tll ,, h1.1l ~1 h1 tor}! , er 111c,,"1g~' ,,,1, preached ,,ith power . ~tan, ,, ere heard to . a\, that lht wa, l)OC <)I the he,t onfcrcnce\ c,,cr' Dr. Kctchan1· clo~ing n1e sage ··1·he Joy of the Lord" - caused every It tener to de ire only to Jive to the glory of God. Folk were o cha llenged by Rev. Joseph Fri tz' n1e age, that they reque ted it to be run in the Ohio Independent Bapti t. We are planning on doing th j . In next month' , i ue we wi ll be giving a more detailed report concerning the conference, as well as, presenting a copy of the resolutions passed. I t wa indeed . . . a wonderful blessed time! l "' here ,, a , g1od attendance at every .... 111cet1ng - 111 rning, n on and night. ... l he folk at len1orial Bapti t ht1rch, olt1n1ht1 , al ng \Vith their pa tor, Re,. ern n Billingt n, went "'all out" in n1aking everyone feel very n1uch at home. The n1u ic presented by the ing– tng group thrilled our oul . Our Brother Bob Anthony did a uperb Job in leading the congregational - - - - salm aucl oem by Rev. Ralph T. Nordlund i f c,ne lvoi,ld read Psctl1ri 65 prior to reading this poe111 , they will realize tl1at no fi,rtlzer co1n11zent on the part of the ai,thor is needed. Any w/10 n1ight wish to obtain 11'1e 111elod): for this song, 111ay do so by writirig directly to Rev. Ralp/1 T . Nordlund, 586 Maple Street, Fostoria, Ohio - 44830. Prai e wait for H im who hear and an ,,ver prayer, \Vho saves from sin, and Iight·en every care. Men seek His courts, and come from east and we t To ing His praise, and in H i bles ing re t. Choru : O prai 'e the Lord for a.JI that He ha done, For an wer,ed prayer and for each victory won ; For ble ing pa t and ble ings yet to be Through coming day and for eternity! He raise mountain , ti ll the ocean's voice, And makes the morning and the eve reJoice. When tumul ts rise He give u inward peace, And faith that soon the war of earth hall cease. For showers on the springing fie ld of grain, For pasture hills made green wit h heav'n-sent rain For fruitfu l bountie crowning al l the year Men hout for joy, and sing th·eir ongs of cheer. - - - KING for the BEST? i n Sunday school l i t e rature? Look no furth e r--we have it! Doctri na lly sound a nd fr ee from compromise. Wri t e for free sample packet. Orde r today f rom REGULAR BAPTIST PRESS 1800 Oakton B lvd . , Des Pl ai nes, Ill . 60018 • -------------------------------------------------~---~------------------4~ The Ohio Independent Baptist - Publ ished Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, 0 1 POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 Mr. Stuart L. Ch affe Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Editorial Off ice: Box No. 160 Xenia, Oh io 45385 Ra tes of subscription: $2.00 per year; $5. for three years; $8 .00 for five yea EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 J subscription; single issue 20 cents; b1 issues over one year ofd, 50 cents each. Your Editorial Office shoufd have all ne• and advertising copy in hand no later th 30 d ays prior to printing. Advertising rat wilf be sent on request. STAFF Editor A. Donald Moff Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circ11 lation Manager .. .. _ . ~1r. Stuart L . Chaf Box ro. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Women's Editor . l\1rs. Geo. 1iln, 2195 Rockiva) 1 Rd. University Hts., Ohio 44118 fate 1\Ii sionarJ' Earl D. U111baug 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 4422 Treasztrer . . . . ~ Box Jo. 56 Cuyahoga Falls, 0. 4422 1 Council of Ten Chair1nu11 4295 Ell worth Rd., B. ( ' . Je11ni11g tovv, Ohio 4422,· 1' ice Cl1airrna1i c;a Ilia & \.\1 aller Oti R. Holme ts., Portsmouth, Ohic 4566~ ccretarJ 1 Darrell R. Bi.:t P . 0 . Box 6, 1 iles, Ohio 44446 Progra-n1 Chair1nnn .. Donald J. Sewell 4207 Laskey Rd., Toledo, Ohio 43623 1\lissionarJ 1 Ch,,11. , v\loodro\,v \i\T. McCaleb 276-284 Wa hington St., Elyria, 0. 44035 Ed11catio11 Cl, 111 . Harold R. Green· R. 5, Green,rille, Ohio 45331 Y oitth Director 78 1 . Bo)'den Rd., L·ynn E. Roger Jorthfield, Ohio 44067 \ 1 erno11 K. Billington, 2435 Eaken Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43204 Verne L. Dunham, 1326 Euclid A,,e Lorain, Ohio 44052 \Villiam F. Russell, 306 v\T. Center t . Blanche ter 1 Ohio 4 5107